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Posts posted by Myrmidox

  1. I have a friggin long list of stupid, crazy ideas for total conversion armies. My main problem is that i hoard the grey plastic drugs since maybe 10 years and longer and maybe i could realise all of my ideas more or less with the stuff i have at home.

     My main problem is not time, but that i overwhelm myself everytime i look on my overfilled storage rack.

    My ideas are:

    Cathay style army , probably cities of sigmar

    Byzantine, east roman lumineth realm lords

    warcraft alliance army, as cities or so

    and last but not least as chaos dwarf fan, my most developed concept: rightful evil industrial steam punk empire which unites the mortal followers of chaos, less demonic shenanigans and more raw industrial power, partly inspired by warcraft too, especially the forces of the black rock mountain and the black dragon flight under deathwing

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  2. 59 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    gonna post this here as well https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/08/21/cities-of-sigmar-round-table-part-one-designing-the-miniatures/

    IMO this is the most intriguing info in it

    can't wait to see more of the lore revealed now

    I still don't like the new models and the rules, but in regard the design of Tahlia, a dragon is somewhat of a noble beast, mount, fitting for nobles like we've seen at the elves. The manticor on the other hand is more fiercely and a beast with the features and the look of many animals, maybe an allegory for the still multiracial cities and a renewed fighting spirit to retake what is lost, kinda?

    I shouldn't interpret to much in the design.

  3. I am sort of happy, that i am not the only one who is slightly disappointed with the new book. My rant in the The "mortals redesign" Discussion thread was more as justified, especially since I addressed the topic of conversions and proxies. Maybe some think that me calling the cities from now on Cities of Apartheid is a bit over the top, but this is in my eyes the only way i can describe the new rules.

    My main concern is, that GW will with further Cities editions completly remove all old models, so all old dwarfs and elves and i don't believe we will get then a proper substitute for them. GW will not revert back, Warhammer models to Old World and AoS models to AoS, sure you can proxy and play them with count as and so on, but mostly no official "dual kits" for both systems.

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  4. A good point indeed. One big rule book, set of rules for the complete unit roster of a grand alliance. The battletomes could be made in only fluff/lore books. Some restrictions and coaltition rules here and there and it could work. I mean i have some more uncommon army conversion ideas, i have the materials, i have the grey plastic but in the end it would be neither competitive nor legal according to third edition rules.

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  5. Two last points of criticism from my side:

    1. You can convert and proxy as much as you want, what is with the wysiwyg rule, what with some more stricly tournament rules?

    Oh yes, fine looking army, cool conversion, btw. half of the army is not rule conform. Listen the models a great, but to avoid confusion and delays we have strict rules about that... and some of these models and bits are so old that even some offcial GW employees couldn't tell with a first look if they are offcial GW models at all.

    2. I find the lack of proper mustaches disturbing. Full beards don't count here, no wonder the Cities have internal problems.

    Everyone knows, the sole reason the empire of warhammer was successful was their glorious mustache wearers. I know Karl Franz is depicted with no mustache, but he was surrounded by so much of glorius mustachness that it compensated for this shortage.

    On a personal note, why i dislike the new book even more is following:

    I started recently to play Warhammer Age of Reckoning again, after 13 or 14 years . ( Btw. it's now a fan project, complete for free. If you haven't problems with outdated graphics and game mechanics, try it out. It's a fun pvp clusterfuck experience, which you can combine with the exploration of the Old World in third person view.) The order faction which consist of dwarfs, high elves and empire is excactly what i imagine what the cities should be. Open world pvp warband consisting of only one race would have deficits and less options than a complete mix of all classes and races. And this is exactly what i imagine for the cities, i want a strengh in unity approach, i want a the whole is greater than the sum of its parts approach, with the new book i don't see this at all. A stronger cooperation shouldn't mean that all old wounds and bad blood between the races should be forgotten in an instant, but instead to overcome these old obstacles.

    Side note theory: The game was no succes in the end, but maybe GW was inspired by the ingame lore for their superfactions and the whole endtimes stuff.


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  6. I would really appreciate an overhaul of the grand alliance rules. Bring the soup, even when it is not the best for meta reasons. The rule of cool should be more important, at least at the non-tournament scene. I like Oathmarks system for example. You can create your own kingdom, nation, mix the units like you want. You can concentrate on only one faction, or could mix in more common units from other faction, in return you can't use some of the more elite units. One of the players created a easy to use army builder tool in a circle diagramm format.

    This could be work for a Grand Alliance too, the more you mix factions the less elite units and subfaction specific traits, artifacts you can use.

