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Posts posted by Dracothjay

  1. 7 minutes ago, Retro said:

    Your allegiance will be beasts of chaos, not warherd. So you can pick an artifact from any of the lists and put it on any hero of the appropriate keyword

    You will have to choose a warherd command trait though

    It’s as I thought. Thanks. 

  2. Here’s a question. Say my doombull is the general and my army is mainly warherd, if I take a brayshaman can I plop a brayherd artefact on him even though my doombull is the general, or as my doombull is the general do i have to select a warherd artefact?


  3. Here’s a question. Day my doombull is thebgeberal and my army is mainly warherd, if I take a brayshaman can I plop a brayherd artefact on him even though by doombull is the general, or as my doombull is the general do i have to select a warherd artefact?

  4. 1 hour ago, SirPug said:

    Are bull heavy lists viable? Im currently thinking following.


    2xbray shamans

    2x3bullgors with axe and shield

    6 bullgors with great axes

    20 bestigors



    Thats 1600 points, by dropping shaman i can turn it into 1500 list but im uncertain what should i add for 2000


    It’s exactly what I’m thinking and aiming for. A warherd heavy list with some brayherd sprinkled in with monsters. 

    I think now that BOC as a whole got some meat on the bones we’ll see all lists pretty viable. I think the most common lists will be mixed units, but I’d say no matter which sub allegiance you take it will 100% be viable. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Beltrajor said:

    Does anyone know  what are the command traits and artifacts for doombulls?

    I'm unable to find those anywhere!

    Can’t remember the names but on YouTube guriella miniature wargaming does a whole book review and gives good insight. They are pretty rad traits for the doombull, one of the best ones being ‘reduce enemy rend by 1 when attacking you’ . (general)

    or reroll failed charge rolls for general and fellow bullgors within a bubble of X”.

    also, do we think brayherd armies are going to be the better sub allegiance in the book than the rest? They seem to have better traits and artefacts?

  6. 5 hours ago, decker_cky said:

    Depends - if you want the ungors to stand on their own, spears are really good (attack in 3 ranks since 25mm is under 1").  If you want the ungors to screen other units, and allow higher quality units to attack over the short ungor bases, I'd go with hand weapons. I don't think there's a huge difference between them in the long run.

    I really hope Warhounds become battleline. Will be a nice cheap battleline, but then again so are ungors.

    actually, no I don’t. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, Dmuerto said:

    Yeah I'm  pondering that myself. I would def want to build the Ungor Raiders as well from my 3x Start Collecting kits but then it leaves me with 3x Beastigors which also function as a battleline but then it would be without the discount = 60pts more.  Ofc could also get some Gors and use them as a battleline but they benefit from 20+ models. So could 2 separate units of 10 Beastigors and 1 unit of 30 Gors do the trick? :D

    Same here. My first lists will be small 10 mannunits of bestigors and bulk up the raiders. Soften units up before my besti’s can get there. And the raiders will also divert attention (I hope) as I’ll b in my opponents face shooting him so he’ll have to deal with them.

  8. 2 hours ago, Dmuerto said:


    Ungor  Raiders are not battleline in the new book.

    What do you think will be the typical makeup of battleline then? Bestigors and ungors? Ungors solely for cheap sacrifices?

    im really thinking the brayblast trumpet command trait seems pretty decent for ambushing raiders with the general. Raiders will receive the +1 to hit and raiders being a  30+ sized unit will get the reroll 1’s and 2’s to hit. That’s a lot of accuracy to soften units up?

    • Like 1
  9. 36 minutes ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

    They won’t be. Not that WHC people are always right but to them their logic to my question on it is that bows are rare for beastmen to acquire..

    by that logic I’m not sure why they would let garbage make use of the bows to begin with lol.


    You think raiders are worth it? Regardless of battleline.

  10. 22 minutes ago, kenshin620 said:

    I'm pretty sure normal Ungors will stay battleline, it would be utterly bizarre if they weren't.

