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Posts posted by AccendantEvincar

  1. 22 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Teclis/Sentinel castle with Cutting Air for even longer range dakka and even less escape from the dakka. Let's gooo ! 

    Think these spells are Locus only so only.non named wizards of 9 wounds or less have access .

    Pretty sure as well these ones are fake if its not already been mentioned 👍

    • Like 1
  2. 15 hours ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    So during the pandemic, I did a little bit of research as I was curious about the lack of availability of Stegadons and weather it was worldwide or just us in NZ. So I checked the website for what I consider the major regions (UK, US, Canada, EU) to see where Stegadons were available - I was not surprised to find out they were available everywhere but NZ 😡

    While doing this, I noticed some odd pricing, so I started comparing the UK and NZ price of products. I found that 2 kits the same price in the UK were not always the same  price in NZ. The biggest discrepancy seemed to be the clampack heroes, which are more expensive in NZ than similar priced kits in UK (eg, at the time I did this, Space Marine Scouts and Primaris Captain were the same price in UK, but scouts were $64nz and captain was $74nz). Start Collecting boxes, monsters and big boxes (like Necromunda Ash Wastes) usually also had a higher nz price despite being the same price as other items on the uk website (eg Start Collecting Seraphon and the Carnosaur are the same price in uk, but in nz they were $165nz and $113nz respectively)

    The outer circle on youtube has a.few videos breaking down differences in price, hes from Australia. Quite interesting.

  3. 19 hours ago, Warbossironteef said:

    The Dead Swamp rises! First fully painted units of my SBGL army. I'm a new dad so painting time has been hard to come by. They are not my highest standard but I did speed paint 70 of them in about 8 hours total. So not bad!



    There nice them mate :) really like the grimy look :) when i eventually get round to mine going to try streak + grime for the first time :)

    • Like 1
  4. 23 hours ago, stratigo said:

    Okay, I keep seeing this as a defense.


    Do people not know how youtube works?

    Alfabusa has to take a proactive step because if GW DO CnD him, the entire channel gets torched and everything is gone. The whole channel. Taking a proactive stance is the only chance he has to the rest of the channel unless you people think he can afford a years long legal battle with a billion dollar corporation.

    GW knows what a chilling effect is.


    These comparisons always fall apart because a company is not one man making art in their garage.


    Kantian ethics is a bad system to base your ethics around and is just used to justify making things worse for the have nots and protecting the haves.


    Hmmm, Sarouan trying to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the tools to petition for change using a website created by a non profit created by a sleazy corporate frontman?


    The irony.


    Do some digging and you'll find that your website is created by dudes funded by the tabacco industry to petition for deregulation in America's food industry. The whole group exists to advocate for deregulation of business. EG, it's right wing corporatists BS, so not a huge shock it would be your source.


    I welcome anyone to look up Richard Berman, the man behind CORE (which is behind the so called activism facts.com)


    So, two things.


    First, Alfabusa isn't in the UK


    Second, the patreon system can be used as a vendor, but often isn't. He's making money, but not selling. Not sure if this would be a meaningful distinction


    GW is evil in the same way most corporations are incentivized to do evil. Evil as defined in a utilitarian sense of doing more harm then good.


    What GW does to its employees is evil. But it's a common evil we as a society look away from because we are so used to it. But that doesn't make it not evil





    Basing your ethics around Utilitarian ideology is better how? Putting the rights or happiness of the group above the individual is a dangerous way of thinking mate.

    Calling ALL corparations evil is just laughable frankly. Some do some moraly objective buisness we all know that. Id like to stress this next point however....there not all like that. Are GW a shining beacon of a selfless entity that just has our best interests at heart? No. Are they as some like to say, your friend. Certainly not, they are a public company, as you well know their goal is to sell a product that people want. We want it they make it and sell it, its that simple. 

    Human history is littered with actual EVIL acts, just look back at the last 100 years and its awful the capacity as a species we have to commit atrocities on each other, the Holocaust, the culling of the Kulaks in the Soviet Union, Mao just in general. The list goes on and on. To call a company like GW evil is why i stated...laughable.

    I get the feeling that, not just from this post but others as well, that ideology clouds your thinking, i used to be just the same, a more objective view will make you feel much better i imagine. Im only saying this because what you posted is honestly something i would of said myself a few years ago. 

    My apologies for the ramble but the misuse of words pains me lol.

