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Posts posted by Sputnik

  1. 16 hours ago, Ggom said:

    For all the folks who mention the hurdle of painting (both skill and time) - I wanted to share the simplicity of the sketch style approach:


    Cut back to it’s core, sketch style is like zenithal + controlled washes (aka dont drown the miniature in wash as advertised by GW.) I learned this approach a few years ago and it’s very fast and satisfying. Contrast paints are sort of a branch of this style. Sketching easily expands into more advanced painting as well - the way I’ve heard it described is as fundamentals for more advanced painting, because it teaches you about light and shadows as you work the sketch.

    Absolutely agree. I use a zenithal prime (wraithbone over black) for all my painting now and I've found that it makes contrast paints so much more effective. 

    I don't love painting, but I find satisfaction in completing a miniature. Zenithal priming plus contrast gets me to that point of satisfaction much more quickly, and ultimately gets my models on the table not stuck in the 'to do' pile. 

    I agree with others who have said that tabletop wargaming is a spectacle, complete with immersive terrain and painted models. I wouldn't gatekeep someone who plays with grey plastic, but I would gravitate more towards others who want to play the game in the same way I do. 

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  2. One tip is to search ebay for half box sets. I recently picked up 1k points of new Necrons on sprue for 50 quid. The same applies for Nighthaunt and Stormcast.

    The second hand market takes a bit of exploring to find good deals but I've recently had a few buys which were about half of RRP for used models that were not 'perfect' but easily fixable. 

  3. Flesh-Eater Courts - Relatively easy to get into as the start collecting box has most of what you need and there are are fairly few models. But...there are fairly few models, expect to paint a lot of the same thing. They do have at least one build that has been competitive for a long time, so a fairly powerful 'pick up and play' army. 

    Ossiarch Bonereapers - New models with decent variety and can be painted to look very cool (I think so anyway). Their strongest build has just been nerfed but they are still a very tanky elite army. You get to take Nagash! 

    Greenskinz - There is no old school Greeskinz army anymore, but orcs can be played as Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz or 'Big Waaagh'. They have a few competitive builds, but all rely on smashing and bashing, so you have to like that playstyle. Oh, and I hope you enjoy painting green!

    Beasts of Chaos - In a bad place at the moment competitively and a lot of the models are older. One of those armies that you really have to love to get over their limitations, and paint all those goatmen!

    Slaves to Darkness - They have some of the best new models in the game, but for some reason those beautiful new models have been given pretty ineffective rules. I would take them anyway - rule of cool wins for me. This is one of the most varied armies in terms of ally options and builds. You get to take Archaon!

  4. 6 hours ago, Mirage8112 said:

    3” from other terrain and 1” from objectives looks to be the proper guidelines to use. 

    I'm new to the game and still figuring all this out, but am I right in thinking that this would be a nice upgrade for us? Does this mean that we could place a woods in the middle of the board (closer to objectives than previously) before choosing sides, then use our first turn to pop a woods down in our deployment zone and get teleporting right away for a possible alpha strike or to castle up an objective?

  5. 14 hours ago, HollowHills said:

    To me explicitly stating a desire to push for diversity is a left wing position. An anti racist position would just be ensuring no one actively blocks diverse characters. 

    Its the difference between equal rights for all versus giving extra rights to minority groups.

    I genuinely don't know how you are interpreting that from the recent GW statement. No one is getting any 'extra rights', GW has just pushed back against people who want to keep the hobby white and male, and people who moan about black space marines or female Stormcast. 

    In the essentially infinite universes of 40K and AOS it is weird and unimaginative that so many human/humanoid characters are white and male. Actively trying to redress this imbalance is just good design and good marketing, and is absolutely not forcing politics into the hobby. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, HollowHills said:

    I mean you could ask, if ethnic minorities and women generally aren't interested in warhammer then why does it matter if the models aren't diverse?

    I strongly doubt that adding more female Stormcast is suddenly going to make an inherently masculine hobby more appealing to women.

