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Posts posted by EonChao

  1. 7 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

    Do we fully expect the new launch box to be filled with remade models? Are people going to run to buy the box with remade liberators and clanrats? Quite possibly yes, lol but for some reason I feel like we are going to see a completely new clan to launch the edition and then over the edition the other Skaven models will be replaced or axed.  

    Indomitus had 20 Necron Warriors and a Necron Lord, Leviathan had 20 Termagants and a Screamer Killer, so it's not unrealistic for 4th's launch box to contain basic clanrats and something else classic that needs an update then have the other stuff be newer exciting things.

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  2. 4 hours ago, karbur said:


    Quite the V1 box, I assume it would be bad for selling, even me who has the whole range would wonder if I take it.

    There's two choices, we continue the Stormcast bloat by adding even more units, or we update older stuff, personally I'd rather update older stuff. Personally I prefer to start updating the older stuff.

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  3. 1 hour ago, karbur said:

    Regarding the Stormcasts range, I am wondering about the content of next starting box for 4th.

    Start to think we are getting the first resculpts for Liberators/Judicators and Prosecutors. Same for Lord Celestant/Relictor.

    Maybe not for paladins as their aesthetic could stay the same : big armoured guys (and I'm a big fan of Retributors/Protectors).

    But it's hard to imagine a new range of new basic units, half the battletome is already obsolete/duplicate stuff.

    I mean based on Indomitus, Dominion and Leviathan we can assumed 20-25 models, spread across 4-5 units (2 battleline ones (presumably update Liberators), and at least 2 more units) and 4-5 characters. One of the figures will likely be a larger more centerpiece one which I'd guess would be a Lord-Celestant on Dracoth update. Personally, if it's mainly updated stuff then I'd be hoping for:

    1 Lord-Celestant on Dracoth, 1 Lord-Relictor, 1 Knight-Heraldor, 1 Knight-Arcanum, 1 Knight-medic (new unit), 10 Liberators, 5 Retributors, and either 3 cavalry models or update Prosecutors

  4. 2 hours ago, Pizzaprez said:

    I agree with you completely!

    If 40k was "fantasy in space," sometimes AoS has felt like "40k, but fantasy" and, to me, that rules.

    The Stormcast are, narratively, everything I'd want to see in a Space Marine! Gargantuan, heroic, sometimes terrifying or unreasonable, people with pasts, people grappling with demons, people who have lost sight of the bigger picture, people that could hand a child a flower during a siege or stomp on said child depending on who they are, really cool stuff! All through a lense of hope/trying to do great instead of "the galaxy sucks so hard, man"

    I think a "Stormcast siege golem filled with the ghiests of those who can't be reforged anymore" could be unique next to the Dreadnought and Grey Knight baby carrier; I didn't even draw a parallel until y'all pointed it out! I think making it look like a statue possessed instead of "box with feet" would do a lot aesthetically

    Stormhosts = Chapters to a certain degree; Stormcast are the Fantasy Space Marines! I wouldn't want like a landspeeder or rhino, but some other parallels aren't too bad imo: i think they're neat!

    Honestly I agree with this 100%, I like the aesthetic of Space Marines and Stormcast (especially the more modern thunderstrike armour) but Stormcast do the characters so much better. The trauma of being taken for forging as their worlds were burning around them, the lost memories with reforging, the otherworldly divinity that begins to creep into them with reforging.

    And I think stormcast dreadnought golems are much more interesting than flagellants, although I think maybe one soul in each one rather than them being filled with multiple ghiests.

    2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    Do you expect to have the purge so soon? There are going to be some ranges getting a decent trim, like FEC and CoS. They would feel quite poor once they only have purely their recent releases.

    They did remove the older Space Marine stuff that got rotated just before 10th ed came out so it makes some sense but I think it'll only be older Stormcast stuff

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  5. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    He gave me once a 'Thanks' when I mentioned that Kurnothi are just Kurnoth worshipers, not fauns and centaurs. Some time after we got Belthanos... so I think this argument is not solid enough. Which would be sad.

