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Posts posted by JangutzKhan

  1. Just completed my first games of warcry.  

    Lost 2-0 to untamed beasts but one was the messenger objective and he just ran the prowler to the board edge for the win. 


    Wanted to get an idea of what members make up people’s warbands? Any multiple orge breachers? 

  2. 5 hours ago, Overread said:

    Right now its not really neglect its just the order of releases. Some armies were first and some were last; thus far GW hasn't double-released any faction in the 2.0 releases. Some armies were first and some were last; heck lets not forget Destruction started the year with 1 working Battletome and maintained that right up until just over a week from now where they get a second and then there's a potential third at the very end of the year. 

    Seraphon, Tzeentch, Slaves and KO should be seeing new Tomes early into 2021. At GW's current speed then at worst end of April should see all of 2.0 with battletomes. This might come sooner if they duel release any and could come later if they throw out another surprise like Ossiarchs. Otherwise April to May should see AoS finally arrive at a fully functional 2.0 system! 


    At least that's my guess based on 1 tome a month and GW's current release pace, and assuming no more trade hiccups.  And that's forgetting that October is going to have 3 battletomes (Orruks, Cities and Ossiarch) so clearly if GW wants to they can push them out fast (though granted in the grand scheme of things Orruks and Cities are apparent delays after sylavaneth)

    God I hope we don’t have to wait until 2021!! 

    Surely Archaon is planning to strike soon. He’s calling everyone to fight to his favour through Warcry! 

    Im not too fussed if Darkoath was an idea that they have moved on from, as long as Everchosen/slaves gets the battletome it needs and updated models. 

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  3. On 9/24/2019 at 5:55 PM, Overread said:

    No a squeak yet, not even any hints of the models save for potential images in the photo hints GW releases each week - though they can be super hard to predict what they will be. Eg the lizard skin turned out to be a cloak of dead lizard hung over a space marines shoulder rather than any beast or monster or seraphon lizard.

    I thought as they were shown in the rule book that they would be released quite quickly, heres hoping before Christmas. Also, I'm hoping that the Varanguard guantlet rumour mill isnt Spire tyrants, and is actually more Slaves/Everchosen. 

  4. 1 hour ago, madmac said:

    Seraphon by all accounts are a popular faction that sells well and shows up a lot at tournaments, despite their dated unit line and ancient armybook. There's no reason for GW to get rid of them. Their battleforce box last year also sold out almost instantly, as I recall.

    Plus honestly, the model range isn't that bad. There's a lot of finecast and old cruft, but also a good number of modern plastic kits. The big impressive kits are all solid, Stegadons, Bastilladons, Carnasaurs, and the Flyers are their most modern kits, along with the Skink Starpriest.

    The things that need updated are primarily the characters (Slaan, Kroak, Astrolith, Skink Priest, Sunblood, Starseer, and Eternity Warden are all finecast) and the extremely dated Saurus unit range. The Kroxigors and Salamanders/Razardons are also still finecast and could use new sculpts.

    I think the problem with Seraphon is just GW struggling to know what direction to take them in combined with the model range being all over the place and not easy to update.

    All that said I fully expect we'll get their updated armybook early to mid next year.

    I always thought Seraphon look a bit gimmicky and a bit out of place in the mortal realms. Maybe GW think theyre a bit outdated now and will slowly phase them out?

  5. Meanwhile, some fans have had the chance to paint and take home their very own Iron Golem model! If you fancy getting some for yourself, you can pre-order yours in the Warcry Starter Set.

    We’ll be back at 10:30am (BST) with another preview looking at two incredible new battletomes – exciting news for those new to the Mortal Realms and veterans of the Season of War alike

  6. 3 minutes ago, Sete said:

    Yeah , only if Warcry was anything related to Age of Sigmar at all... ;)

    Pretty sure they have time for everything, after all 2 warbands should not take much of the morning.

    What are we expecting for AoS proper tho?

    Battletomes. Death and Chaos. Probably just teases though. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    Thinking about how the Warcry warbands would work in AoS, I was originally not too keen on it, thought it was more of its own (more interesting tbh) thing and one which would not really pass on to the tabletop. Minimal visual and themtic coherence compared to most of the other AoS forces, which its fair to say are pretty visually homogenous in a way that WHFB armies usually weren't by virtue of how they tunnel down into a particular old subfaction or focus on exploring a particular theme. Why not just have a core of Darkoath marauders, horsemen, skirmishers, archers, etc?

    But I was rereading Rob Sanders' Archaon novels and it struck me that they show a greater and weirder diversity of mortal forces in the chaos hordes than we ever saw on the tabletop. Eastern armoured pikemen, cannibal ogre-worshippers, mutated maggot-men with one mother, steppe horsemasters, a warrior-cult of mirrored knights. That's cool as heck and shows a lot of variation quite distinct from the traditional axes of mortal/beast/daemon or khorne/nurgle/tzeentch/slaanesh.  It's the kind of encyclopedic listing off of different groups that you see in Herodotus when he's listing off the different backgrounds of Xerxes's forces or, to use a more recent and probably more appropriate example, like in GRR Martin's books where Jon Snow sees the different distinct tribes of wildlings.

    Could most of this variation be represented by, say, marauders with a variant paint scheme? Probably, rule-wise, but it does lead to a kind of smoothening out of the sheer amount of weirdness. If a new Chaos Hordes book consisted of Everchosen, Slaves to Darkness and Darkoath, the latter could be the opportunity to show the huge range of tribes and peoples that follow chaos in one way or another. Folks from all over the realms that have come to the Varanspire and then left again as part of the hordes of chaos, keeping their fighting styles.

    So you could have a core of 'generic' darkoath marauders, horsemen, characters to represent those tribes who maybe don't deviate from the mean so much and to establish a slightly more normal core. Then you have a small phalanx of heavily armoured breachers from Chamon, a band or two of crow-masked skirmishers from Ulgu, fanatic shock troops from Shyish... Lots of visual contrast and variety, nothing else quite like it in AoS, united with a common colour scheme or banner or warpaint or base style. All the chaotic (eh? eh?) variety of a barbarian horde under a stern-faced brute in black armour, bearing the sigil of the Everchosen.

    Like, if GW had spent the same amount of energy (as though this sort of thing can be easily transferred) developing a single battletome, there's no way it would ever have as much weird diversity and creativity as these 6-8 warbands. In a certain light it's like Warcry is an excuse to get 6-8 new boxes of unique marauders. Obviously it's not, GW is pushing this hard enough that they clearly want an AoS kill team but as a side effect that has the potential to make mortal undivided chaos more than muscleboys on parade, it's pretty cool. I think it's more meaningful than the simple and kind of halfassed way GW has incorporated the Shadespire warbands into the codices.

    Great post. I think that once Warcry is established that each warband will eventually be expanded upon and formed into full armies, as they are obviously investing heavily into the lore and characteristics of each tribe. 

    Ideally an everchosen battletome would allow for the ability to take these different armies synergising under the slaves to darkness or everchosen keywords. 

  8. 10 hours ago, GeneralZero said:

    All this imagination, energy and means that could have been (partially) done to StD.

    Those warbands are indeed amazing and at least, that should have given some nice darkoath/StD/Everchosen/marauders minis...

    Too bad this is not the case.

    They will come! 

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