    ESPECIALLY because they are GA CHAOS Battleline. How many units lose GA Battleline?

    However it seems Raiders will lose their Battleline, unless thats a weird oversight. For Raiders in old Brayherds, I've seen units of 20 park next to the shaman.

    I’m hoping raiders are battleline. Ambushing them then being able to pepper enemy in the shooting phase seems quite nice. 20-30 man units of shooting seems quite nice to me as the rest of the army runs up the board. Also as they are dirt cheap, can also act as a screen I suppose.

  11. I have a question about ungors. Rumour is they are not battleline. Regardless if they are or not, what’s their best loadout and size? I’m really considering leaving fighting to bestigors and gors and making all my ungors (when I receive them) raiders.

    Also, would raiders be better in maxed out units for the rerolls or smaller 10 man units?

  12. Guys, I’m new to chaos, especially BOC,  it as I have £300 to spend on BOC I just need a little background on this faction.

    What’s our best battleline and why? 

    If I take raiders should I max out on the unit size for rerolling 1’s and 2’s?

    what GOR unit is best for what task?

    finally, I am set on wanting to field a lot of bullgors and a doombull. Would you all say that this is a powerful combo to field?

  13. Guys, I’m seriously thinking about selling all my nighthaunt for BOC, so pumped for this.

    do you think now that warherds are included instead of being an ally, this will make BOC even more potent especially with the other additions now included into one army? I’m a massive fan of warherd and really want to capitalise on this.

  14. 4 hours ago, Garxia said:

    I'm in the process of finishing my army, but can't find a lot of battle reports of Nighthaunt, so I'm asking  for opinions/experiences from some battlefield experienced generals here.

    We're talking about 2000 pt matched play:

    - Why nobody plays Dreadblade Harrows? Are they bad? Better options?

    - Are 20 Grimghast Reapers enough or it's worth it to get the full 30 unit?

    - Myrnmourn Banshees looks great, but are they worth it in an all comers list?

    - Are Cogs mandatory on non- Deahtriders lists? 

    - How may heroes are enough in a 2000 pts list? I find 3 too few, but 4 are tricky to get points for.

    - Are 2-3 wizards/spellcasters enough?

    I know a lot of these questions are hard to answer in a vacuum, but it will be very helpful to get some ideas about these units and spells.

    Thanks in advance.

    Dreadblade harrows I don’t know, perhaps it’s not too aggressive!? 

    20 grimghast reapers usually last me the whole game. 30 would add more flexibility in terms of soaking up wounds. If your including 2 units of reapers then go 2x20. If you are including 1 unit then go 30.

    banshees are amazing, but only in units of at least 8. 

    We are quite a fast army as it is, also with our deep striking capability, but cogs could add more speed, but not a crucial addition.

    i like to take as many heros as possible, to cover deathless saves, synergy bubbles etc. In 2K games I always bring olynder and guardian of souls. Good spell threat and Olynder is a beast in all aspects.

    hope this helps, but at the end of the day it’s all down to personal preference so come up with lists that suite your style.

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  15. How does everyone feel about deathstalkers battallion? Every time I look through my book and see this battallion I have a dire need to want to build towards it. The fact you can mark an enemy unit and then drop onto them is amazing. + olynder in the list can make for some nasty shenanigans.



  16. 21 hours ago, broche said:

    Yes. Also just to clarify, you use in Hero phase, count and roll at the start of the combat phase.

    Thank you. Also, does the WAAAGH! only last during YOUR combat phase? Or until the next battleround?

  17. Guys, a little off the current topic, but I have a question about the WAAAGH!...

    does the WAAAGH! effect our heros also? As in when counting up the IJ units before rolling the D6, does your general and heros count as IJ units? And do heros gain the +X attacks from the WAAAGH!?


  18. Yep. Chainrasp and spirit host I’m stocking on battleline. Maybe 40 chainrasp, but I think they will be perfect at 30 to a unit. But then again, they could die in droves if rolling poorly stings you. I say 30-40 is perfect for them.

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