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Posts posted by IArePope

  1. I've recently just go to 2k points for my sylvaneth army. Ive got the following so far:

    Allegiance: Sylvaneth
    - Glade: Winterleaf
    Alarielle the Everqueen (660)
    - Deepwood Spell: Throne of Vines
    Arch-Revenant (100)
    - Artefact: Frozen Kernel
    Branchwych (80)
    - Deepwood Spell: Verdurous Harmony
    Drycha Hamadreth (320)
    - Deepwood Spell: Regrowth
    - Companions: Colony of Flitterfuries
    Spirit of Durthu (340)
    - General
    - Trait: My Heart Is Ice
    30 x Dryads (270)
    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)
    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)
    Spiteswarm Hive (50)

    Total: 1980 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 88

    I've mostly played 1k games the last few month have been doing slightly above 50% win rate and ive been quite happy with that result. I think the double attack and 6'****** twice at 1k point games can be quite swingy.

    The transition into 2k games has not been smooth. I'm hoping to get some advice on how to address some of the problems i am currently facing while i budget for more units.

    Here are the main problems:

    • Alariele, Drycha, Durthu being killed in one turn.
    • Not having enough battle lines to be able to protect my strong heroes.
    • Being able to attack or be offensive in way that generates a point/objective/map advantage.

    I this has been because i've been spreading out to much during deployment aiming for 2-3 objectives? Instead of playing a bit more clumped and using what small troops i have to block charge lines?

    How would you play this list if that's what you could bring?

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