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Posts posted by TatterdemalionM

  1. Seems like a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation in this thread.

    First: You don't need to get the tokens if you aren't buying new warbands. Only the new warbands use them.

    Second: None of your cards are rotating this year, and your warband specific cards never will.

    Third: There is an official way to use your old cards after they rotate next year. Just play Relic format. I imagine small match-ups at your local game store are probably going to be using this format generally speaking.

    As for the rules changes, they're minor and from the looks of it for the better. It would be nice (and honestly, they should have been doing this from the beginning) if they would release a PDF, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. Still, it shouldn't be hard to get a handle on the updates.

    Honestly though, how many people do you expect to keep playing the game on a regular basis on the tournament level if they're not buying new stuff? If you want to play it casually, there's nothing stopping you from doing that. This game has been modeled after the LCG format from the very beginning, and that involves a certain amount of content turnover to keep it fresh for dedicated players. There has never been a successful card game that didn't feature rotation of some kind, it just wouldn't work. If new players have to buy all the old cards to compete, eventually the barrier to entry will get too high and the game will die.

    I feel like they've solved this issue in the best way possible. You can always use your old warbands, and there's an official format in which you can always use your old cards. If you want to play it like a boxed game, there's nothing stopping you. 

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