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Posts posted by NatBrannigan

  1. Oh the hypothetical offending was from pages ago and not directed at me personally, no hurt feelings here! Jut someone said if the splitting / battleshock rule was played like that against them they'd call the other player a cheat. Seemed harsh.

    Maybe the proxy was a bad example because yes, your opponent could say "no proxies". Sure. But your opponent couldn't say "no destiny dice" could he? Or "No armour saves"? They can't just decide not to use a rule. 

    For me, personally, with no affiliation to the rules team, with no intention of EVER going to a tournaments and who uses Burning Chariots because they're great. "Counts as slain" should mean the models count as slain, therefore are affected by rules that kick in when a model is slain.


  2. Sheesh! I didn't realise people hated Tzeentch this much :P

    I've never even considered NOT adding Blue Horrors for Battleshock tests, Counts as Slain I could never interpret as anything other than the models being slain. I mean... for me that would be like someone saying they're trying to figure out how many Blue Horrors to buy so they're proxying them with these blue marbles, they count as blue horrors, only for me to turn round and say counts as? so they're NOT blue Horrors, got it. Odd. I'd certainly be offended to be called a cheater in this case.

    To clarify where i'm coming from I've also only ever won one game with my Tzeentch army because I play with  the models I like, so clearly not a WAAC player and I've also never considered NOT putting all the units in a Battalion down at the same time either, and it turns out it's pretty clear you can do that... Maybe i'm just not very good at rules, or the game full stop!

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  3. Well like I said, I'd love to be wrong about this and get some genericish humans / elves etc in the future for Free Cities. I guess you're all right about it being mainly the names as well (be thankful we didn't get Hughmons or somesuch I suppose!) rather than the models. I just take slight exception when you get the immediate snarky comments instead of a nice friendly discussion. Talk on the internet as you would in person and all that, but now i'm the one living in a fantasy world :P



  4. Voted for a bright future because i'm hoping GW pick up on the popularity and run with it, i'm not sure they will though :(

    The models at the moment aren't copy writable enough I don't think, you can still go to other miniature companies and use their stuff instead. Not many Steampunk flying ships or half tree half elf models about.

    I love this Battletome and i'm going to start an army from scratch, but I think i'm in a minority with most people using their existing miniatures? That might unfortunately limit support going forward but I very much hope i'm wrong. I still think an "Order" Warcry expansion with several warband boxes from different realms would be great and, if done properly, could be a new core for Free Cities in the future.

    Alas, I suspect this was a way to clear out lots of old stock.

  5. I was looking at Ironbreakers myself, but they don't seem great for the points. Do people find they need a tougher melee unit to screen shooting troops? Or would more shooting potentially make a better screen? 

    So forTelevipers list, would you take something to help screen those handgunners? Just take more handgunners or something else? Would Irondrakes make a better screen that Ironbreakers?

  6. On the CoS don’t fit into the aesthetic thing… I really don’t get that. I’m an Old Fantasy player but kind of understood why the Old World went boom, no scope for expansion with most of the map “filled in” and a story line that couldn’t move on without one side losing. So boom it went but unfortunately, when AoS started it was appalling! The writing was child like and the game was nonsense. I think that lost a lot of old Fantasy players but AoS has come on in leaps and bounds and is now a superb game and setting. The setting has been constantly sold to players as so large anything is possible, so go crazy and make your army you own. How that means anything does not “fit into the aesthetic” I don’t know… I’m no fan of the poofy sleeves myself but they certainly slot right into AoS.

     The possibilities of this book are amazing, I’m going all in with all new models (new for me that is) and mixing them up to form a coherent looking army out of the 3 races. Some KO guys in there because the Frigate is stunning, all very exciting.

     Having the iconic Empire models stick around is also important for another reason. Has anyone else run across someone who loves Warhammer Total War, looked into starting the hobby proper and been surprised to learn they’re basically playing a prequal game? At least the old models are familiar for them when they walk into a shop.

     Love some new “normal people” models and love (love love) the suggestion above about Free cities boxes for Warcry. Can’t imagine that being anything but hugely popular. Could go for an over the top Napoleonic era Steampunk army made of all 3 races myself.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    No it is tame. But within the KO allegiance abilities you get to stuff it full with thunderers (would advice them over arkanauts) and deep strike them turn one. That’s where the value is in my mind. 
    definitely not damage output. 

    Not worth it in a Tempest army then you would say? It's a shame because it's a Gorgeous model!

  8. I’d love to get some KO stuff into my army as well. The one that really aesthetically catches my eye is the Frigate so I was looking at that and 10 Arkanauts just to float off and grab an objective shooting as they go.


    Looked at the Warscroll for the Frigate though and…. It’s pretty tame isn’t it? Am I missing something? For 200 points I’d want it to be doing more damage than it seems capable of.

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