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Posts posted by Karriko

  1. Multipart khorgorath... 

    The model, lads from war-of-sigmar were talking back 1st edition started. 

    And 've never seen the light. 

    Dont think, after like 8 years, gw' ll release it. 


    Also still think, if they update Khull (now more WHEN not if), there will be few more heroes with him (like Valkia or Scyla or smthing new) and a unit of elite elites. Like imagine wrathmongers, but more demonic. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    It feels so weird that they ended their rivalry that way... Vandus imprisoned and Khul ascends by killing Gavriel instead. At least they could have launch that ascended Khul mini...

    Yup. This is the main problem as i always said. 

    You got Khull story going through the all books. But get Abraxia's model, nobody ever heard about (yeah, in first book, one sentence, ok). 

    Also what was the point in Scyla roaming near the Hammerhall walls, only to squat him later. Without even mentioning him. 

    Also, wheres Kragnos? Has GW forgotten he is destruction, not beasts of chaos and removed him off screen? 


    But whelp, happy about Khull gettin new model, deserved one. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    Who is being killed in DW 6? Please, use the spoilers tag if it is not just a guess.

    A) book isnt out yet

    B) its a guess

    C) theres only one named mortal Khorne character made for AoS left


  4. Excuse me moderators but *** u GW. 

    U are killing one of the only new (made for AoS) Khorne's named characters in DW 6.

    U are kicking off Scyla and Valkia. 

    So, there will be NO named mortal heroes for Khorne except Skarr Bloodwrath? 

    Good job, Games Workshop, good! 

    Keep going. 

    • Confused 1
  5. 4 hours ago, rattila said:

    About this. What if… khul WAS the lady of ruin, like the first transgender mini? =p 

    Would explain why we got so little intel over the second =p

    Think higher

    Half man... Half lady...

    Half rat... 

    Ruin incarnation. 

    First Khorne transskaven

    (nah, we already got one, Ghoritch) 

  6. 4 hours ago, mawhis117 said:

    It would be quite strange to have two different Big characters at the same time. It's pretty clear that the big character for Dawnbringers 6 will be The Lady of Ruin, which means that Ascended Khul is either just something we collectively made up, or he'll be coming later.

    Wont it be stranger to not release updated Khul after all this teasing? 

    We got him mentioned in first book, in third one, in 4th one, in short story on WC (dont remember, maybe in 2nd book too). 

    And all we have about Lady of Ruin is like...1st book and WD short story? 

    But things GW doing are not logical and we can expect Slaaneshi hero for Dawnbringers 6 along side Darkoath release. And nothing more. 

    • Thanks 2
  7. 4 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    Creating a more diverse and interesting setting. Imagine all the books are Khul vs Vandus. Booooriiiinnnng.

    So,is finishing the story before beginning the new one boring?

    I dont think you want AoS to be become new 40k lorewise with loads of Chechov's guns on walls that will never ever shoot. 

  8. Whats the point of these books, if they wont release Khull as a main villain of series? 

    He got much more screen time, than Lady of Ruin. 

    Will wait for the box with updated Khull, wrathmongers and updated Scyla for Dawnbringers 6.

  9. There is a lot of talking about Valkia in book 3. But where did You all find anything that indicates her release? In the first book "Lady of Ruin that command Varanguard in Ghyran"? 

    As far as i understand, itll be NEW character for slaves to darkness in book 4 or 5, if itll be released. Maybe itll be some kind of lord on behemoth. Not Valkia. Cause she isnt the part of Archaon's forces. 

    All You can wait as new release for Khorne in book 3 are either Scyla or Khorgos Khul ascended. Theres zero mention about anything else. 

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