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Posts posted by Koujow

  1. Dumb question: A Megaboss equipped with a Rip-Toof and the Armor of Gork does 2 MW on a natural save of 6 (Technically a mortal wound and then a mortal wound)? Or do they not stack? And is that totally useless to include? I thought a MK doing a bunch of 'thorns' damage would be awesome. 

  2. I just won my first game with Nighthaunt tonight! I beat Daughters of Khaine using the Emerald Host super battalion that was in White Dwarf a few months back. I am still getting used to playing them, but I was able to hit him hard with a couple of lucky wave of terrors. 

    Just wanted to share. Lol

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  3. Can I point out something that is making me rather bitter? 

    Crematorians entire thing is when a model DIES... they have a 17% chance to deal a mortal wound. An entire subfaction, that is their great ability...

    Nurgle Slaves to Darkness army have a battlion that gives them mortal wounds when they are wounded on a six, no additional rolls. Plus extra damage when they attack. Plus a -1 cloud of flies bubble around their general.  PLUS their abilities don't incentive you to spam a single unit type. 

    I did some real basic math with a dice calculator and if a unit of 40 Crem Mortek Guard somehow all got into combat with a unit of Nurgle Chaos Warriors (whatever size), the Mortek would on kill on average 5.4 Chaos Warriors. The Nurgle battlelion would then kill 7.8 Guard... WITHOUT EVEN ATTACKING. Alternatively, if the Chaos Warriors wiped out the entire unit, they would deal, on average, 6.8 mortal wounds back. 


  4. 1 minute ago, Sauriv said:


    Another problem with that paying 340p for battalions is quite expensive. 

    To have a 1 drop list you would have something like this:

    Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (120)
    Dreadblade Harrow (90)
    Dreadblade Harrow (90)
    15 x Hexwraiths (420)
    10 x Hexwraiths (280)
    10 x Hexwraiths (280)
    10 x Hexwraiths (280)

    Total: 1560 + 340 (1900) / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 3
    Wounds: 106

    For the 100p left you could have penumbral engine, or, 1 extra cp and probably a triumph. 

    With only three heroes and no wizard and 7 units in total the list seems hard to play well with. 


    Yes this is the case. Extra attacks affect all weapon profiles (unless specified otherwise).

    artifacts and trait do not apply to mount though, but almost all buffs does. 



    I was thinking something more along this. I assume the Emerald Host will get FAQ'd to require at least one of the extra battalions, so I built the list with that in mind. Cost 1960 pts, you get 5 CP at the beginning of the game, each hero has an artifact and you have 101 wounds worth of stuff (plus some healing, depending on which artifacts you grab). I didn't pick the actual artifacts or spells. 

    Emerald Host



    Allegiance: Nighthaunt - Mortal Realm: Shyish


    Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (120)
    Dreadblade Harrow (90)
    Dreadblade Harrow (90)
    Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern (140)

    10 x Hexwraiths (280)
    10 x Hexwraiths (280)
    30 x Chainrasp Horde (240)
    30 x Chainrasp Horde (240)

    Emerald Host (80)
    Chainguard (120)
    The Dolorous Guard (120)
    The Forgotten Scions (140)

    Shyish Reaper (20)



  5. I was reading the article on Goonhammer earlier and it suggests that the bravery penalty from Praetorian can stack when multiple units are around. I know that if, for example, you had Vokmortian near an enemy, they would get -2 Bravery (-1 from Praetorian and -1 from Vokmortian's ability), but the article suggests that if another unit was also nearby, the bonus would increase to -3. Is that right? 

  6. This might be insanity, but... 

    I think Katakros benefits from Look Out, Sir! His warscroll doesn't say monster, despite its insane size and the fact that Katakros is like 12 feet tall. The dude is a 2+ save character that you pretty much have to fight in melee to bring down... Am I reading that right? 

  7. 14 minutes ago, DioRa said:

    What I'm disappointed with the most is that the mortek crawler special shot works on unmodified bravery! Wouldn't it be nice if it instead combod with all our leadership debuffs, be a valid tactic. Zero synergy!

    I can only imagine that if it was modified bravery, then an army with low bravery (most horde armies, I guess) could have entire units deleted pretty easily. 

  8. Greetings! Salutations! Howdy! 

    I have part of the hobby for about 6 months now and after hearing about TGA a few times on various podcasts, I finally decided to take a look. Seemed like a pretty fancy place, so I decided to actually join. 

    I started collecting Troggoths at first, then built 1000pts of Gloomspite. I am waiting patiently for my Feast of Bones box to arrive tomorrow so I can start my OBR army. 

    And my avatar is my dog. Her name is Finnley. She likes to snuggle while I paint. 

  9. I had a rather insane idea this morning that is probably not viable at all, but I think a Mortis Praetorian army could create a decently strong Bravery bomb army. I didn't build a list yet, but the Praetorians give a -1 to Bravery. Give a Liege Kavalos the Scroll of Command for a -2. Vokmortian, the Bone Tithe Shrieker and Morghast Archai give another -1 each. All together, you would give up to -6 Bravery to units within 6" (melee) and up to -3 to units within 12". Even the highest bravery units would run on 3+. 

    Of course, tons of armies have a lot of ways to ignore Bravery. So the army would need to focus fire any units that give Bravery bonuses/immunity and try to avoid terrain features like the moon shrine. Obviously other OBR armies would be difficult. But in cases where that isn't possible, I actually think the OBR units are strong enough on their own to put up a strong fight. Each of those units that I mention have strong abilities independent of the bravery bombing. 

    If possible, adding Katakros to eat CP and your opponent could potentially be starved for CP. 

  10. 3 hours ago, XReN said:

    Any suggestions on how to push RD points generation to 5-6 a turn? I can't find situations where I'd want to bring 2-3 supporting wizards instead of bringing Arkhan the Black

    Can I play devil's advocate and make a case for taking a couple support wizards instead of Arkhan? Arkhan does beat out all three lords in terms of spell casting ability and even taking up to three for roughly the same points won't equal the field. Also, he is better in combat. But I think Arkhan has few potential flaws: the 2-3 heroes will generate more RD consistantly (Arkhan 1 + 17% chance of 2nd + 1d3 if spell is used compared to three casters getting 3 RD + three 17% chances) In addition, the army is already elite and any extra bodies will always help. A couple extra support characters can help cap objectives. Finally, Arkhan is a target. People will see Arkhan and focus on him. Support characters can get lost in the fray.  And they can be given artifacts, so that is cool. 

    Arkhan is pretty BA though. 

  11. I had an idea that was different from what everyone else has been tossing out. I just wanted to toss out my own idea for a potential army list. 

    Blazing Saddles 2000 pts

    - Liege Kavalos w/Crematorian artifact 200

    - Bone Shaper w/Artisan's Key 130

    Battle Line
    -15x Kavalos Deathriders 480
    -15x Kavalos Deathriders 480
    -30x Mortek Guard 390

    - Gothizzar Harvester 200

    - Kavalos Lance 120

    The army has 142 wounds and generates 4 Ruthless Discipline per turn. I did a little mental game and 4 RD isn't actually that bad since one of the Deathriders wedge ability goes off for free. The Deathriders dash up the field, play some hit and run. Those that get caught can explode on enemies. The Mortek Guard + Bone Shaper + Harvester coming up in the rear to hold an objective or two seems like it would be very hard to get rid of. And I get to paint a cool, fiery paint scheme. 


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