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Posts posted by BarfAtTheMoon

  1. It's true.  If they didn't cost so much I'd be fine with the Knights, but as it is they cost more than a Bullgor with Greataxe (nonleader) from the beasts of chaos faction, which is insane in my opinion.  They should be closer to 150 or so with those stats.


  2. So who else is probably replacing their cygors with fomoroid crushers? 40 points less, better shooting, better abilities, no degrading wound chart...

    I think i may even bring 2 of these and 2 long catbois to fill out my ally slots.  They just seem to good not to have, even with the fact that they're affected negatively by the herdstone.  Should be easy enough to keep them out of its range while still being effective for their price.

  3. 27 minutes ago, Wrinklestiltskin said:

    Isn’t our raider triple ability exactly the same as the bonesplitter one that got errata’d?

    I’m slightly confused by that one.

    Ours only adds the one attack per action for the single fighter, so it doesn't seem  too broken as that means it's a max of 2 attacks per action.  I'm not sure of the ability you're referring too, but I don't see any need to errata this one considering how not broken it is.

  4. I like the amount of variety we'll see in the BoC Lists, considering how many leader choices we have available.  Even though DO don't get a leader option I think we'll see a lot of the two handed one as the main muscle for a lot of lists.

    Personally I'm pretty set on the Bullgor leader for my band, with either one other bullgor and a lot of chaff or with just a lot of raiders and ungors running around making a ruckus.  We can fit a Bullgor leader and 11 other bodies in 1000 points, which I'm sure will make things challenging for most elite warbands, and can keep up with most hordeish warbands as well.  Our abilities aren't amazing, but I think they've got utility, especially the Bullgor heals and the ungor shooting triple.

    Hopefully trying out a few games tomorrow, so we'll see how I do!

  5. If they just updated the saurus and kroxigor models, that'd be enough for me even if it meant dropping the hunting packs completely.  Basically the Slaves to Darkness treatment.  I don't think  would be too much to ask, but with the pointy Aelves release,  i'd have to guess it's just going to be a book and an endless spell set.

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  6. If all the gw terrain has tons of holes and doesn't block line of sight anyway, i'd say the shooty army doesn't really have to worry even with exclusively gw terrain, now do they?
    There definitely needs to be more line of sight blocking terrain, or at least some area terrain that provides the benefits of cover.  It makes no sense to have those rules if they are never used, and with the way terrain is now, I have maybe one time in the last 4 years gotten cover for a unit from terrain. 


  7. It's nice that it makes sense.   The BoC "2.0" book has suffered from powercreep up to this point and now the only ally they can take is basically useless to them, so you can see why I would lament the loss as a player of said army.

    The new Slaves to Darkness book looks great, and the abilities therein are great.  I'm happy for the players that chose that army, but not for my less-than-6-month-old sorcerer lord ally conversion, which will now be sitting on a shelf.

  8. I absolutely love these.  I'll love converting the Ogroid as my second GW legal Doombull, plus the model is 100x better than the  Daemon Prince I used for the other one.  Keep these monsters coming!  It is also my wish that they see the error of their ways and add the BoC keyword to these, but I'm 90% sure they won't.  

  9. On 10/29/2019 at 10:49 AM, muggins said:

    Hey everyone, I have a question about Grashrak, keywords, and unit names. I thought I had it down but it appears I don't.

    I want to use Grashrak because his spell is just great, and he seems clearly better than regular Great Bray Shamans. I usually play Gavespawn. From what I've read, I can still use him in Gavespawn even though he has the Allherd keyword, he just doesn't get any Gavespawn abilities / benefits. That's fine.

    I also want to use Desolating Beastherd battalion. It requires this:


    He has this keyword:


    He doesn't have the unit name "Great Bray Shaman". 

    From reading the core rulebook, it appears he doesn't fulfill the battalion requirement. 

    Since the battalion requirement is not a KEYWORD, he doesn't fulfill that. Ok, I can live with it, I probably won't bring him.

    The one inconsistency I've found is this - when I use bestigors in a list with a Great Bray Shaman or Beastlord, they're Battleline.


    This works in Azyr just fine. When I add Grashrak and make him my general, to me, Bestigors should not be battleline. That is a unit name above, not a keyword. But they do become battleline in Azyr when I make him my general. Is this just a bug, or an inconsistency in the rules, or am I going crazy?

    Last - if I take him as the general, and I use Gavespawn, he can't take the command trait - does that invalidate him as a general choice in Gavespawn?

    Sorry for all the questions, just confusing to me.


    Grashrak does additionally get the Gavespawn ability, according to the way our particular greatfrays work. 

    Quote, directly from the Battletome:  "If your army is a Beasts of Chaos army, you can give it a Greatfray keyword.  All BEASTS OF CHAOS units in your army gain that keyword."

    So he would have the Allherd keyword AND the Gavespawn keyword if he was a starting part of your army.  

  10. Getting off of this track, I've been really trying to find a way to make Warherds viable, at least at a semi-competitive level.  So far that's been pretty hard - I've seen many attempted Warherds lists in tournaments do very badly, I'm sure through no failings of their players.  Are there non-warherd units we can add in to make the bulls excel?   Does Grashrak's Despoilers do anything to make Warherds worth taking over any other of the normal BoC must-takes or specialists? 

  11. I also like the idea i'd seen a few times, which has a bestigor and/or an ungor riding a converted mournfang.  My issue is that I feel like I'd want to add a platform for the goats to stand on, rather than having them sit.  Sitting is not a position I see gorkin ever being in haha.

    Anyone ever done that?  I can't find any pictures of anything done that way, but I'm sure it exists.

  12. 6 hours ago, Kazimer said:

    What sort of units would make for a good Beasts of Chaos chariot conversion? Im thinking of using the Gorebeast Slaves to Darkness one, and just slapping some spare Gors atop of it. Same price, but with a plastic kit :P

    I've done 2 using the old orc boar chariot, minus the orcs and plus an ungor driver and a bestigor rider.  Looks pretty good with some converting of the boars to be a little more chaosy.  And it's plastic too, and about the same size as the actual tuskgor chariots as well as fitting the "cobbled together" aesthetic.

  13. I'd like to see Fyreslayers and Kharadron for Order, gotta have some Duardin with all those Aelves!  

    Destruction's gotta have the Ogors, maybe Troggoths would be a cool elite warband to go along with that, though I'd love to see a beastclaw list with the cats and yetis. 

    Death's a little tough, since we have the main armies represented already...maybe the Ossiarch will come out in time to have a warband? I'd love if vampires could be in there but I'm not sure that's viable.

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  14. Just a conversation starter, because I'm curious

    So with the knowledge that two more chaos warcry warbands will eventually come out, most likely with a larger expansion, there's a possibility that more non-chaos warbands will also surface at the same time.  If the expansion was those two chaos warbands, plus two new warbands for each other grand alliance (so two for death, two for destruction, and two for order), what factions would you want to see represented?  Which ones do you think are most likely?


  15. 3 hours ago, Paniere said:

    so in a narrative campaign, how are the fighters killed and then brought back to game considered? Does the opponent get glory points for 1 or 2 thirds despite they came back? do they roll for deaths or not?

     "Pick a friendly fighter that has been taken down. Set them up again wholly within 3" of this fighter and remove damage points from them equal to the value of this ability. They no longer count as having been taken down." 

    so no,  because they do not count as being taken down, the opponent would not get any points for killing them unless they killed them again.  And as long as they stayed alive until the end of the match with at least one wound, they would not need to take injury rolls since they do not count as being taken down.

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