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Posts posted by EonChao

  1. 59 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Isn't it the same? You buy to sell in the end.

    Scalping is an attempt to buy up supply to sell on at an inflated price once it's no longer available at rrp. It works best for products in incredibly high demand with multiple short windows of stocking or with very limited availability. The point is to force people to pay much more than they should do for it. That's why it was an issue with things like limited edition books and box sets, there's a set quantity of them that scalpers can easily soak up to deny the rest of the market

    When they're breaking the boxes down to sell the units inside individually there tends to be only a slight markup, with the benefit for the community being that if you only want more Von Ryan's Leapers and Barbgaunts, I can do so whilst spending slightly more per sprue than I would otherwise, but without having to spent the total of the cost of the box and get stuck with a bunch of kits I don't need.

    It's all about profit and exploiting the market but one is working within it to provide a service whilst making profit, the other is about denying others access to something so you can control the supply and price to extort them.

    • Like 4
  2. 4 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    If  IF Ork warclans are one of the first faction and they get the single hero treatment I hope it Rouge Idol 

    but if we're doing some units for Bonesplitterz

    • Rouge Idol with Gork or Mork build
    • New Wurrgog prophet on Orthrus bear
    • Stealth orruks trackers (a kruleboyz turn Bonesplitterz)
    • Boneplitterz berserker (radiating waagh! magic)
    • A name character whether it be a Wurrgog or Big boss


    As I said in my post, the previous starter faction seems to get more than a single character. Look at December's Necron release. They got 3 characters, 2 named ones and an alternate lord. Likewise Nighthaunt got two characters and a unit. Obviously nothing is certain but I think Orruks will get more than one character (even if it's just stuff for Kruleboyz and Ironjawz)

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    not going touch whatever going on with these recently debates with 39-and-a-half foot pole!

    So what the seem likely the faction that will come out post-starter wave?

    With how GW treated 3E and 40k 10th It 2-4 factions that will only receive a hero model maybe two before dropping an another wave of models for a faction

    If i had to guess it be

    • Soulblight
    • Gloomspite gitz
    • Seraphon
    • Slaves to darkness

    in whatever order they want


    Orruks are likely to be one of the first 4-5 releases. Whoever was the "enemy" faction in the previous edition's starters seems to get an early release with a few things.

    9th ed 40k had Deathguard as one of the first few codexes with a new character and terrain

    3rd ed AoS had Nighthaunt within the first 6 months with 2 characters and a unit

    10th ed 40k had Necrons has the 3rd codex with 3 characters

    I could see Orruks with a unit and a couple of characters being a December/January release. I know we all want Bonesplitterz to get the love Ironjawz and Kruleboyz have but they could also be done with one new unit, a couple of plastic character updates and the existing plastics they have.

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  4. 8 minutes ago, Gutsu17 said:

    It is inevitable when your story is built around war, because wars have a tendency to end, untill the factions get deus ex machine-ied out of every situation where they would loose

    Arguably we've just had a period of relative peace during 3rd editions narrative. Yes conflicts are continuing but aside from the Dawnbringer crusades there's not been any big shifts in power like happened with the Necroquake and seems to be coming with the Skaven's plans. And the realms are certainly big enough and the factions diverse enough that there's plenty of room for different alliances, conflicts and narratives to emerge

    • Like 2
  5. 14 minutes ago, DD-Lord said:

    Random thought: how long do you think GeeDubs will continue the ongoing storyline of AoS before they freeze the setting? Like, at what do you think they'll freeze it?

    I honestly don't think they will. Like I suspect we won't get much in the way of actual sweeping changes to the setting in terms of reaching an endgame for one of the alliances to wipe out the others, but I think the story will continue to grow and evolve with time.

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, Garrac said:

    I find this afirmation quite controversial. A lot of players that I know went from AoS to ToW did so because of rule customisation. And it's, in fact, one of the main complaints about 10th ed, the fact that a boltgun and a plasma gun cost the same is just ludicrious game designing.

    Also, I allways see these "9th ed was confusing" complaints, but as long as I can remember from my group of friends, the latest year of 9th ed was a blast. But maybe we're in the minority.

    It depends how much you play and what mental space you can proportion to it. I play Magic more than 40k so my mind space is more dedicated to remembering how weird old keywords interact in that instead of some of the rules of 40k. If it switched around I'd learn more 40k but I just don't. That said I don't think 10th fixed that issue. Points were never a major issue for me.

