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Posts posted by Dracothjay

  1. 1 hour ago, Mjolnertf said:

    Hello everyone, I recently started this magnificent faction, but I'm lost with so many troop options, what is playing more? I do not like Tzeentch's things, any advice will be appreciated

    Hi mate, first of all welcome to beasts of chaos. They are amazingly fun to play. Before I give advice, I’ll start by saying BOC isn’t a faction that is renown for hitting hard. It’s a finesse faction that’s all about board control and using its tricks (ambush) to great potential.

    right, in regards to your question about what’s currently best isn’t the question you should be asking. We have 3 avenues to choose, WARHERD, BRAYHERD and THUNDERSCORN.  Each avenues are great. 

    WARHERD: less durable, hit like trucks and can also ambush when taking WARHERD units in a darkwalkers greatfray. Great monsters too. This is my favourite.

    BRAYHERD: angry goats that are crazy quick on their feet, flood objectives in vast numbers. Bestigors and ungor raiders are top quality. Also, you can play horde army or multiple small units. I prefer MSU as it’s more flexible and your not keeping your eggs in one basket type of thing. 

    THUNDERSCORN: angry ogres that shoot lightning out their arses. Quite durable, fast and can hit hard. 

    I’d  recommend starting with what you feel suites you better. Or what looks better to you. Like I said, WARHERD I play 90% of the time due to their aesthetic and also brutal combat potential.  All avenues are viable in this book, something not a lot of factions have as there’s always a go to list. Pick and mix units to suite you, you’ll have a blast. 

    Unfirtubately, tzeentch are quite strong in BOC currently. Like you, I don’t like the tzeentch aesthetic so I stay away.

    I recommend WARHERD. Throw in some ungirvraiders and bestigors in a WARHERD heavy list and watch the blood run. Good luck mate! BOC are amazing.

    • Like 5
  2. Guys, let’s stop the pointless bickering. This is an open forum where, naturally, opinions will clash.  

    I for one rate bullgors quite high, whereas the next BOC enthusiast will rate them quite poor. Doesn’t effect me, I don’t care as my experiences with them have lead to great things.

    Gors. I believe they aren’t anything to get hyped over. I ALWAYS take ungors/ungor raiders instead of Gors for the efficient point cost and also for their smaller bases, which allows me to pack more into a smaller area, especially on objectives where the rule set “more models within X inches” comes into play. Also they are a brilliant screen. 

    Lets turn this thread back to enthusiastic topics for BOC players. 

    • Like 2
  3. 29 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    Yes and no, people are mathhammering  everything to death and claiming everything left right and centre is utter trash. 

    1. Unless you want to go for the #1 spot in the most elite tournaments. Ignore all that. I’m convinced we’ll see enough lists  perform very well in the next few months. We’re just not a kill them all army. I’m my mind we’re an objectives army with great speed, cheap bodies, some relative hard hitting units, options for synergies and a whole lot of options in general. A mind shift needs to happen for some players because being an objective army  doesn’t really line up with the fluff 

    2. Every time you read ‘sub optimal choice’ Or other cringe terms like that. It will be a perfectly fine unit for local play. You’ll Do better by improving your tactical choices rather than min maxing everything. Those lessons not only apply with Beast of Chaos but with every army you’ll ever Play. 

    3. The saltiness is real... and everywhere. I collect several ( armies and in every single thread about those armies... people are b*tching that their favourite force isn’t strong enough. Or, in the case of Daughters of Khaine, that the army will be nerfed and GW is doing everything wrong  because  bla bla bla. 

    Learn to read past peoples complaining or else it will hurt your excitement for your army. 

    At least that’s what I’m trying to do, but it’s getting harder and harder on this forum. 

    I applaud you mate. What I see a lot of is not so much hatred toward bullgors, but a few verbal slaps about how they aren’t that great and not worth their weight in points. Well, I totally disagree.  I use tonnes of bullgors and I can honestly say bullgors are brutal. I’ll admit, they can’t take a slap but Christ, they can dish out the hurt. They always do my heavy lifting. I think the issue people get confused with is a one fits all type unit. Bullgors you really have to pick your fights. 

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  4. I usually go darkwalkers for ambushing bullgors, then I put cleaver of the brass bull as his artefact. To make him a bit more punchy. 

    Outside if greatfrays I run my doombull with either rampant juggernaut/rugged hide and cleaver of the brass bulls.

  5. So next year a plan on getting my last butt to tourneys. I understand that this build is by no means competitive, but I’m throwing it out for feedback. I’ve included the models I love and also a bit of synergy how I like to play my beasts.  Pick me to bits guys!

