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Posts posted by EonChao

  1. 5 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    Not necessarily. How is this working in the UK, collectables never overlap? In here we have overlaps between them and Imperium and Stormbringer overlapped longer than usual with their issues increasing.

    Usually not by much. You want to transfer customers by balancing the overlap whilst they're still interested but not long enough to make them think it's too expensive to have two subscriptions at once. So a month is about to be expected.

  2. 18 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

    Sure they may do so in the future when the faction tomes are properly released or with rules expansions, like dawnbringers, but don't expect it to be a option when the edition drops. The rumors I saw talked about Big waagh being dead.

    It could be like the Ynnari are in 10th, rules for playing it in one of the books but both armies are their own thing outside of it.

  3. 23 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

    More mancrusher sized unit would be cool rather than another mega gargant . So they can improve spearhead 

    They need both, a more character focused unit in similar size and price bracket to the Mega Gargants or slightly smaller knights, as well as another unit around Mancrusher size to give variety in list building options.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    It feels so weird that they ended their rivalry that way... Vandus imprisoned and Khul ascends by killing Gavriel instead. At least they could have launch that ascended Khul mini...

    It makes sense to me from what summary we have. Obviously I'm reading into this a lot but Khul is obsessed with Vandus like Vandus is with him, but he realises that's all him. Khorne hasn't told him to specifically kill Vandus, Khorne cares not after all. This results in Khul having a moment of enlightenment and makes him finally earn Khorne's attention. It's no longer about Khul trying to ascend for his sake, or to kill Vandus for their grudge, it's simply bloodshed for the sake of slaughter. Now we just need to wait for the model

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  5. 2 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    I dunno why but Facebook suggested a post to me, thought I‘d share as I found it hilarious (and obviously the artist has a lot of talent). Forgive the 40k spam, waiting to see SCE in that style. 



    Not wanting to get too off topic but that's by CerberusXt Figures does a lot of very awesome paint jobs. His Pride Space Marines were featured in White Dwarf recently and he has done some AoS stuff in similar colours too which look fantastic and posts the recipes for a bunch of them. Definitely a good resource for people

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  6. 4 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    As they are still shrink wrapped, I'd say it's old stock or stock they had available. GW are making a move to be greener (not as an Orruk), so that means less plastic wrapping and bags.

    My theory is that those that are still listed as Vanguards are getting replaced first so there's no point changing the packaging when there will be new ones out within a year.

    3 hours ago, novakai said:

    Yeah but I think the old skaven one is also not being sold anymore.

    You can get a Warp Lightning Cannon and Stormfiends for cheaper than a Vanguard/Spearhead box and the rest of the Spearhead is 20 Clan Rats and a Grey Seer so it's not too difficult to just use those components from your first Spearhead and buy the remaining two units (unless you're desperate to play Skaven vs Skaven).

    Heck, if you're getting the Skaventide box then that comes with 40 clan rats so you'd have enough for both that way too.

  7. I'm glad the Skaven are getting their old Vanguard for Spearhead as well as the new starter set stuff. More options for the new game mode is important. 


    Also the Nexus Chaotica is cool, definitely going to need to pick one of those up.

  8. 15 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    This is what i am worried about.

    It could be fixed with tuned down warscolls designed for spearhead games for all other units in AoS. GW could give us those with a requirement of needing 1 hero, 1 battleline and 2 other units.

    I dont think GW would do something like this though, they want to sell boxes. I hope maybe the community could make up some rules if GW wont.

    Something to remember is that if this is like 40k then most, if not all of the Vanguard/Spearheads from 3rd will probably be replaced with new boxes to help keep things fresh from a marketing standpoint, so you'll like have a couple of options for each army. Plus they've added a few lists through White Dwarf too.

    • Like 4
  9. 1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

    Think this is relevant picture to deduce what the next spearhead boxes are?

    Its 20 + new Skaven and Stormcast. What armies are missing? My guess would be Ironjawz at least. This would mean the Nighthaunt box is staying. I am too tired to notice what else is missing though.

    Its from an earlier warcom article i glanced over.


    If I remember correctly it was mainly Beasts of Chaos and Skaven missing from that. We know that the only 9th ed Combat Patrols that didn't get Combat Patrol rules where Space Marines, Tyranids and Necrons but so far they've all been replaced when their new codex comes out and all still have the old Patrols rules available as pdfs. So this won't be an indicator of what to expect.