    Thanks for the clarification. I guess all that's left is to wait and see what happens now then.


    On another note I read the newest Dawnbringers story and with the mention of 


    the death of Threx Skullbrand and Vekh the Flayer could it be time for Blades of Khorne to get some new hero models to replace them?


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  6. 2 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    So BoC are being removed from AoS?

    The Whitefangs are dropping bombs today.

    I dunno, Whitefang normally reacts with a heart if someone's right about something. Not a thanks. And his own post has been related to Stormcast not BoC

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  7. 2 minutes ago, Augusto said:

    this one, i think the first one was the whole skaven range + chorfs coming to aos iirc

    They don't get that one, we've known that Skaven were getting an update in 4th for months. Until we see what's actually being released for them to compare with their alleged rumour it can't be marked as confirmed. And even then they've been even more vague than Valrak talking about AoS with what they said.

    Likewise with the Chorfs, we've had plenty of hints they're coming over the last year anyway.

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  8. 58 minutes ago, mawhis117 said:

    I think that wold be unlikely, given that they've just made them the poster faction for CoS. They my well be setting up a plotline where someone swoops in to save it

    They have in fact even said that someone is on the way to save Hammerhal

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  9. 10 minutes ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

    If you mean me, I've been very open about how I have exactly no evidence. I even said a little while back that I don't even consider it a rumor, just an idea that's been floating around in my head.

    Even if it isn't directed at me, I'd hardly call it nonsense. I mean it's generating discussion. We all seem to be of an accord that no one would like the idea of Beasts dropping from the game.

    But back to the topic at hand: someone on Facebook (where no one lies) said that the Beasts Question was brought up at a Q&A at LVO, where it was answered that Beasts are definitely remaining in AoS.

    That's a lot of acronyms. 

    But can anyone confirm this rumor? 

    Sorry I wasn't aiming my post at you, the original post with the "rumour" was several pages back by another user that people were getting excited about because they previously said we'd see Orcs and Goblins and Dwarves for TOW in January (we only saw one of those and they posted after GW announced they were doing a launch event for the game). They've also never posted any specifics and have only posted like 10 times. That said I wouldn't say it's generating discussion. It's generating a lot of hysteria the same as we get whenever someone mentions duardin being souped or bonesplitters being removed from the range swallowing the actual interesting posts about what could happen with BoC in the future.

    That said I've not heard that rumour from the LVO, but GW haven't really removed anything in a while beyond some of the CoS stuff ahead of their relaunch and some of the Space Marines ahead of 10th (which again most got replaced by updated equivalents). It also wouldn't shock me for the people running the panel at the LVO to not have been told either way but I still don't think BoC will get removed, just an update eventually with more dynamic poses and new models.


    10 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    Indeed. The BoC model range is being squatted from AoS and being ported over to ToW. What remains to be seen is if BoC as a faction will remain in AoS under a new thematic identity, be removed entirely or be folded into other existing Chaos factions. That's my bet. That is the writing I see written on the wall and time will tell. 

    That's your prediction, but there's no actual evidence that it's happening.

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  10. 26 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    Oh, come on. That's like saying there are Dwarfs in each setting which means they are the same! These are iconic Warhammer design "races" seen in every Warhammer setting and two of the most popular, it's completely different. It is just not the same thing. We have also seen through photography and the literal O+G model line that there is a there is ToW Orc and Goblin type and an AoS Orruk type. 

    It's like saying because there are AoS Orks and 40k Orks that the same faction is in each game. It's not. There are Orks in both, like there are humans in both. 

    Also, I don't think there are factions in AoS called Orc & Goblins or Chaos Warriors... are there? Nope. 

    The faction in AoS is Beasts of Chaos, the faction in TOW is Beastmen. So that ticks the box for what you're talking about with orc or dwarf factions not having the same names then. Also they added rules for armoured squig hoppers with lances in TOW to incorporate options within the newer AoS kit so we know they don't mind kits crossing over. They also didn't mention things like Fanatics and Wolf Riders getting older models re-released but we know they have rules so again they must be fine with the AoS kits being used.