  7. One thing I just noticed about the trailer is the Stormcast's human form is dressed and armed very similar to some of the Darkoath. It's a little touch but it adds to that connection between those who remained and those who escaped to Azyr or became Stormcast.

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  8. 1 minute ago, Garrac said:

    Also, another btw point: ok, I was mentally prepared for not a single miniature being shown (It was 50/50 to me, just coping to see a single new clanrat) but Im also surprised that they didnt show up the new model of datasheets like they did with Leviathan. If you want to hype up a new edition you gotta give some visual reasons...

    It could be they dumped too much of the specifics at Adepticon last year and the PR that came from it wasn't as good as they expected. If so they could wait until they reveal a couple of new units before going into the new warscrolls and universal rules

  9. It's quite possible that whilst the Stormcast know about the perils of reforging in general, actually experiencing it in yourself and in those around you is a lot more traumatic. It could also be that how much is lost in reforging is much more significant than they might have thought.

    Losing some memories might seem like a fair price to pay for power to fight back when your world is ending, but when all you have left of your former life is memories that price becomes much steeper

    • Like 5
  10. Busy day so I've not really had chance to do more than just look at the images of the models. Honestly this felt like one of the weaker previews to me but some neat stuff still.

    For 40k and Kill Team, I really liked the Votann models, they look very characterful and fun to paint. I also like the new Brood Brothers although I'll wait for them to get an individual release as I don't need the characters again. The Chaos characters are fine, I like the one on foot a lot more than the jump pack one, but the box sets don't really grab me (same with the Custodes one). 

    Heresy was a tease as they said but at least was pointing clearly in the direction of the next phase of releases, the Necromunda one just fell flat though. Like I get the rumours about us going to Hive Secundus and what comes with that lore wise, but the teaser just didn't give enough. If it is the Genestealers of Secundus then at least it'll give me something fun to paint up.

    TOW was better than I expected it to be. It'll be a shame to see all the CoS Duardin kits move to TOW but honestly they're still a solid range. The characters look good, and that they're getting new plastics is a real boon. Definitely happy with the Made to Order section too, the 80s Dwarves will be a cool little painting project and I always wanted to get Helgar so the fact she's getting a reissue is great.

    Underworlds is stellar, the Cities of Sigmar warband is utterly insane, and the Flesh-Eater Courts continue to be some of the best models in AoS. Definitely going to pick that up.

    Warcry I was kind of mid on. I really like the Ossiarchs, and the walking tree is a cool terrain piece. But the Sylvaneth don't do enough to grab me. I like the Swarmsage's hair, although the swarms make her a little too busy, and the revenant with the briar tentacle arm is great, but the rest of the revenants and the dryads don't feel different enough to the existing models to me. I have a small Sylvaneth army so will pick them up but they don't get me excited.

    AoS proper, Abraxia is really solid, definitely would like to pick her up and have a go at painting her even if I never play with her. The trailer for 4th was good and looks exciting and I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays, but I'll wait until we see some models from the box set before really focusing on that. Definitely a fan of Spearhead being a format like combat patrol, as I prefer smaller quicker games.


    Now bring on April and the previews of the launch box models.

  11. 43 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

    Horus Heresy was full box reveal + extras and the trailer (probably because it got leaked a year before :D).

    And 10th 40k was 2 Terminators and 2 Tyranids, some extra info and the trailer.


    38 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Even though everybody knew about the 30k box, it was just the trailer at Adepticon (I only remember because everybody was surprised when the cat had been out of the bag for so long). The official full boxset was at WarhammerFest a month or so later. 

    I am hoping we see the full set at tonight though, at least if there's no plans for another Online WarhammerFest (there might be, but who knows), however I've got my senses set to Cynic this time.


    Like 10th edition, Heresy 2.0 got two models from the starter box revealed at Adepticon 2022 in addition to the trailer, a beakie and a praetor (we had seen the entire box through leaks beforehand but still).

  12. 8 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I'm setting my twins for bed and myself to get some sleep before the preview. Is any other EU fella staying awake at 4 AM with me?

    I'm getting my much deserved beauty sleep, then enjoying the reveals at my own pace over breakfast. Much as I enjoy the reveals I'm not an influencer in need of getting a reaction video out there or something. 😅

    • Like 6
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  13. 38 minutes ago, 01rtb01 said:

    Is it wrong to expect disappointment? I'm assuming we'll see a rat and a stormcast as per last year's adepticon reveals plus a trailer.