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  7. After i read through the leaked Cities book and after i watched summaries about Dawnbringers Book 1, i must say i am not really interested in this faction anymore.

    Rulewise it's not only the cutting of some cool units, with the sole reasons reemerge with the old World or we don't want duplications, no now we have a clear segregation of the the three main races in the so called "cosmopolitan" cities.

    I mean the 1 from 4 unit rule doesn't exit anymore, so no more coalition Golden Boys and so on, but plain allies.

    Yeah Settler's Gain was founded with the Lumineth together, from now on, the upper class elves will have as little to do with you as possible, because reasons.

    Every old city is founded around a Stormcast Keep, looks like the stormcasts aren't invited to the crusades. But hey lorewise they can still rescue your little mortal butt, whom am i kidding, i am sure they will only show up after you died a most terrible dead, gain the whole glory, for the God King and so on....

    Annother example is that the buff wagons only affect units with the human keyword, aren't elves and dwarfs allowed to look at the wagons anymore? Sorry knifeears and beards with legs, no buffs for you, because reasons.

    I understand from a economic point of view GW interest to bring new human models to the table and i had no problem at all, if the Dawnbringer Crusade, was just a human centered subfaction of Grand Alliance Order. But this.....?

    It doesn't end there, no, traits and artifacts are separated between the three races. No interracial cooperation, only work side by side. That include even the Cogsmith, who doesn't affect artillery anymore.

    I have no problem with grimdark High Fantasy, i like my fantasy settings with many variations of the colourless colour grey. But this, hell no, Age of Sigmar Cities of Apartheid or what? But to top it all off, we have now a growing , what looks like a mostly human movement, of religious zealotism. Which solves city intern problems with the old fashioned methods of throw it on the pyre and pray harder. What do you mean we have problems here in Hammerhal, just minor setbacks, we see no reason to delay our plans to go on a crusade? Oh you didn't pray hard enough, then we have two options for you: Option one die horrible while burned alive. Option two join the crusades "voluntarily" and die horrible later. I like this new approach of the absolutely Not-Ecclesiarchy, if it works in the rotten and decaying realm of a certain immortal corpse emperor it must work in the Cities of Apartheid as well, right...right...?

    You can call me doomsayer, but the worst outcome i see for Cities is the complete breakup of humans, dwarfs and elves. Darkelves and old dwarfs could go the way of all mortal, legends war scrolls. If they form new Order subfactions the question remains how this will happen lorewise. Malekith and the Ancestorgods invite them in their new factions and they emigrate peacefully. The other possibility is that they are gone with not so peaceful means. Maybe outright expulsion. Hey it's your boy Geedubs, i heard you all like this gritty Witcher franchise, so in my immeasurable wisedom i give you the new Cities of Apartheid, where all Non-humans a  at best second class citiziens and at worst scapegoats for all problems, huzzah! And no, some ogres here and their and mutated critters are no replacement for a proper unified old school order tide.

    Btw i must say the new models a really good, really good for some nice dioramas where they are horribly and cruelly killed.

    And remember the Emeror protects, i meant the God King protects, i meant he protects if your human, i meant he will protect if you pray and crusade hard enough.

    And remember this "What is satire allowed to do?Everything!", then in my eyes this is the only way i can answer to the new Cities releases. Have a nice sunday everyone.

    ( some time later: where did i put my copy of liber chaotica again?.... )




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  8. The "new" Cities of Sigmar looks like a mix between Dark Souls and a Peasant Crusade seasoned with the behaviour from the 40k Empire to waste resources on useless ornaments. The guy on his litter chair could also work as missionary or official from the Ecclesiarchy. The artillery looks like a technological regression, a chamber gun with a crane, yeah. All in all i don't like the models, i have no problem with grimdark, but to much details on the models and to low tech in my eyes. But each his own.

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  9. First post ever, but i am a silent reader since years in this forum^^.

    The whole talk about steampunk and conquisdators reminds me on one of my favourite rts games Rise of Legends from 2006, it was the unsuccessful successor of Rise of Nations. Still play it today.

    One of the factions was heavly inspired by Leonardo da Vinci's sketches and ideas combined with steampunk, clockworkpunk and italian city states of the renaissance.

    Some artworks and renders of the game give a good example for this theme:rol-concept-art_air_fortress_07.jpg.cdd1212847b5f8c4dac73ab4cb72fdb6.jpgrol-concept-art_doge_mini_walker_final.jpg.19d8b8d493773949d69463df9c339188.jpgrol-concept-art_doge_mini_walker_final.jpg.19d8b8d493773949d69463df9c339188.jpg












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