    Plus they've released multiple plastic kits for Beasts of Chaos, the new Beastlord, the endless spells and the faction terrain, plus the Underworlds warbands. Remember not every faction got endless spells and/or terrain so that shows they have an idea for stuff to do with BoC. There's also the Blackstone Fortress and Kill Team Beastmen, both of which come from the main studio. So we know there are people there who have been working on Beastmen stuff for AoS and 40k in the last few years.


    In general can we just put this nonsense to rest now, it's all based off a post from a random new member with no more rumour accuracy than getting a half guess about what would be revealed at TOW launch event right, which puts them on the same level of accuracy as Dana Howl's youtube video speculation. At least until we start getting 4th edition news from GW themselves.

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  11. 4 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    Well, in this case it was said by a "rumour monger" or two. So it is not like reading tea leaves xD

    It wasn't said by a credible rumour monger so there's nothing too back it up at the moment.

    2 hours ago, cyrus said:

    He is not just an influencer: his rumors on chorfs coming in 4th edition was "liked" from our seer Whitefang ( the original).

    So even if it sounds weird we have recently seen a lot of kits from cities that have been discontinued and we will see them back in tow : Freeguild/Empire , Wandereres/Wood elves , Phoenix temple/High Elves.


    He's an influencer either with a source that he isn't clear about or he's an influencer who guessed that chorfs are coming in 4th like many of us here have because it's what a chunk of the community has been expecting for a while.

    2 hours ago, EntMan said:

    Do we know enough yet to establish how accurate 'Whitefang back me up' is as a rumour monger?

    They may well have been spot on about somethings so far, none come to mind but it might be I just don't remember.

    But they were definitely wrong about seeing dwarves by the end of January.

    He posted a random vague 4chan rumour, and then said that we'd be seeing Orcs and Goblins and Dwarves by the end of January for TOW, and did so over a week after GW had already announced they were doing a launch event for it at Warhammer World the same as they did for Heresy. There were five factions that could have been previewed there so it was hardly a stab in the dark.

    1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    He said we would see new TOW content before the end of the month and they showed O&G. That's his record so far.


    1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    So far 1 out of 1.

    Again, GW had already announced a launch event for TOW at Warhammer World before he posted that. It's reiterating existing knowledge with a tiny bit of guess work on a burner account. That's not reliable in the slightest (he was also wrong as he said Dwarves would be previewed too).


    Honestly it's sometimes shocking how quickly the discourse in this thread falls apart at the barest mention of something moving to legends, bonesplitters or soup. If it happens it'll suck but at least wait until someone more credible backs the rumour up first.

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  12. 2 hours ago, Snarff said:

    Speaking of roadmaps, we don't really have any left for AoS right? The AoS roadmap was fully revealed since Dawnbringers IV, the Underworlds roadmap is complete since the Kruleboyz warband and the Warcry roadmap only has 2 TBC warbands this spring left.


    When would we be due for a new roadmap? Probably Adepticon, or could that be focused on AoS 4 already?

    Road maps usually get revealed at Warhammer Fest. The only one that got an update at Adepticon alst year was the AoS one to show where Seraphon and Cities were getting released.

    4 hours ago, Garrac said:

    Acording to Valrak, every1 is getting box sets from here and on. He already told that the orks box will be full of all the available mechas as possible.

    Yeah that's the only thing causing me to put any credit to the idea. But it still feels weird to do that way. Although I guess others are effected by FOMO more than me

    2 hours ago, DeLewko said:

    Kroot box will come around adepticon same as Seraphon box did. They won’t release it before showing the rest of the range. If I remember correctly Seraphon box was announced first weekend after adepticon and I would assume same release window for Kroot. 

    The Kroot box is a weird one. The Seraphon one went up for preorder at the end of April with the full range coming in Summer. The Kroot on the other hand are part of a spring release for T'au which means the box has to be released in a way that both allows enough lead time on the main release, but also not too early that it spoils whatever is getting previewed at Adepticon.

