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Posts posted by EonChao

  1. 2 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    same! since AOS Slaanesh is actually covering more vices/sins, DoK should lean into the Monstrous/Deadly Beauty theme. Maybe some snake-heads on traitors cursed by Morathi? Rattlesnake and stinger tails? Melusai look fantastic and deserve more sisters

    It'd be interesting to see what they can do without stepping on too many other factions imagery. Like I could see a unit of centaur inspired DoK being interesting, especially if they're drawing on something other than horses for their lower halves, but would that eat too much into the design space for Centigors and Kurnothi? Or like a spider themed character without crossing too much into Spiderfang or Tarantulos Brood's aesthetics.  

    1 hour ago, DinoJon said:

    I would like some more units that match the Crone aesthetically especially if they're on the monstrous side. More ladies with feathered wings or even warlocks that resemble more of kenkus would be rad. 

    My plan for narrative games/my own collection's lore is to add a couple units of Corvus Cabal and have the Crone basically have usurped a portion of the tribe through seeming to be the embodiment of the Great Gatherer she doesn't particularly have any interest in them beyond being useful cannon fodder but they flock to her all the same.

    1 hour ago, Awkward Yhetee said:

    I think it would be cool to see more monstrous versions of the scathborn. From what I remember, morathi’s cauldron is damaged, and there’s rumours of weird beings coming from it, so there is precedent for it. I had an idea a while back for a cavalry unit that would be a twisted version of the melusai based on skull crawlers, I’d buy some of them in a heartbeat.

    Yeah that's what gives me enough hope that there's something coming, the lore seems to be hinting at it

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  2. 50 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

    Hoping the new winged Hag lady for Daughters leads to something cool: I liked their narrative a lot in Broken Realms and I've been curious to see how the Khainite faction fracturing a bit could play out! I'm rereading through the End Times and Malekith/Malerion is still cool: his faction has been described in such vague terms that they could really do literally anything with him/them

    "Shadow Moon-Demon Aelves" is really cool on paper, and I've got no idea how they could look. Outside of the one piece of art from awhile ago for Malerion, is there anything for them at all? Malerion himself is barely present in the narrative so far

    Honestly I really want more weird mutant DoK. Really dig into mythology for inspiration than give it a very different AoS spin.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    New scenery confirmed! GW was reading our chat and gave us a curtain RE.

    Honestly the next Warcry season having terrain themed around ruined buildings with bits of debris like tattered curtains still hanging and damaged furniture could be pretty cool

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    From a whatsapp group. Supposed photo of the dwarf box content:


    For one thing that's an older box, as has been pointed out.For another it doesn't match the Orcs and Goblins one in terms of contents which seems to be a red flag. I could see it having another cannon and a few more dwarves personally

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  5. 2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    Here it is bigger:

    Atlas de los Reinos Mortales | Sigmaroteca | Fandom


    It is the first time I see it as I don't follow Warcry that much. It looks interesting.

    The main issue we have is we don't know how much it has been used by Underworlds, which had two seasons set in the Gnarlwood as well.

    We've got both The Great Stinkhorn and Spinecrawler Webs that could tie into Gloomspite. Personally I'd assumed The Great Stinkhorn tied into Grinkrak's Looncourt. That said most of the Warbands we have gotten do line up with something on the map so I'm going to be hoping for a Spiderfang vs Centigor set for the next release

    Edit: Maybe the Spider-Incarnate is being saved for that, added to a box instead of terrain as a monstrous creature that warbands can recruit/fight

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  6. 34 minutes ago, lele said:

    Yea, 4 seasons, but we have 4 quarters too, right.  Dates for Q1: January 1 – March 31

    Games Workshop releases aren't announced in terms of business quarters but in terms of actual seasons because that's how most people understand how months are organized. That's why they say Spring release not Q1 or Q2 release. For every road map GW puts out:
    Winter: December, January, February

    Spring: March, April, May

    Summer: June, July, August

    Autumn: September, October, November

    Pyre and Flood is the winter release that will likely come out in February now, which means that the next release for Warcry will likely be late April/May

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  7. 22 minutes ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

    Just seems unlikely Nighthaunt would be coming again in Underworlds this year. Underworlds has taken to a pattern of hitting each grand alliance with its 4 warband seasons. We're getting our death warband for Deathgorge now, and the previous death warband was Nighthaunt.