    With darkoath being shown early I'm not sure much will be seen. Happy to be wrong but tempering expectations seems a better way to avoid disappointment.

    If it's like last year then the focus is more about announcing what the direction of the new edition will be, like they did with 10th. So it's better to be realistic than optimistic but we should hopefully get some information to help us know what's coming.

    Just now, Grunbag said:

    I’ve seen this on Facebook . Not sure if it has been shared here yet or if it’s all true 


    That's the leak that's been going around for days that's just an amalgamation of every existing rumour (plus a few wishlist items). We're fairly certain there is no Khul and the Chaos Lord is in power armour, not terminator armour

  14. 35 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Ok here's some context. Last year there was a full Warhammer Fest event but we still got. 

    The lion and arks of omen book 5, 40k 10 announced, a cg trailer, a terminator trailer and a termagant trailer. 4 videos 

    For AoS we got the full Seraphon reveal, the first look at steelhelms and heroes for soulblight and OBR. 3 videos. 

    A killteam box reveal, an Underworlds starter set reveal and a Horus heresy reveal. 10 videos altogether in a year when Warhammer Fest wasn't cancelled. 

    I think it's safe to say it will be a big show. 


    The only issue with this is that last year we got news for 5 games (AoS, Underworlds, 40k, Kill Team and Heresy). This year they've said they're covering 6 games plus teasers for 2 more. So it could be thinner on the ground with the reveals spread out across more systems this year.

    And I would wager that the Warhammer Fest reveals will be done at either another event or an online preview around that time and not merged into Adepticon. It'll still be a good show, it usually is but I'm not expecting more than last year.

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Red Bull said:

    Sorry to bring back a kind of old post, but uh... how sure are you?

    Should I tell my friends to make them very happy? Or just keep it to myself.

    Valrak has mentioned hearing rumours from trusted sources that the Blood Angels codex will have a new plastic Sanquinor released along side it.

    Went and checked the actual rumours he's been sharing and the update is apparently:

    plastic Sanquinor, Astorath and Lemartes

    updated Sanguinary Guard

    new upgrade sprues

    Death Company themed launch box with Lemartes like the Deathwing one Dark Angels got

    • Thanks 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    An example is Vandus. Vandus was a blacksmith from the tribe Direbrand, the same this new min from the Darkoaths is:

    What kind of relationship does Vandus have with this guy? I doubt he would have none, but at least the mini is kind of an easter egg to how Vandus was before being a Stormcast.

    This is exactly it, like how cool would it be if Dendrel Direbrand is the descendent of someone that Vandus was particularly close to and thought was killed by Khul. And that those survivors have told the story of the Butcher Khul and the Coward Vendell, about how in the face of the onslaught of Khul's horde, Vendell Blackfist, deserted the tribe at the moment of its greatest need causing the survivors to be left with no choice but to rely on the dark forces that ravaged their lands. 

    1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Remember that fake rumour about an IDK warband made of disgraced Akhelians becoming foot soldiers and taking the aspect of sharks and anglerfish ? I do… 

    Whatever happens, I’m sure IDK will get a warband soon. Only factions without a Warcry band are Slaanesh, Skaven, KO, Sylvaneth, GSG, Beasts, IDK (Sons are apart so I don’t know). They’ll get some in the future for sure.

    I can't remember the rumour but I would be completely on board with that. Either Anglerfish related, luring opponents to focus on specific decoys, or using octopus to help camouflage themselves

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  17. 59 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    i really liked this interview, i'm just still not convinced GW/BL will do the nuance of indigeniety justice; Azyrite conquest is, by fact of the Age of Chaos, nominally the reclamation and purification of Chaos lands. I want to see more Reclaimed involved in both Stormcast and COS forces... there's a lot of talk about "dark mirrors" and counterpoints, but these differences are often best held together by a couple choice similarities.

    that being said, Chris Thursten sounds like he knows what he's about and wants to bring tension and nuance between these groups. I hope the editors let him do it. definitely sounds like a must-read for Darkoath and COS fans.