    3 things:

    my 3x10 unit’s of bestigor. I prefer running them as MSU, but would anyone rather a 30 man unit? With this build they can either be my ambushers instead of bullgors, or objective grabbers.

    wild rampage - I like this spell on my second shaman, but would any other spell benefit this build more?

    ghorgon - I love him and included him as a distraction to my opponent. A big model people tend to focus on. Also he looks badass! I understand he’s an investment in points, but for 200 points what else is there to include? Maybe bulk my 3 bullgor unit to 6 and gain an extra CP if I removed the ghorgon? I’d prefer to keep him in, but interested in your thoughts.35497485-EB48-40BA-B3A8-68DCC42A6869.png.fb6254bfea7a3f459dbd3fe0021913d0.png31784ADC-EF3B-42EE-A0A5-7062BECEB7C0.png.cea8ab82a4ca4093cadfeb20e75b494d.png17DC5FA6-98B8-435E-AFE3-87CD41A04CC6.png.166e83f49a6e7edf7b5374b231bce908.png

  6. So next year a plan on getting my last butt to tourneys. I understand that this build is by no means competitive, but I’m throwing it out for feedback. I’ve included the models I love and also a bit of synergy how I like to play my beasts.  Pick me to bits guys!

    3 things:

    my 3x10 unit’s of bestigor. I prefer running them as MSU, but would anyone rather a 30 man unit? With this build they can either be my ambushers instead of bullgors, or objective grabbers.

    wild rampage - I like this spell on my second shaman, but would any other spell benefit this build more?

    ghorgon - I love him and included him as a distraction to my opponent. A big model people tend to focus on. Also he looks badass! I understand he’s an investment in points, but for 200 points what else is there to include? Maybe bulk my 3 bullgor unit to 6 and gain an extra CP if I removed the ghorgon? I’d prefer to keep him in, but interested in your thoughts.35497485-EB48-40BA-B3A8-68DCC42A6869.png.fb6254bfea7a3f459dbd3fe0021913d0.png31784ADC-EF3B-42EE-A0A5-7062BECEB7C0.png.cea8ab82a4ca4093cadfeb20e75b494d.png17DC5FA6-98B8-435E-AFE3-87CD41A04CC6.png.166e83f49a6e7edf7b5374b231bce908.png

  7. 8 minutes ago, SirPug said:

    Bestigors. If i intend to take 30 bestigors should i take them as 3 separate units or massive. I fear their bases make them bit unwieldy if i intend to use them as hammer instead of anvil. 

    I already intend to field 30 gors in single unit so i think 3 small units of bestigors would be better if for some god forsaken reason i need them to hold backline objective or charge in thw flank of units toed up by gors, i dont need to commit full 300 points to it.

    Also i feel that I'm more likely to get all 10 to melee range. 30 sure would get loads of attack on charge but how many of them realisticly are getting 1 inch range from enemy?

    Although 30 bestigors is good for the discount, running them MSU to maximise attacks from just a 10 man unit. Bestigors are very squishy and with low bravery we run the risk of horrific battleshock losses if out of range for CP’s if we run them 30 man. I run mine MSU as a high spike in damage to hit a unit hard. Up to you mate, I just prefer them in 10 man squads.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, decker_cky said:

    In beasts, it's a decent buff for the battalion and that's it. Khorne has a few auras that affect all khorne units I think, but not much there. No change in allies.

    What it allows you to do is take khorne marked beastmen in a khorne army, along with all the khorne buffs that entails.

    The marked battalions are also all really flexible,  allowing you to build armies with 1-3 drops without a unit tax.

    Oh cool. I’ve just spent 2 hours building a list and finally I’m happy with it. Thanks for the advice. Rerolling 1’s is huge as I’m running 15 bullgors!

  9. 2 hours ago, Baron Wastelands said:

    The latter. Compare with yhetees, who can do the former.

    (As such, I am struggling to think of any reason to take this over brass despoilers for my warherd, which is less restrictive, and has a better battalion bonus).

    Do we gain any other benefits besides the khorne keyword, reroll 1’s to hit and the once per battle ability? I’m thinking brass despoilers with darkwalkers greatfray. Get an alpha strike hopefully lol

    Just asking as gaining the khorne keyword could unlock more, but I assume this just opens up better ally units?

  10. Another question. The hungering warherd battallion allows our warherd units an extra 3” when we pile in. Does this mean our pile in activates at 6” or do we have to be within 3” and get to pile in another 3”?

  11. 14 hours ago, Pangu said:

    The Gavespawn command ability is fine. Lets look at the Waaagh! which is a spammable command ability that gives +1 attack for EVERY unit within 15". Waaagh! is vastly more powerful and much more accesible  than the Gavespawn ability and yet its not causing Ironjaws to dominate the meta. Given how much more restrictive the Gavespawn command ability is to get online i think we can put the pitchforks down.

    This is what I’ve been searching for, so ironjawz can spam the WAAGH!? So one megaboss can spam his own CA more than once?