    In regards to GW and their ip i honestly havnt thought enough about it to formulate an opinion yet. Ive been playing with GWs toy soldiers since 1995. I havnt bought direct from GW for a long time apart from if i really needed some paint. Simple reason is its cheaper elsewhere. At the end of the day they want to protect their product as best they can BUT they wouldnt be a company without the customers. Like i say havnt really thoigjt enough about it to decide.

    Have a good day everyone :)


  5. 1 hour ago, Golub87 said:

    I understand, if I complain about legitimate issues today, that makes you look silly for all the abuse from GW you have accepted and came to expect over the years, right?

    I dont think that is his point at all, you have every right as a consumer to complain. However it isnt always helpfull to yourself, i think hes trying to indicate this by saying to take a moment to step back etc.

    As a long time player of games workshops products (started with 2nd ed 40k then i think it was 4th or 5th ed fantasy, the starter box was lizardmen and brettonia) i know full well the experience of edition changes messing with your army etc. I own a fair bit of the legion of azghor for example. Ive reacted accordingly to GWs buisness practices by buying from 3rd parties etc.

    Over the last few years ive massively cut down my spending, i own a 2k (not any more) DOK army that i slowly bought over nearly two years.  I still have my old vampire count army and looking to update it a bit now the SBGL are a thing. Which im genuinly excited about, got images of a grim dark bloodborne inspire vamp army rolling around my head :)

    This hobby is an investment its that simple and its up to you as a individual whether to be happy about that investment. Does it feel like a kick in the balls when a new edition messes with your army? Hell yeah it does but what he was alluding to i think is that when youve been in this a while you kind of expect it. Its the same with most games though, a new ed messes with the meta, a new patch when i used to play league would nerf my main etc. 

    While i dont post on here often amongst my friends im.more than happy to criticise and praise GW where i see it is fit. Theres lots they do that i dont like but the thing is i LOVE the worlds that GW has created and the models around it, will admit i preferred the old world but AOS has really grown on me. My apologies for the ramble but my point is you either stick with it and enjoy the ride or you dont, either way is fine really, if the time you spend on anything isnt worth it then dont do.it :)

  6. 1 hour ago, MitGas said:

    If they don't re-release Cursed City, they gotta release Jelsen Darrock on his own to stand in for a "good hunter".

    So im not the only one that gets bloodborne vibes from cursed city :) wanted to do a bloodborne/souls inspired undead army for ages, with the release of the mother of nightmares im full on sold :)

  7. 11 hours ago, DoctorPerils said:

    While I think this the most likely (that or Malerion join GA Chaos upon release), I do wish they mixed up some of these factions rather than keep them in the same configuration as the old world. Like rather than make Battletome Dark Elves of Sigmar, have the daughters of khaine be joined by soulblight; a chaos undead faction in the vein of krell; a human destruction faction that doesn't look like barbarians...

    In a way, take the approach chaos Dwarves did, by moving a traditional "lawful good" race into the evil spectrum, and have them rule over a faction of their traditional enemies. Have fun breaking the stereotypes and create new characterful stuff

    (Unrelated, but I think they could have some fun with moving Cities of Sigmar out of GA Order, and making them alliable into any of the grand alliances - this could give rise to the cult of nagash faction idea, or the old wood elf units in a Destruction wild Hunt style deal)

    While i really like the idea of breaking away from some of the traditional moulds that the factions are in, i would be gutted if Malerion would be part of a chaos alliance as it goes completly against his character traits and would make 0 sense. It would be like them bringing back Settra and making him serve Nagash. As a fan and collector of chaos dwarves though i can fully understand how interesting turing a traditional trope on its head can be :)


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    • LOVE IT! 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Public Universal Duardin said:


    I'm not a demon-player, but Be'lakor is to me maybe the most iconic of the demon-line. Back in the mid-to-late-2000s when GW used to publish those annual catalogues (does any grognard here remember those?) and I used to read them ALL the time and day dream of models I could, at the time, not afford...and Be'lakor, this dark, menacing demon, always stood out to me. He's maybe my favourite demon character to date - the fact the catalogues eventually fell apart from extensive reading and the memory of that (then and, tbh, to me still) amazing old model make me SO hyped to see him updated!


    ...okay now I am thinking I should start playing demons just for Be'lakor...

    Yeah i remember them :) the mail to.order bitz catalogues as well, they where the days :) spent many a hour daydreaming about models/armies i couldnt afford......oh wait i still do ahaha 

    • Like 1
  9. 9 hours ago, Kronos said:

    @Udalriki Makes total sense.