    GW has adopted a left wing position though, so I'm sure we will find out if that works in the next 10 years or so.

    GW have not adopted a 'left wing position', they have adopted an anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-homophobic position. 

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  7. 13 hours ago, Kirjava13 said:

    Not for the first time, any and all lust to hobby has completely gone. It had gone before the lockdown but the last five weeks, which one might have imagined would be incredibly conducive to hobby, have instead just seen me glance from time to time at my Chaos Warriors and paints, then shrug and say, "not today". It's really depressing me, and I wasn't a bundle of sunshine to begin with.

    For the first 3 weeks of lockdown I did zero hobby. I had a nagging feeling that I 'should' be doing it, but just didn't have the motivation. I stopped worrying about it, did other stuff I enjoy, and then one day earlier this week I just had the itch to pick up a paintbrush. I'm now fully in gear and working through my backlog, and enjoying it. So try just letting it go for a while, do something else, and see if inspiration strikes when you're not pushing for it. 

    I've not been in the hobby for long but one thing I do know about myself from other pursuits is that as soon as something feels like a chore it kills all the joy.

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  8. Funnily enough Honest Wargamer did a show today on lists mostly made up of Bloodcrushers, which are apparently very effective for board control and damage from the charge. 

    The other list that springs to mind is just the contents of 3 Beastclaw Raider start collecting boxes which gets you just under 2k points of fully legal cavalry goodness. 

    Seraphon is another viable option with the new battletome, depending on if your definition of cavalry includes little lizards riding big lizards. Which it should do!

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  9. If steampunk dwarfs are your cup of tea then Kharadron Overlords seem to fit the bill for a shooty anti-magic project. Apparently the Start Collecting box is now a good buy since the new battletome came out, so that's an easy place to start. I'm sure someone more knowledgeable about KO can advise on a specific list. 

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  10. So the Arch-Revenant is going on pre-order next week. I'm curious how this will shake up peoples lists now that there's no scarcity issue. Is anyone thinking of running 2? I like the idea of sticking one next to Kurnoths, and another next to a big block of dryads. They are just so damn cost-effective with those buffs and decent melee. 

  11. I recently started collecting Sylvaneth as my first AoS army - lured in by the pretty models and interesting narrative. I was aware that wyldwoods were a thing but hadn't totally realised how crucial they are to any list, or how many of them I would need to fork out for. It's put me off expanding the army as I now see a much higher threshold before I can put my toys on the table.  For now I'm just going to ignore the woods and play smaller point games, but I know that a big spend is inevitable if I want to compete. I'm also thinking about just buying some templates and modelling my own woods for casual play. 

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  12. 19 hours ago, Trevelyan said:

    The Path to Glory options in the Sylvaneth book are bad. There is no way to get an additional model from the Champion table, so you inevitably miss out on a lot of what makes the faction work in real game. 

    If you pick Durthu then there is no way to get a spell caster in your army. That means no summoning additional Wyldwoods, no summoning extra Dryads and no casting any of our excellent other spells. Durthu really needs Wyldwoods to perform at his best, and the whole faction relies on them for assorted movement and other buffs. So a Durthu Champion in a PtG game carries a lot of hidden penalties. 

    Taking a TLA gives you a single wizard, plus allows you to auto-summon one Wyldwood. That is a huge benefit for the rest of your army. You still won’t get to summon Dryads (requires a Branchwraith) but you’ll get to see more of the faction and won’t lose out on as many Wyldwood-dependant buffs. 

    On that basis, the TLA is probably the better choice of the two. But I would really not recommend PtG as an introduction to Sylvaneth as you’ll lose out either way. TLA or Durthu isn’t a question of which is good, but only which is least bad. 

    Thanks for the info. That seems like an odd decision from GW to make it so difficult for Sylvaneth players in a game mode which should be about selling models to new players. Ah well, I've invested now so I guess I'll play it through and see how I go. It looks like I can add allies from the same grand alliance in the campaign as I gain points so I might just buy some Wanderers and gradually shift it towards a Living City army when I'm done with the PtG campaign. 