    Perhaps it could be this year's Warhammer + model?

    Except it doesn't work like that. We've had back to back factions between seasons (Ylthari's Guardians and Skaeth's Wild Hunt both being Sylvaneth and released at the end of Nightvault and start of Beastgrave) and even since they moved to this new model there's been no real pattern like you're trying to assert. So far:

    Harrowdeep had Stormcast, Orruks, Ogors and Soulblight (no Chaos)

    Nethermaze had Daughters of Khaine, Skaven, Cities of Sigmar and Blades of Khorne (no Destruction or Death)

    Gnarlwood had Soulblight, Slaves to Darkness, Daughters of Khaine and Gloomspite

    Wyrdhollow had Stormcast, Disciples of Tzeentch, Nighthaunt and Skaven (no Destruction)

    Deathgorge had Idoneth, Hedonites of Slaanesh, Orruks and Soulblight

    So of the last five seasons you only have two that have had all four grand alliances covered, Stormcast, Orruks (but only Kruleboyz), Skaven, and Daughters of Khaine getting two warbands each, and Soulblight getting 3. Whilst Nurgle, Beasts of Chaos, Ossiarchs, Flesh-Eater Courts, Fyreslayers, Kharadron, Sylvaneth, Lumineth and Seraphon haven't had any.

    Which honestly makes it more likely that whatever comes after Deathgorge could be any ideas the design team had regardless of factions.

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  8. 7 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    This has been on my mind too. Another possibility could be a model for a hero + tome release as the first army after the 4th edition launch to get updated. But i really hope not since the early tomes tend fall of the power scale quick.

    Another option would be that its not Nighthaunt related after all.



    Maybe this one is also related to the same unit?


    The woodwork doesnt look very Nighthaunt to me. They almost always have some ornaments like swirls/ rose thorns on the metal parts. They also received a few updates this edition, that makes me think this isnt a likely scenario. Underworlds and Warcry also has Nighthaunt covered this season.

    This feels more like something Chaos Daemons. Maybe even Skaven with the little bell. Could be part of the last Dawnbringers book too.

    If i could make a wild guess it could even be some kind of Webspinner Shaman. They use poisons/venom and could get redesigned. The vials kind of look similar to these. I also never rule out a new GSG model as they seem to be very popular and make GW moneys.

    It already looks great either way. Cant wait to see what this model or multiple models are going to be.

    Just to point out we've probably got at least 4 Warhammer Underworlds Warbands coming inbetween now and 4th ed, these could quite possibly be from one of those (a Nighthaunt warband that specialises in poisons made from the souls of those who tried to use medicine to stave off death could be an interesting theme and very on brand for Nagash and the Nighthaunt)

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  9. Catching up on the reveals and honestly this might have been one of the best previews in a while. Both the Solar Auxilia and Kroot ranges look amazing, and the Mandrakes are exactly what I've been waiting for in terms of an update for them.

    And then there's the Age of Sigmar stuff, honestly everything looks great. Both the Lumineth and Nighthaunt have some cool figures in the sets (and some that I need more angles of) but add great new units types to those armies, the Underworlds warband is very different from what I expected but has a lot of character and charm to the figures. Calis, Tol and friends are all fun designs, and Krethusa... I want to paint her now. Like actually might convince me to pick up the Dawnbringers box as I could use the other stuff in it and it'd mean I could get her in my army faster.

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  10. 46 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

    Yeah, exactly. 