    • Like 1
  10. 14 minutes ago, novakai said:

    Could be, I believe almost every 40K army that were feature or got something new from Arks of Omen have gotten a codex already a year into 10th.

    the exception being Imperial Agents and Worldeaters.

    Blood Angels are still waiting for theirs too and whilst we're starting to get rumours about it, it won't release until autumn at the earliest now.

  11. 50 minutes ago, Mcm6495 said:

    a question keeping in mind that the Orruks and the Slaves of Darkness received supplements at the end of the third edition does this mean that it is likely that their factions will receive their bateltomes from the fourth edition in the first years of this new edition

    As every faction is getting a new list in the indexes to start the edition off then those new units will already be incorporated there. I think Orruks will come early if only because the antagonist faction of the previous edition seems to do so in both 40k and AoS for the last few editions, but Slaves could come at any time.

  12. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    Now that the issues are close to end over there. What do you think, guys, are we going to 90 issues like Imperium an Combat Patrol?

    I don't think so. There's already probably more overlap with AoS 4 than GW would like and Hachette are probably eager to get Combat Patrol started this autumn too. I think this is already going to be ending in late August/early September

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

    Sooooo.... I just bought a GSC Combat Patrol yesterday

    You lucked out, that original combat patrol was fantastic and would go well with some of the new boxes without much overlap. I'm here hoping that the Hachette Combat Patrol magazine keeps the old combat patrols for contents as the older Chaos, Ork and GSC ones are all filled with stuff I'd like. Honestly makes me wonder if I should grab a couple of the Vanguard boxes I like

  14. 32 minutes ago, PraetorDragoon said:

    The interesting question will be if those two spearheads are also the spearheads that will be sold seperately later or if there are different new spearheads waiting in the wings.

    They'll probably be sold separately as well as in a starter box. That's how they've done it with 40k. You can buy either the Tyranid or Space Marine Combat Patrol separately for £95 or you can get them both plus some terrain for £125. Of course this can always change but that's the current model we have to base it off.

    I'm assuming most factions will get their Vanguard boxes replaced with new Spearhead ones alongside their army books. My guess is the ones that have had their product names changed on the website (Idoneth, Maggotkin, Ogors, Gloomspite, Soulblight, Kharadon, Ossiarchs, and Sylvaneth) are probably going to get their books further into the edition so are being changed to match the new branding, whereas the others (Orruks, Nighthaunt, Daughters of Khaine, Lumineth, Slaves to Darkness, Tzeentch, Khorne, Slaanesh, and Fyreslayers) that are still using the Vanguard branding will be probably getting their books with new boxes between now and next summer.

    • Like 2
  15. £160 seems reasonable to me, especially saving a bit by going through an independent seller. The models all look fantastic and 40 clan rats is 20 more than I expected. Honestly really think this might be our best launch box so far.

  16. 42 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    In other news, GW are stopping using plastic bags in their UK stores (don't know about the rest of the world) sometime in June as part of their sustainability initiative. 

    A good move. Taking your own shoppibg bags has become fairly standard in the UK now so no need for any shop to be giving plastic bags. 

    The downside is that GW plastic bags are some of the best ones you can get. I have family members who have zero interest in GW but still use bags they got when they went to go pick something up for me 6-7 years ago because they're durable, really easy to fold and are a pretty good size to keep in handbags or coat pockets. I think my mum was using one of the old black ones with the old yellow and red logo for about 10 years after GW stopped using them

    • Like 1
  17. 27 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Gryphound tease ahead of the stream on Thursday.


    Also another thing that's probably for Necromunda.


    That might be the best gryph-hound mini they've done. Really looking forward to seeing who they accompany.

    4 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

    Hang on.... wha....? 

    They're actual wrestlers? And they're going to be playing Warhammer? 

    I feel like I've been popping pills. 

    There's a few well known wrestlers into Warhammer. There was a big thing a few years ago when Shayna Baszler visited Warhammer World when on a UK tour and she's even worn Warhammer themed outfits in the ring. So there's definitely a crossover there

    • Like 2
  18. 12 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    I'm still waiting for the good news after the removal.