  13. I just picked up a Sylvaneth Start Collecting box and the battletome to take part in an upcoming Path To Glory at the local gaming shop. This is my first foray into AoS, so lots to learn. For the sake of picking a good champion for my PtG warband (and future-proofing) should I build the treelord as Durthu or Ancient? For my initial followers I'll get a unit of 10 dryads from the box, but I need a second unit, so I'm thinking buy some Kurnoth Hunters? I like the idea of having some shooting but from what I've read scythes are the way go long-term?

    Thanks in advance, all advice much appreciated!

  14. 5 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

    There are no Sylvaneth (or Kharadon or Stormcast) available in the CoS Path to Glory charts. :( 

    I'm sure whoever's running your campaign would be cool if you wanted to parachute in the occasional roll on the Sylvaneth charts in a Living City army though.

    All the "regular" CoS heroes and units with warscrolls in the book are available for Path to Glory. :) 

    Thanks very much. I've decided to make it simpler for myself and just play Path To Glory with Sylvaneth and then expand into Living City later. 

  15. 6 minutes ago, rockmanko said:

    1st impression - seems too heavy on heroes point. Very thin battle line


    not sure if it works or not though

    Thanks, that makes sense. I might switch the Treelord Ancient into a basic Treelord and put the 100 points saved into battleline. 

  16. I'm very new to AOS but tempted to jump in and build a Living Cities army (mostly because I like the lore and mix of units) which must include Gotrek (just because I like him). The other part of the challenge is to keep costs down, so I'm basing my army on a couple of start collecting boxes; Greywater Fastness and Sylvaneth. Putting these together with a few units that I just like the look of thematically brings me to something like this; 

    Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
    - City: Living City
    Mortal Realm: Ghyran

    Warden King (110)
    - General
    Cogsmith (60)
    Gotrek Gurnisson (520)
    Branchwych (80)

    Battlemage (90)
    Treelord Ancient (300)

    10 x Ironbreakers (130)
    10 x Freeguild Handgunners (100)
    10 x Dryads (100)

    5 x Sisters of the Thorn (130)
    1 x Gyrocopter (70)
    5 x Freeguild Pistoliers (100)

    War Machines
    Helstorm Rocket Battery (130)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Chronomantic Cogs (80)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 102

    Is this in any way feasible? Not competitive of course, but does it essentially work as a cohesive whole? The other big question I have is does this army have enough casting the get Cogs and Wildform down to give Gotrek his movement boosts?


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  17. Couple of quick questions;

    I'm looking to start an AOS army (currently just play Underworlds) and really like the look of the CoS book. A couple of people have warned me it might be a harder army to collect as a lot of models are online only through GW. Is this something to worry about?

    I love the Gotrek model and want him in any CoS army I collect. Does there seem to be any particular city specific rules which would benefit him? I heard that the old cities rules made it impossible to take named characters, but I'm guessing this is no longer a thing?

  18. I prefer something like the fantasy of the Terry Pratchett novels. He took tropes from high and low fantasy but made them unique, quirky  and full of character.  Humour is also a big thing for me, I want a bit of tongue-in-cheek sillyness. I do think that GW has lost a bit of the sense of fun that existed in older Warahammer lore. Yes give me mighty Gods and epic battles, but give me greedy halflings and doom divers as well. 

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  19. I've been waiting for something to push me into starting my first AOS army, and now I have it; Gotrek!

    I'm going to put together a Free City army built around the new Gotrek model, make it very fluffy and thematic with my favourite units from across Order. It's going to be partly a painting and collecting project, partly an excuse to throw some dice around at the local shop. 

    First step is to pre-order Gotrek, then pre-order the Free Cities book when possible. After that it all depends what appeals to me in the book, but I know I'm going to end up choosing what I like the look of over anything else. Greatswords for sure, probably a mash up of humans, elves and dwarfs. A couple of the Stormcast characters. 

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