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Posts posted by Voyeur

  1. 4 minutes ago, Arcian said:

    That's my understanding of how it works too. Rather unfortunate

    Checked the video again. "If a model already has an legion keyword on its warscroll it cant gain another. This does not prevent you from including the unit in your army" Looks like it will be fine to use them in the others.

  2. 1 hour ago, Scurvydog said:

    So you want to run Praetorians for the Arch Kavalos? That sounds like a really really bad idea. 

    If you want advice on the "best" way to run this list, I think Petrifex elites is the best, and with the Kavalos battalion.

    But why not Stalliarch lords? because the battalion already allows you to retreat and charge, for no cost. The battalion also gives you more discipline points, 1 free use of the riders ability and an artifact! And this is important and why you want 2 normal lieges, so you can dump the ignore wound artifact on 1 and take the Helm of the ordianed on the other for +1 to hit 12" bubble! 

    This effectively gives you 1-2 more discipline points per turn, it gives you +1 to hit bubble, running petrifex makes them all +1 save and you can then use all those extra discipline points on the petrifex command ability, to get an extra rend on your attacks. This will deal a tremedous amount of additional damage compared to anything else and be far sturdier with 3+ saves too.

    The arch kavalos and  Vokmortian are not really worth the poor legion in my opinion, such a shame they are locked to the praetorians. The reroll 1 to wound thing and slightly better spear is so little, and you cant give him artefacts or traits. Vokmortian is mostly decent due to the -1 to get dispelled, but I don't see that as being better than the mason, who at 40 points less got a more useful spell and ability to possibly cast it even more times.

    I liked stalliarch lords right until I saw the battalion, which does the most important part regarding retrait and charge for free, and makes it far better to go petrifex by a huge margin.

    Are the named charactors locked to the legions? from the look of the wording you can bring them in the other legions they just dont get the keywords. so you could bring the arch kavalos in petrifex he just wouldnt benefit from the save/rend ability personally.

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