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Posts posted by Townsie

  1. I keep seeing it brought up that Gotrek is great in a list with Morathi-Khaine. I don't play DoK - but I do look to start! I just don't know the play here with Gotrek. I realize that he's great in any Order list, but is there something specific that DoK does that makes him useful, besides winning more?

  2. 2 hours ago, Marcvs said:

    this is still in the new FAQ:


    Yes but the problem with third edition is that you remove a slain model after all wounds have been allocated. Not when they are slain. So this old FAQ doesn't quite fix this. I mean, I'll play it as intended - which clearly means that you heal a wound on a model as it is slain.

  3. According to section 14 of the core third edition rule book, you will assign wounds to models in your unit one by one. Once a model is slain, you don't allocate more wounds to a slain model, you continue to allocate them on the rest of the models in a unit.

    Once all wounds have been allocated and all attacks resolved, you remove slain models.

    A Lord-Arcanum's Cycle of the Storm ability says that instead of removing a model, you can heal 1 wound on it.

    Given a unit of three Liberators with two wounds each receiving three wounds to allocate. You'll end up with two models with 1 wound left since the two first wounds slays the first Liberator who is then healed instead of removed. This might be a bit problematic since the rules generally consider only one model in a unit to be wounded.

    Anyway, what becomes even more problematic is when there's only one model left in a unit. If that unit receives wounds enough to slay the model, it will just come back with one wound. And you need either shooting and fighting to destroy the unit, or multiple units fighting them in the same turn.

    This can't intended right?

  4. 54 minutes ago, TaoZenRat said:

    Is there a way to re-code this to pull the warscroll PDFs from a local folder?   I like the organized display of little PDF vignettes for quick reference but when I check where the HTML file was I had 2-3 copies of each PDF downloaded, after testing out displaying various lists.

    There's a bit of a problem with that. Web browsers are very picky about where you're allowed to read files from. Even though you've downloaded this html file, it's still not really possible for it to read files from your hard drive without authorization.

    There is a way of going around this, but it's a bit fiddly. I use Chrome as my browser. If I open up this web page, and then hit F12 to open the developer's tools. You can go into "Sources", then find where it says "Overrides". From there, add a folder by pressing "Select folder for overrides". The browser will now as for permissions, then later in that list, you'll see a file structure. You can right-click a file and select "Copy link adress." Now you have something like "file:///D:/Dropbox/Documents/Warhammer Age of Sigmar/Core_Book.pdf" you can use that link in the document, in the list of resources, and it will load it properly.

  5. 3 hours ago, Evantas said:

    Venator seems more reliable and consistent vs a single ballista, and is more mobile as well. 

    He's probably the weak link though. I'm considering other ranged options like Way Watcher but fitting the last 120pts is tough. 

    Anyway ME plays very differently from std 2000 pts, so I think we are still trying to work out the meta I think. 

    You're probably right about more reliable. I just spent two command points to ensure my Sequitors and Knight-Questor made the charge to hit Drycha, after deep strike. Didn't have any to spare for the ballista - which of course whiffed its shots.

    Something that's interesting with ME is that you can play on really small sized tables, and the ranges on the shooting units havn't changed, of course. So it's a lot easier to get a shooty army online to fire early in the game.

  6. 8 hours ago, Evantas said:

    Hi, been thinking of running something similar for ME, except with a heraldor instead of questor, and venator instead of ballosta. 

    How did it go and what did u play against?

    I'm playing against a Sylvaneth army over lunch at work. We made it thorugh setup and two turns yesterday. My buddy is playing Drycha, tree lord dude, twenty dryads, and a branchwraith.

    We're playing the "rearguard action" scenario (hur hur), and I went first, which meant I placed my spearhead down, getting the first objective majority with the Dracolines. I elected to put my entire main body in reserve to deep strike and hopefully one-shot Drycha next turn.

    Drycha killed off almost the entire unit of Evocators in Dracolines. The tree lord finished them off. The dryads charged my Lord Arcanum, but he broke all three of his spirit flasks, and killed off half that unit, with two wounds left.

    My next turn is coming up where I hopefully get to deep strike ten sequitors and the Knight-Questor, which hopefully spells the end of Drycha. She just puts out too many mortal wounds, too easily if she's at zero wounds.

    I think the heraldor would work real well here too - in meeting engagements you're often close to terrain because of the smaller tables. As for the rear guard, I tend to default to a ballista, because I know that I usually can get some shots off. When I play Beasts of Chaos, I often run fast units in the rear guard, just to maybe snag that last objective. What's your thinking with the Venator?

  7. 5 minutes ago, Lightomancer said:

    @TownsieThat actually sounds like a very cool format and I wonder can it be extended to 2000pts? It can sort of mess up all the mechanics I guess :)


    There are some lists with thundercats or evocators that would be interesting to play with, or even vanguard only, in that kind of format. Have you done any battle reports for this format?

    The next list I'll be playing is this:

    Dracolines Meeting Engagements
    Hammers of Sigmar

    Lord-arcanum on Dracoline: 220pts
        Celestial Blades
        Pride Leader
    Evocators on dracolines x3: 300pts

    Main Body
    Knight-Questor: 100pts
    Sequitors x10: 260pts

    Celestar Ballista: 110pts

    Total: 990pts

    In most scenarios, the spearhead deploys first, so having two units in the spearhead allows you to deepstrike the Knight-Questor and the Sequitors in the main body next. So that's the plan - I'll post a little AAR when I get this on the table.

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  8. Since the release of the General's Handbook, I've played nothing but Meeting Engagements. I think it's a great format - it's quick, so I can get a game done in a week night with a friend easily. And it still feels very much like Warhammer. But I don't see a lot of discussion here around this format.
    For those of you who are unfamiliar Meeting Engagements is a four-turn game mode played with 1000 point armies. These aremies are split into three groups, or contingents - your spearhead, your main body, and your rearguard. These groups come in over three turns - usually in that order, but some scenarios mix it up. Sometimes you start with only your Celestar Ballista in your rear guard out on the field first.
    For Stormcast Eternals, some of the more obvious drawbacks of the army are magnified in this game mode. Our model count is really low, and with large bases it's hard to get a good charge in, or compete for objectives. And with only 1000 points, it's hard to cover all the bases.
    The rules for reserve units interact in interesting ways with how these contingents are deployed, which is at the start of the battle, and then at the end of movement phases over the subsequent turns. Instead of setting up your rear guard artillery at the end of the movement phase of turn two - you can deep strike them, but then you have to wait until the next turn's movement phase, meaning you miss out on the opportunity to fire with them using the command ability of the Anvils of the Heldenhammer, for instance.

    I have a couple of army lists to start you off with.

    SCE Vanguard Hailstorm
    Anvils of the Heldenhammer
    Hailstorm Battery: 120 pts

    Lord-Aquilor: 180pts
    Judicators x5: 160pts

    Main Body
    Lord-Ordinator: 140pts
    Vanguard-Hunters x5: 110pts
    Liberators x5: 100pts
    Castigatorx x3: 80pts

    Celestar Ballista: 110pts

    Total: 1000pts

    SCE Arcanum
    Hammers of Sigmar
    Everblaze Comet: 100pts

    Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger: 220pts

    Main Body
    Lord-Castellant: 120pts
    Sequitors x10: 260pts
    Protectors x5: 180pts

    Celestar Ballista: 110pts

    Total: 990pts

    I like having a leader on a fast mount, like a Gryph-Charger on my spearhead to zoom in and snatch that first round objective.

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