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Captain Badruk

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Posts posted by Captain Badruk

  1. 16 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    @Captain Badruk

    This seems to be a popular theory. 

    •I can't see Gdubs getting too much more $$ from that existing Mortarch kit. 

    •Its in a start collecting that's soon to be removed, I'd wager. 

    •Mortarchs are pretty important characters so going forward it would seem better for those three to get their own sculpts. 

    •In fitting with the OBR lore, I could see him being fused with his mount Razarak into the same bone construct body. 

    Damn that would be amazing! really excited for a potential second wave of the bonereapers, my favorite aesthetic and lore in the whole setting by a good ways

    • Like 1
  2. Does anyone think we might eventually see a new Arkhan model more in line with the bonereapers aesthetic after the events of Teclis? Seems like a good time to update the kit with the new gravelords book coming soon

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  3. 6 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    A lot I've just heard from Reddit really and random posts here and there so everything should be taken with the smallest pinch of salt that is imaginable!! 

    What I did hear is that Warclans will be getting expanded with a few new units for Ironjawz and a possible mounted hero with Endless Spells for the Warclans as a whole. 

    Oh dang well if its legit that would be really cool! are you thinking this might be a pattern for the future then, with updates to existing ranges coming more quickly?

  4. On 3/13/2021 at 5:03 PM, KingBrodd said:

    I'm fully hoping that Ogor Mawtribes get their update after Orruk Warclans after the rumours I've heard. 

    Hey Brodd what rumors have you heard about new models for the warclans? I've thought for a while now that this year might be the point where we see GW flesh out a lot of the existing factions in AOS rather than releasing a bunch of brand new model lines (LRL wave 2 and Soulblight getting split off from LON seems to support this) just wanted to see if you had heard any juicy bits that I hadnt?

  5. 17 hours ago, Major said:

    That was the question I asked as well. The damage comes from its synergies. You can get units in this army at +1 to hit, +1 attacks, rerolling failed hits, additional rend etc quite easily.

    The trick I've found thus far is picking your sub faction and generals well. You can have entire armies on 2+ saves rerolling 1s with additional rend on attacks easy enough. Their strength comes from their ability to outlast an opponent similar to what the lore says while still having heavy hitting elite units.

    It is quite easy to have a unit of Morghast Arkai on a 2+ save with a 5+ or 6+ deathless save and thier native 5+ save vs mortals, with 4 attacks instead of 3, hitting on 3,s and rerolling failed hits of 1, at rend -3, 3 damage. That is a tough unit for 200 odd pts.

    How can you get the arkhai to a 2+ save?

  6. 12 hours ago, christophe said:

    I will go for a super fluffy uneffective Pratorian list, with big daddy, 2 crawlers, 40 spear guards, some cavalry and sarchophagius guy (in one or 2 years when he got a proper release :) but I hate his head, so I will switch it, probably for a Corvus Cabal raven skulls !!

    I will have an extra copy of the character if you're interested

  7. 2 hours ago, NoMaDhOoK said:

    No it isn't the exception. The designers note is not about the part about enemy wounds characteristic. But about the fact that if you look at the damage table, the modifier for cursed stele increases with the more wounds the catapult has taken (attacking model refers to the catapult, not the thing you are shooting) 

    Holy ****** I can't read thanks for the help!

  8. 5 hours ago, NoMaDhOoK said:

    When a warscroll refers to a "characteristic" . It always refers to the number on the warscroll istself (unmodified and total wounds). This is in the core rulebook somewhere (I don't have it on me at the moment) 

    Ah ok then so the catapult is an exception rather than the rule I see now!

  9. 3 hours ago, Skelebags said:

    It's the way the rez rules themselves are worded. You either heal a damaged model, or bring back models with a combined wounds characteristic up to what you heal. So the boneshaper either heals a model 3 wounds, or brings back models with a combined wounds characteristic of up to 3. Stalkers have a wounds characteristic of 4 and morghasts have 6, so only the harvester on his d6 heal can bring them back.

    See that's what I thought too until I read the designers not on the martek crawler which makes it seem like the wounds characteristic could mean the wounds the model currently has? That's the way it's worded in that profile and the ressurect mechanic on the mortisans scrolls is worded nearly the same

  10. 3 hours ago, NoMaDhOoK said:

    No, you cannot bring back a unit with partial wounds. You can heal it (probably what they meant) but not bring back. 

    The guard are 1 wound a piece so you can bring those back

    The harvester can bring back models with more than 3 wounds because if something with 10 or more wounds dies near it, it heals D6 wounds (so you could, on a roll of 6, bring back a stalker or morghast model) 

    You also can't bring back models whose entire unit is completely destroyed 

    Is that in the general handbook? I had not seen a rule about not being able to Rez damaged models

  11. On 10/27/2019 at 3:41 AM, Fuggorf said:

    Just in case I've missed something, we'll only ever be able to ressurect Mortek Guard and the Deathriders yeah? No other units have models with a wounds characteristic of 3 or less?

    The designers not on the mortek crawlers makes me think that you can Rez the stalkers and gaurd but with only 3 wounds instead of the full four? The wording seems a little odd

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