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Posts posted by crowned

  1. I'm glad that Rogue Idol is getting some love. It's THE centerpiece model for a bonesplitterz army. I am also not sure about Kragnos and Krondspine. Usually I prefer the older models and was quite happy that a tournament player even ran an Arachnarok - one of the coolest models you practically never see anymore.

    A Question to the new GHB rules: Can Morboys be battleline for Bonesplitterz? If so, we could get a bunch more attacks in with the new 1/2" rule. I always liked the morboys a bit more due to their +1 bravery. I simply had to play with spears because 1" attack range has been very unforgiving during pile-ins.

  2. On 10/3/2021 at 5:16 AM, Shirtripper said:

    And the big Stabbas were great too. Wurrgog killed a Daemon Prince with an Amulet and failed to kill a Treelord Ancient due to bad rolls, but did 7 MWs to it before his head exploded.

    How do you position your prophets for the mask? 12" range feels pretty odd to prepare for your next hero phase.

    How big is the run and charge and MW to Monster loss for the Big Stabbas? It feels like the Rogue Idol is almost always the better choice.

  3. After a game against Bonereapers I am really satisfied with Savage Boarboys with Stikkas. With Icebone and a +1 to hit and wound from a source, the -2 rend on piggies you tend to delete a 20 man of Mortek Guard fairly easy.

    I just wish I had some kind of ranged damage, missing good 'ol drakkfoot fireball. Arcane Bolt feels so odd on wizards, since 99 % of times we never want to be in melee combat with them. (f.e. Arkhan being able to cast arcane bolt up to 3 times, move 16" activate their 3d3 damage after their charge, that's cool.)

    I am currently arguing with myself about either going for endless spells that do the most of Mortal Wounds, to have a bit more output before going into melee combat OR trying the Unit Fights Last spell as utility. In my current list I don't see arrowboys working.


  4. Wrote a weird list, trying to brute force what drakkfoot did with spells and what icebone wants to do now.

    I personally don't think the savage big boss is that useful anymore. He's a 65 point warlord that gives you an extra 3" pregame move and your opponent an easy target for points. Without his command ability I don't see him being used in 3.0 unless for memes.

    To cash in on the Masks I added another Prophet and gave him the amulet of destiny thourgh Warlord Battalion (just saw that others had the same Idea). The list wants to put down all spells in turn 1, controlling the board with shackles and using either the Idol or the Morboys to chaff and prepare countercharges with the boars. 


    ++ Pitched Battle GHB 2021 2,000 (Destruction - Orruk Warclans) [1,985pts] ++

    + Core Battalion +

    Core Battalion: Battle Regiment

    Core Battalion: Warlord: Extra Enhancement: Artefacts of Power

    + Leader +

    Maniak Weirdnob [100pts]: Bonebeast Staff, Tusks and Hooves, Warlord - 1-2 Commanders

    Wardokk [80pts]: Battle Regiment - 1 Commander, Bonebeast Stikk

    Wurrgog Prophet [150pts]: Fanged Maw, General, Glowin' Tattooz, Master of Magic, Warlord - 2-4 Sub-Commanders, Wurrog Staff

    Wurrgog Prophet [150pts]: Amulet of Destiny, Fanged Maw, Warlord - 2-4 Sub-Commanders, Wurrog Staff

    + Behemoth +

    Rogue Idol [430pts]: Battle Regiment - 0-1 Monster or Artillery, Boulder Fists, Damage Table, Stompin' Feet

    + Battleline +

    Savage Boarboys [280pts]: 10 Savage Boarboys, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops, Musician, Reinforced, Savage Stikka, Standard Bearer, Tusks and Hooves

    Savage Boarboys [280pts]: 10 Savage Boarboys, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops, Musician, Reinforced, Savage Stikka, Standard Bearer, Tusks and Hooves

    Savage Boarboys [140pts]: 5 Savage Boarboys, Musician, Savage Stikka, Standard Bearer, Tusks and Hooves, Warlord - 1-2 Troops

    + Other +

    Savage Orruk Morboys [155pts]: 10 Savage Orruk Morboys, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops, Bone Totems, Chompa and Toof Shiv, Skull Thumper

    Savage Orruk Morboys [155pts]: 10 Savage Orruk Morboys, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops, Bone Totems, Chompa and Toof Shiv, Skull Thumper

    + Allegiance +

    . Allegiance: Orruk Warclans
    . . Bonesplitterz: Icebone

    + Game Options +

    Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost

    Grand Strategy: Waaagh!

    + Malign Sorcery +

    Endless Spell: Soulsnare Shackles [65pts]

    ++ Total: [1,985pts] ++


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  5. I really like the combination of the two armies. Bonesplitterz (g, everybody pronounces them otherwise nowadays) were lacking attention since GHB19 and even before that. While Ironjaws had the "new and improved Monster hunting" which generally works for anything with >=4 W characteristic, Bonesplitterz really had to have MONSTERS on the battlefield and lost tons of extra rules in case your opponent didn't. Hopfully the new "battletome" will bring a bit more quality of life to the bonesplitterz (do you remember those annoying roles for toof shivs and choppas, because morboys can't have two choppas like everybody else?)

    Flavourful Endless spells for Orcs will hopefully bring some old Orc flavour back. Maybe we will even see some Doom Diver Catapults and a Blackorc Waaghboss at the side of savage orcs just like the good old times?

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