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Posts posted by elvonndcloud

  1. Hi - sorry if this has been asked but i did a search and couldnt find an answer. 

    Looking at the artefact of power - Veil of Illusions - "Subtract 2 from the damage allocated by hits and critical hits (to a minimum of 1) from attack actions that target the bearer"

    First glance it looks like it subtracts from each hit and crit,  that seems quite frustrating to play agaisnt (end up with a lot of 1s) but re-reading it does say BY hits/crit FROM attack actions. Im not sure if you allocate all damage at once in this game at the end - either way it doesnt seem to definitive. 

    Has anyone smarter then me looked into this, not sure how to play or explain it, im sure the question will come up again.

    • Thanks 1
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