  12. Question:

    Taking the darkwalkers greatfray gives your non-brayherd unit’s the brayherd keyword. Does that mean our warherd/thunderscorn unit’s can benefit from brayherd dedicated spells/abilities or is it solely for ambush and that’s it?

  13. 1 hour ago, 123lac said:

    Now that the battle tome is out in the wild, how is everyone finding their army performing on the table top?

    Good, bad, average?

    I had a 1K game on Monday and lost, only marginal (lost more units than my opponent). Opponent was khorne bloodbound and to be honest, I was rolling poor all night, low spell casts and opponent forcing me to reroll successful casts was killing my magic game. His blood warriors swinging back when they die was a pain.

    My MVP’s were 30 raiders and my doombull. Those guys did so much damage. Also, 10 bestigors can achieve so much. I am really considering always running bestigors as MSU at all times. 

  14. 51 minutes ago, Retro said:

    Do you think you would ever use 2x40 in 2000pt games? I'm considering it but the prospect of painting 80 raiders is a bit daunting haha

    Although the thought of that’s sounds so appealing, decker_cky brings up good points. I think a unit of 40 is enough. Enough to apply pressure that your enemy HAS to deal with them. 

    Also, they are expensive to a degree and as they fall outside of battleline I think 2X40 is a points sink. A unit of 40 is the sweet spot.

    Is anyone else undecided if greatfrays are the way to go or just picking your own traits and artefacts is better? I’m so undecided as both avenues offer so much. 

  15. 15 minutes ago, The_Yellow_Sign said:

    I think Raiders are better at killing wizards, and cheaper than 2 Cygors. With the trumpet they put out around 17 wounds before saves in a group of 40. Desolating Beastherd makes them even better. 

    Raiders are insane. I used just a unit of 30 in a 1K game last night. They killed 3 wrathmongers, khorne lord on jugganaut and some blood warriors. They helped so damn much, and I used the trumpet, ambushes with my trumpet shaman and 30 ungor raiders and eliminated the wrathmongers. I was blown away, and even after the trumpet was used they still performed beyond expectation. Can’t wait to use 40 in larger games ??

  16. 1 hour ago, Retro said:

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you won't be able to ambush all 3, only 2 units.

    From the look of it you aren't taking darkwalkers which means your only "brayherd" for the purpose of ambushing are the GBS, Bestigor and raiders. You can only ambush with half of your brayherds rounded up.

    I would probably stay clear of ambushing when you've got such a small force of non brayherds (unless you take the darkwalkers greatfray)

    Edit: I just realised you weren't planning to ambush your shaman. So it's doable but it might be hard to get the units in range of the trumpet if he doesn't ambush with them

    Won’t be too hard getting my GBS in range at all. Movement of 9”, run him also which hopefully will put him mid table then I ambush to the side near him. Have my raiders in range of his 18” trumpet, raiders also having 18” range I should definately b able to target something. 

  17. I have a game on Monday and have come up with this list. What do ya’ll thingk?

    doombull - general - rampant juggernaut

    GBS - brayblast trumpet - tendrils of atrophy

    3 bullgors - greataxe

    3 bullgors - greataxe

    10 bestigors

    30 ungor raiders

    ES wildfire Taurus 

    gonna ambush my raiders and maybe my bestigors turn 1. With the trumpet I hope to either snipe a key hero or hit a key unit hard and soften it up. If I ambush my bestigors I’ll try and charge them straight away, unsure if I want to risk my bestigors though.

    my doombull, bullgors and shaman will casually march up and hopefully get a round of spells off ready for next turn charging. 


  18. Here’s a 1K list I’ve come up with, mainly warherd as I love the models and the potential damage they can do.

    DOOMBULL - general - rampant juggernaught 

    GREAT BRAY SHAMAN - brayblast trumpet

    6 bullgors - great axes

    3 bullgors great axes

    30 ungor raiders

    doomblast dirgehorn

    my plan is to ambush the 30 raiders (hopefully in range of the shamans 18” bubble from brayblast trumpet) and try and snipe key unit/hero. This will create a nice destraction for my bullgors to run up the field and smash face. 

    I threw the dirgehorn in for damage mitigation as by turn 3 that’s 9” of -1 to hit from where it’s placed and hopefully my bullgors should be tucked away in the bubble

    unsure of what extra spell to take for my shammy?




  19. 9 minutes ago, kenshin620 said:

    I think Allherd is a little trickier to use assuming you want to go all out on summoning so you'll need to save CP. But if you're going mostly Brayherd then I think its good.

    Though Darkwalkers seem so cool to make your opponent to never feel safe, especially if its say a mixed Order list/Greywater that is relying on its Ironweld artillery.

    Wait, so when we have enough primordial points we still need to spend a CP to summon a new unit?

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