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Posts posted by Ennor

  1. Hey guys I've had a long break from my spooky Bois but recently found myself wanting to give them another go. This is the list I've decided to try. It's mostly stuff I have and have used before, but with some new additions like the cogs which I'm hoping will smooth out a bit of the unreliability of the army.

    ++ **Pitched Battle** (Death: Legions of Nagash and Nighthaunt) [2,000pts] ++

    + Leader +

    Dreadblade Harrow [90pts]

    Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern [140pts]: Chill Blade

    Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed [120pts]

    Reikenor the Grimhailer [170pts]

    Spirit Torment [120pts]

    Spirit Torment [120pts]

    + Battleline +

    Chainrasp Horde [160pts]: 2x 10 Chainrasps

    Chainrasp Horde [160pts]: 2x 10 Chainrasps

    Spirit Hosts [360pts]: 3x 3 Spirit Hosts

    + Other +

    Bladegheist Revenants [180pts]: 2x 5 Bladegheist Revenants

    Bladegheist Revenants [180pts]: 2x 5 Bladegheist Revenants

    Glaivewraith Stalkers [60pts]: 4 Glaivewraith Stalkers, Deathbeat Drummer

    + Allegiance +

    Alliegiance: Allegiance: Nighthaunt

    + Malign Sorcery +

    Endless Spell: Chronomatic Cogs [80pts]

    Endless Spell: Geminids of Uhl-Gyish [60pts]

    ++ Total: [2,000pts] ++

    The plan is to deepstrike my KoS, spirit torments, revenants and spirit hosts to try and pin my opponent for big damage turn 2 with geminids. Hopefully this combined with nighthaunt charges will do enough damage that my other units can just sit uncontested on the objectives long enough for me to win. What are you guys thoughts? Is it likely to work or is there something wrong with my list/plan?

  2. Hi I'm relatively new to khorne but have a few games under my belt at this point. I've had a lot of succes playing at 1000-1500points but as I've been stepping up to 2k points I've been hammered into the ground. So I was wondering if I could get some tips on strategy/ list building. I usually run some variation on these units

    bloodthirster IR, bloodmaster, bloodsecreator, 2priests

    30letters, 2x5hounds, 9bloodcrushers, 10reavers, 5wrathmongers, 1skullcannon

    Mostly daemons but I've started to consider more mortal stuff. Just picked up some bloodwarriors, a skullgrinder and a bloodstoker up last week although I've yet to try any of it yet. 

    I'm also putting alot of thought into batallions so far I've been experimenting with the murderhost which seems a bit underwhelming for the points cost. I might try out gorepilgrims next week since I now have the warriors but any pointers would be gratefully appreciated.

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