    Each One leading a small faction within Ulfenkhan. Ghorslav seem to be the  one turning up the zombies still attached to their coffins, the skeletons are the back bone infantry. The Lycan Like Vampires seem to be some form of Elite swordman unit. So what does  the Necromancer bring to the table apart from possibly ravens and rats. We seem to have most of the Undead bases covered - Skeleton, Vampire, Zombie - So Imagine he will come with some new funky spirits or animal swarms (feel like we need more bats, direwolves or swarm type critters.


    As for the Vampires- Gw has almost always linked any Vampire to a Bloodline, even the Generic Vampire lord with a wing was linked to the Von carstein style of the time (if I remember correctly). These Lycanish looking Vampires don’t really settle with any Bloodline. So here’s where I’m at - Ulfenkharn is the return of one of the lost Bloodlines - Neferata gave the Elixir to -“Lord Ushoran, W'soran, Naaima, Lord Ankhat, Zurhas, Abhorash and several others,”.  “I think (hope) this may be one of many Vampire Chambers being opened.

    Or not because this is Age of Sigmar and all predictions are baseless because Characters like Sigvald come back word for word, and Morathi gets a snake bod, Teclis is cruising with a Sphinx and Sigmar won’t come out to play but Gotrek will. *counts breathing in and out*

    I would absolutely love a return of one of the forgotten bloodlines thats never been represented, fingers crossed for Maatames High Judge of Lhamia...The Mortach of Judgement has a nice ring to it :)

    • Like 2
  10. So theyve been squatted then? :( what a shame and a tragic end for a awesome army. I got into chaos dwarves with the tamurkhan book.back.in 8th ed WHF. Never finished my army but always had them in the back of my mind. Wish i had now lol, i imagine the dawi zharr will live on in our hearts and peoples homebrewed rules :)

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  11. As someone that has collected and played Games Workshop products since the early 90s ive got to say.....no...not at all. I think everything considered the release schedule is fine. As was earlier stated the only issue i can forsee is faction bloat slowing the rotation of releases. Seriously tho dude as someone who collects Stormcast you have 0 reason to complain about releases lol 

    • Like 1
  12. On 11/2/2020 at 5:26 PM, NinthMusketeer said:

    Even Nagash's victory would not end Chaos, because there is still one sentient being left...

    Its not about being sentient, its about directed worship, thats what the gods need to be strong. They are reflections of emotion and expression of those emotions do "feed" them in a sense, but directed worship is their main meal in a sense, like the difference between crumbs of dry bread and a banquet. For example somone commiting murder because they have lost their temper would feed khorne a little bit However going on a killing spree, removing the heads of your victims after youve carved symbols of khorne into the flesh, while screaming your worship amd dedication to him is like a nice fat burger. The gods can be weakened in this way by denying worship and has indeed been nagashes plan for a long time.

    Like others have said though no one knows how many "universes" the chaos gods touch to draw sustenance from so would nagashes plan work? 

  13. On 8/13/2020 at 10:09 PM, Enoby said:

    To piggyback off this a bit, I have to say I strongly dislike what they've done to maintain the "sexy" image of Slaanesh. I get it that some people just prefer models that are more... mammaryily inclined, but there were so many people complaining that the new Slaanesh models weren't "sexy" enough that it's quite disheartening. It's no secret that Raging Heroes makes a lot of Slaanesh rip offs, but all of them boil down to sexualised boredom that, imo, give people a very narrow minded view of the Dark Prince. 

    A bit of a rant, but it disappoints me when I see people say that the Raging Heroes models are the "real" Slaanesh, and GW is too sanitised. In my opinion, sexualised models are cheap and aesthetically dull, and often end up with people conflating Slaanesh as the sex god. The more interesting and challenging depiction of that god is to look at Slaanesh as a concept of excess - of anything - which the new models show better (not perfectly, as that would be impossible considering the vagueness of excess, but the baphomet theme on the KoS is on point). 

    TL;DR their Slaanesh rip offs are boring and only hurt the image of the Dark Prince

    Couldnt agree more with this, while.sexual extremes are assosiated with slaneesh, the god is about going to extremes in all forms. It would of been nice to slannesh expressed in different ways, like a morbidly obese deamon that represents gluttony gone to far, dining on the most exquisite food far beyond excess etc. 

    Think sometimes slannesh is seen in a far to narrow format 🤔 

    Out of all of the gods slaneesh has the chance for the most broad representation.

    • Thanks 1
  14. On 8/12/2020 at 4:57 PM, Sleboda said:

    Implying that now you do.