    That was the female Custodes. The idiots who get upset about that sort of thing start kicking off over that so their tantrums and everything else, like the removed factions, is pretty much forgotten by the majority of those paying attention

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  19. My first issue was 188. A friend brought a copy of it into school and I was hooked by the look of the Tyranids on the cover as well as the Space Marine battle report inside with the Imperium vs Orks. I picked up a back issue of it a few days later at my local GW. Funnily enough I think I'd already had one of their free brochure magazines at a gaming event held at a local school but it took a few months before I connected the two. The first brand new issue I brought was 195, which had a really cool fold out image with the metal Thunderhawk attached to the cover if I remember correctly. Sadly I got it too late have a chance to get a copy of the Sergeant Centurius figure when the event for that ran 😅

    Also if they released new Spyres for Necromunda I would buy them in a heartbeat entirely down to my nostalgia from these issues.

    white dwarf 188.jpg

    white dwarf 195.jpg

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  20. 1 hour ago, Landohammer said:

    You make a great case, but I am just not seeing the players materialize for combat patrol, and 40k has a larger player pool than AOS. Maybe thats just anecdotal and there are stores in other states with large players bases but so far it seems like a flop. So i'm hesitant about Spearhead really becoming a thing. 

    Arent Spearhead lists like completely locked? So like wouldn't you be playing the same exact list for every single game? That would drive me crazy. I'm always tinkering with my lists. 


    We can only say 100% for combat patrol, where lists are mostly locked, there are some exceptions (Custodes and Grey Knights for example give you choices about what things you use from your box to represent how strong those figures are individually compared to say Imperial Guardsmen and Genestealer Cultists) but also as they've replaced the 9th ed Combat Patrols with new ones and released White Dwarf lists it's expanded the available options a good amount. Currently there are 31 Combat Patrols between the pdfs and White Dwarf lists with Space Marines, Tyranids, Dark Angels, Orks, Custodes, T'au, and Ad Mech having two different lists. It's not unreasonable that this would continue over the edition.

    I could see Spearhead be exactly the same. Replace the current bundles with new ones to get more sales whilst still keeping the launch Spearhead's rules available and adding ones based on more niche elements of the factions through White Dwarf.

    1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    That's a pretty interesting POV, and pretty solid.

    It is also a nice way to play with friends that don't necessarily have minis. As long as you have 2 spearheads it is just a matter of teaching your opponent.

    It's also a good selling point to those friends too. You buy a box that costs £85 or less and you've got an entire force ready to go.

    1 hour ago, MitGas said:

    Watch GW dropping spearheads as soon as they've hooked you on collecting a couple of cool extra factions next to your main and putting in the work, so that you'll then have to turn them all into full-blown collections too.  You know it, I know it, they certainly know it. :D

    I do like the idea of it. Skaven, Flesh-Eaters, Cities, Seraphon, Soulblight, Nighthaunt.... so many cool factions out there, so little time. 

    I honestly don't see this as an issue. All the Combat Patrol rules are freely available on the Warhammer Community website at the moment, with the exception of the 2 newest White Dwarf lists. I have them all downloaded so even if it goes away with 11th edtion there's nothing stopping me filling in the gaps in my collection of Combat Patrols through buying individual minis and continuing to just play that with its 10th ed rules. It'd also help me figure out if I like a faction enough to expand it later on.

    1 hour ago, Arzalyn said:

    Not a 40k player myself, but the ones I interact with were really interested in the format but dropped it once it become clear it was really poorly balanced. The release of new combat patrols with the edition condex and most of them being downgrades to the ones before also didn't help.

    So far spearhead seen to have more variance with the 4 enchantments + 2 subs you choose before the game start and the card system. How well the game model will be received and adopted will depend on well it play at its launch and if they choose to support it further in the edition (twists for other realms and other spearhead formations looks like the simplest way for this). I imagine that AoS having more varied factions than 40k can also help people getting interested in pick a new box they fancy the models if the games plays well.

    Gamers in general really struggle with accepting alternate ways to play games. Commander is the most popular Magic format now but it took years and WotC actually pushing the format to become the juggernaut it currently is. Combat Patrol is a neat idea but it's pushing against communities indoctrinated with the idea that the only way to play is at 2000 points with the most recent books that make up the majority of the "active" player base.

    I think Combat Patrol has a lot of promise but it really needs community champions to get it going in the wider community. How that will play out in individual groups will vary wildly but if GW continues to support it then I think it'll have legs.

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