    I agree. I think what's interesting about the Darkoath is that, yes the realms that are being conquered by the forces of Order are ones that were previously conquered by the forces of Chaos, but there's a major issue of who is their rightful inhabitants. There may be those amongst the Dawnbringer crusades who are descendants of the inhabitants of those lands or those near them, but in the centuries of the Age of Chaos and Age of Sigmar how much actual connection do they have to that past, if there are any of them at all. Likewise the Darkoath do follow the Chaos Gods to an extent, but they're also both the descendants of those left behind and people who have lived in those lands for centuries during those ages. They are the indigenous people of those lands that have survived incredibly trying challenges and done so by making choices that may seem wrong compared to Azyrite civilisation but arguably aren't when it comes to survival.

    There is a very nuanced interesting concept of how this factors into concepts like colonialism, tradition, legacy and identity here that I'm certain GW won't explore properly and it really annoys me.

    Back when Black Library had an open submissions window for stories relating to the Dawnbringer crusades I sketched out a concept of a Sigmarite soldier encountering a Darkoath warrior and fighting, only to realise from the sigil each has incorporated into their outfits, that they're both descended from the same family, the Sigmarite from those who were away on a trade envoy when Chaos conquered the realms and were able to make their way to Azyr, and the Darkoath descended from those who stayed behind and survived. Annoyingly what left it incomplete was the sheer vagueness of information about the Dawnbringer Crusades and Azyrites themselves at the time due to the lag between 3rd ed and Cities update but it's a concept that I think is key to what makes the Mortal Realms interesting. 

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  18. 2 hours ago, sandlemad said:

    This is a good piece and hits interestingly on the tension between how the Darkoath see themselves and what they know about the gods they’ve oathed to (in-universe, as opposed to the less interesting birds eye view of the reader). Also on the larger questions of the Reclaimed of the realms vs Azyrite conquest. More interesting and more grey areas, that tension that makes interesting stories.

    They offer a contrary perspective on what it means to survive in a world of gods and monsters, which hinges on the notion that you can bargain with the gods while retaining control of your own destiny. Rather than present the Darkoath as villains, I wanted to ensure that they too, in their own ruthless way, embody the themes of heroism, strife and hope that underpin the Age of Sigmar.

    Yeah the Darkoath have been one of those interesting corners of AoS that they've been teasing at for years with just enough models and lore to get us hooked on them and it feels like Thursten gets what is so interesting about them. My only complaint is that I'm worried they'll replace the generic Chaos Marauders in other stories in a way that completely loses their flavour. Personally I'm hoping we get stories about Darkoath tribes straddling that line between friend and enemy with other grand alliances. Yes they're Chaos worshipers to a certain degree but you can potentially reason with them, unlike with someone sworn to one of the Gods or a Nighthaunt swarm.

    26 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Totally gonna change the subject but talking about who the OBR will be facing in the next Warcry box :

    - Sylvaneth are hinted at in books as specifically facing OBR in the Gnarlwood and GW is really hinting at Kurnothi rn.

    - IDK because of some dubious RE and because TGA really wants it to happen.

    I do think it’s gonna be Sylvaneth…

    It'll be Sylvaneth based with a swampy watery feel that will lead to TGA over reacting and imploding over the idea that both the Satyr and Centaur Kuronethi and the IDK are both being cancelled and removed from the game.

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  19. I mean I guess we'll see what happens with it in the long run. Honestly it's kind of annoying to have the switch happen, I had 5 old ardboys from an Ironjawz Warcry box, and another 10 in the start collecting, so this was going to neatly bring me up to 20 old ones and then I could have started to add in some of the newer ones. Like much rather prefer the new models over the old, especially if we get 10, but now I need to go and source 5 old ones for my OCD

  20. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    One of my favourite bits of OBR lore is that generally, Ossiarchs don't advance through the ranks. Instead, they are purpose-built to be leaders and only get demoted into progressively more menial roles as punishment for failure. I think that says a lot about Nagash and his vision of an ideal society. That guy is pretty big on punishing people, not so much rewarding them.

    Huh, that’s a really neat way to both showing Nagash’s personality and making OBR’s different to pretty much any other faction in the game society wise. I think I might need to dig into them as a faction in 4th ed as they sound really interesting 

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  21. 38 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

    More like being made into dogs

    I’m not 100% on OBR lore but I really like the idea of these constructs being powered by souls made from a mix of talented trackers and hunters, mixed with those of the most obedient slaves, to create something that is both an incredibly efficient and dangerous hunting animal but also completely obedient.

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