    It's not about me, personally, being insecure. I'm content. I'm happy. I just thought your casual disregard for mental health and social awkwardness was off-putting and potentially damaging to those who genuinely do suffer from these difficulties.


    We try hard to be friendly and inclusive here, and your flippant remarks fly in the face of that.

    What he said was clearly a joke, it wasnt a personal attack against anyone at all, he even put a smiley to show it was a joke and not to be misunderstood as such, seems a overreaction tbh 

  15. On 5/20/2020 at 12:35 PM, sandlemad said:

    And yeah, Archwarhammer is a truly garbage human being even apart from his lack of knowledge and no one should value his opinion on anything. I go out of my way to avoid anyone who cites or pays attention to him so I’m open to the idea I’m missing the worst of old school WHFB snobbery (or in his case purported old school but really recent and meant to drum up clicks/right wing outrage).

    Sorry for the off topic but why is he a garbage human being? Do you personally know him? Or just dont like his content. Bit harsh to call someone that.

    Anyway back on topic

    I played warhammer fantasy from around 4th edition (iirc) to 8th and also play AOS, warhammer had elements of high fantasy and low but as others have said for the majority of the time it was a gritty dark place. It was a doomed setting that the average person struggled to survive in. Just like others im looking forward to see what GW do with it 😄 i do however hope that they stick to the roots of the warhammer story. Yeah theres op wizards and monsters etc but thats not what made in interesting or different from similar work. It was a pretty messed up place.

    Take the dark elves for example, yeah there elves so quite high fantasy you could say but how sadistic and terrible they where gave them a character that many other fantasy settings lack. 


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    • Confused 2
  16. On 3/24/2020 at 10:34 AM, michu said:

    Have you seen a scimitar? Those swords are not unrealistic. They even have similarly shaped guards like real scimitars. And why the bident is so crude? Because it's made of ice, it wasn't going to be symetrical.

    EDIT: And for people that said "even Phoenix Guard wield regular weapons". But they have divine protection of Asuryan. It's not going to be seen on the model but they as magical as Ice Guard. Magic and blessings can have different forms. Like chaos gifts. WFB was never as historical and low fantasy as you think.

    The thing is the human factions where low fantasy for the majority of their armies, look at the empire, brettonia, there basic troops are low fantasy. Thats the point of them.....to be a human in a world full of dangerous magical beings, elves etc. 

    There are exception grail knights, wizards etc but these are meant to be very rare. The new "ice guard" are quite far away from that grounded feel. 

    • Like 2
  17. Got to say while excited about a return to the old world, not really digging the whole ice enchanted arrow heads and weapons, stuff like that should be reserved for characters, kinda breaks the whole " down to earth feel" of the old fantasy setting. Each to there own tho i suppose 😄

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  18. 13 hours ago, Kronos said:

    It’s not too far removed an idea. After all Dark Elf Blood was first used to create Nagash, the Undead literally stem from that Race, it wouldn’t be entirely odd for the depraved Dark Elves of Ulgu to be Vampiric in nature.

    Maybe they require Blood to sustain their Ethereal Souls, or something fantasy and spooky which makes some more sense. 

    I’ve been toying with the idea of Be’lakor being entwined with both the sundering and then bringing Dark Elves to Nagash to use their Blood to create the Undead. Although for my own fan-lore sake I’ve made Be’lakor be the cause of both of these events, but I can’t take away the Importance that Dark Elf Blood is connected with the Undead. 

    As far as i recall nagash didnt use dark elf blood to make the undead...he forced a trio of dark elf magic users to teach him how to use the winds of magic (something he really struggled with at first) he blended the rituals of the mortuary cult and dark magic to create necromancy. He did distill his immortality elixir from.blood but it wasnt blood of the elves. Techincally speaking high elves and dark elves are the same race, just one group supported malekiths claim to the phoenix throne and one didnt. They have the same blood lol

    • Like 7
  19. On 3/20/2020 at 7:22 PM, Kramer said:

    Also you will burn your models because the hobby is ruined now, right? 

    I remember seeing a video of some guy setting fire to his vampire count army in his garden when the old world went boom and aos being announced....slight overreaction there fella lol.

  20. Its a competitive enviroment, look at other competitive enviroments that have strict rules etc, its not hard to put the role of the dice into this, use a cup, take a pic like others have suggested, dont really see why its a problem, some people will always try to cheat etc like in all games, sometimes ppl push the boundries... seems a non issue tbf 

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