    The funny thing is I started AoS with Stormcasts (and Blades of Khorne). I was pretty damn proud of myslef when I painted the whole box and it took me some effort. Like a week later GW announced first expansion to Stormcasts. I already felt overwhelmed. Before I bought this extra units Stormcasts received their first dragon and a book supplement. To be honest I took into consideration resigning from the hobby. I couldn't keep up with this pace. And later those ranger/hunter Stormcast arrived. At that time I was already disliking SC. After Dominion I became Stormcast hater (little joking here).

    It just felt sooo unfair and unwise to pump these golden boys even more when Fyreslayers really had like 3 infantry units two of each were dual boxes. Several other armies in desperate need of new models. And then we get another wave of SC. Seriously?

    I am aware of this "they are easy to paint" argument why they are in every starter set but still think it's just bad. It would be perfectly ok for SCE not to get a single model in the whole 4th edition. Other armies need these model much, much more.

    I think that's why I'm hopeful for 4th ed, I have Stormcast because they're easy to collect being in starter sets and magazines etc, but I'm definitely ready for an edition that focuses on updating existing kits to better proportions and poses and focuses actual new units on other factions. If it's all new stuff for Stormcast then I'll probably just add what's in the launch box to my existing collection and largely ignore the faction unless something grabs me.

    49 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

    I think that Warcry will going forward be a place for GW to update/bring in new models for factions without having to dedicate an entire battle-tome release. Hunters of Huanchi, Gorgers, and Wildecorps are complete units that can be used willy-nilly in both Warcry and mainline AoS, which is a luxury that not all warbands have unless you count a 50-point unit that dies to a breeze and hits like a wet noodle.

    From my much more casual approach I really like Warcry being a mixed bag of units. Stuff like Hunters of Huanchi and Gorgers are great updates, but then things like Karnak's Claws, Rotmire Creed and Askurgan Trueblades actually add more flavour to factions that I didn't anticipate and work really well.

    Like I expected Nurgle to get some light infantry eventually but that they'd be something like 40ks Poxwalkers. Then Rotmire Creed came along and really gave a new dimension to the faction.

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  11. 2 hours ago, Raviv said:

    In a reply to a comment on Facebook, GW said that "Old world stock will be replenished as soon as possible! We will also have news on the next faction to make a return this Saturday."

    They have a big preview on Thursday/Friday, but they still keep the ToW for Saturday. I hope it means they have a LOT to announce.

    It's nothing to do with volume of previews, the Thursday/Friday show is at a gaming event covering lots of games where they normally go into detail about upcoming releases for those games. TOW meanwhile has it's own event at Warhammer World on Saturday where the next army will be revealed as part of the event there, they'll just be posting the news to the website as it happens hopefully with one or two new kits revealed alongside it.

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  12. 31 minutes ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

    Back to Skaven rumors. Makes total sense they'd update clanrats even if the models look ok because of course the clanrats would have to be in the launch box - and they're not going to put old models in the launch box!

    Yeah, you'd assume that they'd want them as new push fit models in the box at the very least.

  13. 2 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:
    1. No brand new units and named characters ? You gotta add some unseen miniatures for a beginning of edition range refresh : you just can't just redo pre-existing minis.


    This is a big thing for me. I think we're going to get a large portion of the Stormcast and Skaven releases being updates to existing stuff, but GW will 100% want to add some new stuff in there to sell to players who have everything. Space Marines got the Apothecary Biologis, Infernus Marines, Ballistus Dreadnought, and Tyranids got the Norn Emissary/Assimilator, Neurolictor, Barbgaunts, Psychophage, Von Ryan's Leapers and more. No way is 4th ed just refreshed stuff, even if it's just a few new trademarkable characters

    2 hours ago, Garrac said:

    I'm telling you fellas, if GW is planning to care about skavens and make a refresh of some sorts on the future (be it 2027, be it this year) no way they will not use the chance to stop selling this garbage:


    My only thought about the Gutter Runners is that I wonder if GW could save them for Warcry instead of releasing them with the main releases/launch box. That said Scouts were this for Space Marines and they were rumoured alongside everything else well in advance.