  13. 14 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    The kroot box may come in february/may, but the ork boxset should definetely be around the corner, that's why I find it so weird having them changed at all


    I think the Kroot box set is either end of February or beginning of March with the actual release of the rest of the range and the T'au codex being in late April/early May.

    Personally I don't think there will be an Ork or Custodes box set but if there is then it'll release alongside the codex as a separate thing and not an early release like the Deathwing and Kroot boxes have been.

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  14. 1 hour ago, WrathOfTheLion said:

    They did 40k 10E at Adepticon last year, and HH the year before. So I think Adepticon is a solid guess for Age of Sigmar 4E.

    Specifically they got the Lion, the final Arks of Omen book, the trailer for 10th ed and the first look at the new Terminators and Termagants, so a bumper set of reveals at Adepticon is probably not hoping for too much.

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  15. 30 minutes ago, Vaellas said:

    I think it it's only at the very large events. We were at Warhammer World and wanted to get event minis during an event September 2022 but were told they don't do it at smaller events.

    Sorry for the double post but yeah, it's only at the larger events that they stock them at Warhammer World, and then sometimes have some left for a day or two after if they're not heavily scalped

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  16. For what its' worth with the event minis, they tend to be available at the UK Games Expo and any events at Warhammer World in the UK. After events any remaining stock is available there whilst it lasts. How long it lasts depends on the model. Last year's Commissar was pretty hard to get a hold of but the Darkoath was fairly easy to get. I know the Primaris Champion that was also difficult to get was available made to order at events too.

    A Kroot and a Cities of Sigmar figure... I could see both being not too difficult to get but very much worth joining the loot group (or going to an event if you can afford to as they tend to be enjoyable.

    Mini wise the Kroot is fine, I might get it if I can afford it at the time, the Arch-Knight though is amazing, definitely going to need to try and get myself one.

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  17. 2 hours ago, Matrindur said:

    Realistically there won't be much more this year for AoS than what we already know/expect.

    AoS3 will likely not have anything else after the last Dawnbringers books and while we don't know exactly what else is coming in Dawnbringers 5 and if there will be a 6th one we have enough rumours that some of them should turn out true.

    After that we will get AoS4 which we already have rumours of Skaven for and normally the first year of an edition doesn't have much else than the two launch factions. 
    So while we also don't know what exactly Stormcast and Skaven will get there shouldn't be anything else completely new this year.

    We'll almost certainly get one more release in winter 2024. It's possible we could get Orruk Warclans as it. There's been a bit of a pattern with the previous editions "enemy" faction getting their new codex as one of the first with a small update.

    Death Guard got the Lord of Virulence and terrain in winter 2020

    Nighthaunt were a little later (early 2022) but were still relatively early in 3rd ed (Maggotkin, Fyreslayers and Idoneth were the only ones ahead of them I think) and got two new characters and a unit.

    Then Necrons are one of the first for 10th ed with 3 new characters.

    So I could see us getting a small Kruleboyz wave in Winter.

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  18. 1 hour ago, MitGas said:

    I dunno, it's less about Khul per se (just read his backstory, kinda reminded me of Kratos in a broad sense), it's just that he has a decent model and we got new DPs recently...

    We're approaching the end of the first decade of AoS, Vandus, Ionus and Khul were the first characters we really delved into at the start so it makes sense from a narrative perspective to revisit them here with new models representing how they've changed to show the progression that's happened in the story.

    49 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    Interesting. What will they do during the wait for adepticon, tho? it's too early to release the kroots. i guess they'll go with orks and custodes? Those are just one mini each tho. And it's also too early to release the new kt, alltho the schedule looks so broken that who knows.

    Assuming they reveal nothing between now and Adepticon they can still pack a bunch of stuff in. For February we need the Solar Auxilia box, Lumineth and Nighthaunt Warcry box, Soulblight Underworlds warband, and possibly the Kroot box as well. Then they could easily fill March with Dawnbringers V, the full Dark Angels release, the rest of the Solar Auxilia and the Custodes and Ork codexes and battleforces, plus maybe the Orcs and Goblins stuff for TOW. And that's assuming they don't have a release weekend solely dedicated to some new Necromunda and Blood Bowl resin stuff.

