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Posts posted by JaceP

  1. Hi guys this is my first post here, I just read the first 15 pages or so and then everything from p35 onwards after the update. I am starting a Troggoth army so this has been a great thread to do research and get an understanding of the army. I gave up AoS about a year ago and sold my Ironjawz and Beastclaw Raiders (long live destruction) and Sylvaneth armies. I couldn't keep away though and almost started Ogor Mawtribes with the new book before I remembered how cool those new models were for the Gitz. So here I am collecting Troggoths it seems... I just bought a few models to get me going starting with the Hag from FW.

    One thing I noticed and I'm not super clued up on 2.0 or the GHB19 as I haven't looked into the rules changes since I played, if the Loonshrine is free which I think I read that it is, I am not seeing people taking it in their lists here, why is that? Or is it just implied that you have it since you don't pay points for it anyway?

    How would you say Troggoths compare to IJ / BCR armies in terms of playstyles? Both those armies for me felt quite fast and very bashy, low model count. A lot of my games hinged on the double turn to get a win, and if I went first and my opponent got the double turn after it was almost surely a defeat. That's partly why I stopped playing for a year I felt like the double turn mechanic was just too decisive on the outcome of a game.

    So far I've got,

    3 Rockguts
    6 Fellwaters (on order)

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