    5 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Interesting read for ya'll. That discussion raises a lot of interesting points.


    My take : Rob from Honest Wargamer said that Beasts of Chaos as they currently exist (I cannot stress how much those 3 words are important for the argument) will be squatted in 4th edition. This is not the same as saying the whole BoC faction is getting squatted. This is massively important because as I write now, BoC is 95% composed of minis that predate AoS, save for the Tzaangors, Slaangors, Beastlord, endless spells, Herdtsone and Underworlds band. BoC as they currently exist now are more or less a WFB army in AoS. Saying the current BoC line will be squatted (or more likely dumped moved to TOW) implicitely sets up the discussion for talks about a range refresh. 

    Remember these guys came out last year. They're just AoS Gors with 40k bits. I'm pretty sure some people already have converted them as AoS minis. More importantly, they show GW has a new art direction for Beasts, one that goes away from the "Greek mythology satyr/faun/minotaur, but with spikes !" into something way more mutated and sinister.


    Won't repeat the rest of the Reddit discussion here, since you can click the link and see for yourself at the source, but they have some valid points about Gorraghan Khai and the current evolution of BoC lore (spoiler they're still alive and kicking !).

    Yeah, I could see Gors, Ungors and Bestigors all getting new kits at some point that are more in line with the 40k and Underworlds style Beastmen but no way do they do away with them as a faction when they could quite happily dive into some of the older weird Beastmen citadel used to do in the early days for new options.

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  14. 7 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

    Counterpoint: why remove Wanderers/remaining High Elves from Cities, but leave Dispossessed and the Steam Tank/Gyros (all of which will be able to be bought and used in TOW) alongside Dark Elves (who will not be available for TOW)?

    It'd be easier to just rip the bandaid off and wipe it all out now (or a few months ago 😛) and go with "they are still in the Cities, but the tabletop range mainly focuses on the Crusades, which are mainly human" or something.

    I think if we get a second wave for Cities it'll mainly be Ironweld and Devoted focused, as the Battletome still commonly mentions advanced steam vehicles (which would be nice to have AoS specific minis for), and of course we are yet to explore what the other Cults Unberogen on the transfer sheet are. And maybe we would finally get the long yearned for duardin artillery crew member :D

    Because people like to have their conspiracy theories about the sky falling for whichever faction they can get worked up about. I think High Elves and Wood Elves were removed largely because the Lumineth and Sylvaneth took their places in the setting, not because TOW was going to come out at some point.

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  15. 21 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

    That's inexplicable. How can somebody be obsessed with 21st lieutenant for Space Marines and doesn't care about other, actually great designs. What a waste of information... If I knew his insider I would tell you about everything but SM. I can't even tell the difference between those models.

    I mean much as I may not be a fan of his, he has put in the hard work to grow his channel and attract actual leakers. He might still be only interested in one faction in one game but he's still willing to share what he gets, vague as it might be.

    There's also a possibility that being vague is to protect his sources, it wouldn't be difficult for GW to switch up a few names in production to see if they can narrow down where in their production chain leaks are coming from.

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  16. 21 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    Can't wait!!! 🖤🐔 I'll be making an OPR Jackals army though. 😏

    So much Valrak hate. He's just a dude talking about what HE likes.

    Not my fav content creator either and definitely not a Peachy, Vince, honest Rob, Rogue Hobbies, but ease up. Don't have to watch him. 

    I think part of the problem is that he's very much someone that people have to pay attention to because he does get actual leakers coming to. So whilst most of us can ignore him, the fact that he is a good source of information at times means that people feel the need to pay attention to him. Someone pointed out recently that despite his overall disinterest in knowing what names certain Tyranids have he was still the most accurate source of news for their update. And he has been known to mention things about a whole bunch of games here and there, so it's not just 40k stuff that he's relevant for, you just have to be prepared to put up with the waffle to find those small rumours. The other part of the issue is that some people in these online communities can't switch off. They have a need to be on top of every tiny bit of news possible and for plenty of them, that means watching videos from people known to drop rumours and leaks.

