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Posts posted by Marvinmega

  1. So I have one ironclad, two frigates and three gunhaulers, What HQ should i bring and what to do with the rest of the points? Just arkanauts to stay on obejctives  or bring units for a escort wing? I really want to try out a all boat list now.   I love that there are so many ways to build an army now !


    8 minutes ago, frostfire said:

    Wow does it means I can bring 1 frigate with 30 skywardens, fly high, disembark 3'' away from the enemy, shoot and make a sure-charge, and get +1+1 in melee?

    That's pretty shocking.

    Unless they change how the boats work you disembark in the hero phase. 

  3. 15 minutes ago, Kubrick54 said:

    Usually, I would bait my opponent with my IC, which I deployed first with the meat of the army, and put it somewhere I did not want to put to force them to react accordingly. After that, I could redeploy it with Fleetmaster easily according to his deployment. Every game I played, I outdropped my opponent meaning I knew in advance if I wanted to go first or second and deploy accordingly.

    For the target priority, it really depends on the scenario and the list. But I usually went for what I perceived was the heart of my opponent's army or big units if he had them. I ear busted a large block of 40 ghouls in a game but I also shot Jezzails, Deamonettes etc. Really depends...

    As for the choice of boats over Arkanauts, a lot of things went into consideration. 1. I hate big blocks of units. 2. I don't have that many Arkanauts. 3. That build is slow, and in a tournament where basically only the objectives will decide the outcome of the game, I chose mobility instead of raw firepower. I don't want to spend over 600 points (40 Arkanauts and Khemyst) on a single static unit that dies to a swift breeze...I know it's a good combo but it's not my style.

    Awesome answer and congratulations for winning! 

    A final thing, how did you deploy the frigate so the counter punch would have less impact, or did you lose that part of your army every time? 

  4. 9 hours ago, Kubrick54 said:

    I’m the player that took CCBB! I’ll try to post a quick recap but I’ll be on Aethercast Saturday to discuss the event. Feel free to ask questions, I’ll do my best to answer them later tonight!


    What was your go to strategy for deployment? 

    What was the target priority with the drop ship party against your opponents?

    What was the choice of going with this list instead of the block of arkanaut shooty list?

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