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Posts posted by kench1

  1. IF GW bring out a Giant Faction I think they will be usable by all 4 Grand alliances, with  different upgrades.  The Current Giant fits Ogors O&G and Chaos, so adding Order is easy.  Death a bit trickier, maybe a Zombie head, Bone club etc.

    But what I think would be really cool, and ties in with hysh more, would be a Teclis faction of Giants.

    Morathi made the Khinerai and Melusai with Slaanesh Souls, Teclis messed up the Deepkin with these corrupted souls, what if Teclis decides that the only safe way to resurrect Aelven souls is to place them in Penumbral War Engines.

    Clockwork War Constructs powered by the Souls of dead Aelves, might I suggest trapping these Souls in a Gem Stone.

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  2. 4 hours ago, TheMuphinMan said:

    so the skaven box is the old skaven box with the finecast units swapped for clanrats, and the gloomspite has fanatics with no way to get them on the field (if built by box art). Feels like the boxes didnt have much thought but into them.

    GW knows there are a million Nigh Goblins from Skull pass still out there getting your hands on 60-120 Night goblins is easy, I am glad they didnt put 20 NG in the box, it would be a waste

  3. Normal Greenskinz are defo coming  with the redone Goblin Wolfriders, I wager the next starter set will be Order vs Destruction perfect place to redo orc boys and normal gobbos.  The Orc Boar boys are amazing models and will get re-released, and the redo the rock lobbas and doom divers.  Job done.


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  4. What if this undead guy is a bit like Mumra and game playwise a bit like Morathi. 

    We have some Skele dude walking round with a sarcophagus on his back, that contains evil dead guy remains.  Once the tithe of bones reaches a certain level, in game, pop the coffin lid and giant evil mumra pops out and starts to wreck people !!

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  5. On 7/24/2019 at 2:41 PM, CaptainBerk said:

    Thanks for the clarification.  Seems there is another incentive to upgrade the woods then.

    Edit : I've just read through the FAQ again.  It reads like the 3" from terrain restriction affects even woods placed during the game?  This makes it much trickier to place the vital 2nd wood...I hope they change this in the Sylvaneth FAQ.

    It says if you use an "allegince ability" or a "warscroll" to place terrain its 3" from other terrain.  The spell and the artifact are none of these :D

  6. The new scenery rules, seem very fair except for the Graveyards.  So if I am a TO I will say people have to bring 3 big pieces and 2 small pieces, and you cannot duplicate the big pieces. 

    Also I think it is long overdue that AOS moves to Chess clocks.  Tournaments have 2.5 hours for a game.   So 1 hr 15 mins per player.  If you have to deploy scenery and units within this time and play 5 turn games, people will not waste time placing scenery (well they can but they will run out of time to play the game.

    Once a player runs out of time, all they can do is take saves, battle shock tests and score/contest objectives.  

  7. Look guys if you are at a tournament the TO just needs to leave 6 big pieces and sets of 4 walls, on the table.  You place Objectives, then place the Terrain (like in a game of x-wing).  Then all they need to do is FAQ that Faction terrain is 1" from other terrain 3" from objectives, and everything will be fine.

    Depending on the scenario most tables are going to look like  the dots on 6 on a D6, with walls in between.  (which I would also faq to be 1" from other terrain.  Walls next to a house makes more sense.

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