    They've also shown in the past they can go from preview to preorder pretty quickly so it wouldn't be unrealistic to get the rest of the Kroot previewed at Adepticon and released in April.

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  19. 1 hour ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

    Odds new model Monday is for AoS? Guessing low cuz GW has an Ork and Custodes single mini to show off still.


    13 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    "With Ushoran on his way, next week you can look forward to articles on painting this mouldering monarch and his attendants, as well as miniature reveals on Monday and Thursday"


    So, two more reveals for Dawnbringers 4?

    Thursday is guaranteed to be Heresy/Imperialis, Monday will probably be the Custode or Ork mini if it's not for Blood Bowl or Necromunda.

    Honestly beyond Dawnbringers there's not really any slots for AoS releases between now and 4th in my opinion. If they had a surprise battle tome coming we'd have hints of it, and there probably won't be more than the two releases for DB 5 and they won't reveal DB 6 for another month or two.

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  20. It's only too many minis when they're able to rise up and overthrow me.

    But honestly I try to have a set goal for each project. Space Marines and Stormcast are things with no limits but I deliberately won't buy much for them, just adding the new starter box and the odd other purchase too them. Beyond that I try to set a target for what I want to play each army at. My Sylvaneth who I'm currently building are at around 1600 points with the goal being to play 2000 point games with them. So I'll aim for a final point of 3000 points where I consider them enough, to allow me room to switch things around a little. My Drukhari on the other hand are aimed at being a smaller army for playing skirmish games, so I'm aiming for 1000 points initially with another 500 points to give me options. Then if they get a few new plastic kits in the near future I might let them move towards 2000

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  21. 2 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    same! since AOS Slaanesh is actually covering more vices/sins, DoK should lean into the Monstrous/Deadly Beauty theme. Maybe some snake-heads on traitors cursed by Morathi? Rattlesnake and stinger tails? Melusai look fantastic and deserve more sisters

    It'd be interesting to see what they can do without stepping on too many other factions imagery. Like I could see a unit of centaur inspired DoK being interesting, especially if they're drawing on something other than horses for their lower halves, but would that eat too much into the design space for Centigors and Kurnothi? Or like a spider themed character without crossing too much into Spiderfang or Tarantulos Brood's aesthetics.  

    1 hour ago, DinoJon said:

    I would like some more units that match the Crone aesthetically especially if they're on the monstrous side. More ladies with feathered wings or even warlocks that resemble more of kenkus would be rad. 

    My plan for narrative games/my own collection's lore is to add a couple units of Corvus Cabal and have the Crone basically have usurped a portion of the tribe through seeming to be the embodiment of the Great Gatherer she doesn't particularly have any interest in them beyond being useful cannon fodder but they flock to her all the same.

    1 hour ago, Awkward Yhetee said:

    I think it would be cool to see more monstrous versions of the scathborn. From what I remember, morathi’s cauldron is damaged, and there’s rumours of weird beings coming from it, so there is precedent for it. I had an idea a while back for a cavalry unit that would be a twisted version of the melusai based on skull crawlers, I’d buy some of them in a heartbeat.

    Yeah that's what gives me enough hope that there's something coming, the lore seems to be hinting at it

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  22. 50 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

    Hoping the new winged Hag lady for Daughters leads to something cool: I liked their narrative a lot in Broken Realms and I've been curious to see how the Khainite faction fracturing a bit could play out! I'm rereading through the End Times and Malekith/Malerion is still cool: his faction has been described in such vague terms that they could really do literally anything with him/them

    "Shadow Moon-Demon Aelves" is really cool on paper, and I've got no idea how they could look. Outside of the one piece of art from awhile ago for Malerion, is there anything for them at all? Malerion himself is barely present in the narrative so far

    Honestly I really want more weird mutant DoK. Really dig into mythology for inspiration than give it a very different AoS spin.

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