    Ignoring that need to see what's happening is really difficult to fight against.

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  17. I have issues with the idea of adding Malerion's followers to Daughters of Khaine, but also feel like a 5th elf army might be one too many for AoS so can get over them being combined with DoK with a new faction name (like Orruk Warclans are now three factions under one banner), or with Idoneth (Malerion vs Tyrion and the Idoneth vs Teclis leading them both to be positioned opposite the Lumineth).

    • Like 1
  18. 1 hour ago, Asbestress said:

    Ohhhh, that could work!

    So far I thought the cat was undead, but looking through the Soulblight range, nothing has red eyes (apart from full actual vampires), and the cat does seem to be a pretty average looking (and very much alive) sphinx cat otherwise.

    IIRC the original German name for the warband was "sondaras grabräuber", so probably something like "Sondara's Graverobbers" in English, and thinking about it now, why would vampires be robbing their own (or their undead servants') graves? Not to mention that Sondara doesn't really sound like a regal/unregal vampire name.

    Blue gem on the collar reminds me of Stormcast, but the brown boot and walking cane don't really make sense for that.

    Going off of the theory that they are Cities, they could actually be a fit for these two REs:

      Reveal hidden contents



    Maybe a flagellant looking guy who joined the "not Indiana Jones noble guy" to cleanse the graves from Nagash's taint?

    It also makes sense for a graverobber/tomb raider/archaeologist to have a cat in the Mortal Realms as they're specifically noted as being good at helping citizens spot hidden ghosts in the Soul Wars book.

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  19. 1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

    Scrapping seems impossible. It would only cause outrage and angry players and for what gain. The most that can happen is that all the BoC miniatures moves to TOW and AoS gets all the new shining stuff. Honestly I don't see the problem at all. :D 

    Especially in a world where we have Blood Bowl, Necromunda, Warhammer Fantasy, plastic Sisters, Genestealer Cults, and Squats all back. Like this isn't a GW that want's to cull things in their range unless they have to. Even the Space Marine stuff cut last year is almost certainly going to have regular made to order batches for completionists

  20. 1 hour ago, madmac said:

    We're getting deep into conspiracy territory now, huh?

    It’s a fan community, there’s always a portion that will be deep in conspiracy theory territory regardless of anything else happening to the property. They just don’t know how to interpret no news about something at the moment as just there being no news at the moment.

    1 hour ago, JerekKruger said:

    Notably, whilst there's a distinct lack of overlap between factions that are still largely present in AoS and those that have non-legends rules in TOW, Chaos Warriors are very much a non-legends army in TOW despite entirely being S2D in AoS, and the basing options for the Daemonic Mount even support the use of the new models in TOW (you can choose to base it on a larger base, more likely to fit the new mini). So I don't think we can make absolute conclusions from what we've seen so far.

    I think this is the biggest thing. Like GW want to establish TOW’s identity as tied to older models and aesthetics, I get that. They want to appeal to nostalgia. But Chaos Warriors old and new both have a certain aesthetic to them. Likewise, BoC have a certain feel to them that they’ve worked hard to build into their brand. Could I see all of the current kits being shuffled into TOW with new more dynamic ones being released for AoS? Absolutely. But I can’t see them scrapping a faction that has clear room to develop and grow for AoS, just because they want something similar in TOW

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  21. 21 minutes ago, flying_dutchman said:

    Don't get me wrong I think an official combat patrol mode would be great for aos in general.  I just wish gw would of announced the first 2 at once to get an actual feel for how valuable these are going to be to start an army.  I know the last few combat patrols not counting the nids were terrible value for the more enfranchised of us which probably everyone on this forum is.

    Sadly I think that's the goal with them now, make them appealing to new players but not something you just buy 3 of to min-max options or get if you already have that army.

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