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Posts posted by nakomat

  1. HI

    I got a fellow up question about summoning, when you summon stuff in with either the blood tie or the ability Karanak has are those units you have to factor into the point cost of your army or are they "free" units ? also is the wrath and rapture box any good been able to find it at a cheap price in a local game store and im thinking about getting it 

    Thanks for any help 

  2. I wanted to ask if someone in here could help me understand the meta around the SCE since i have only just gotten back into warhammer and picked up SCE since my old armies from the older version namely the orcs where so limited in units, are the only viable list currently range heavy armies and what would you suggest to play when going up against a mate that uses maggotkin of nurgle at 1500 points ?.

    currently i have 10 sequitors, 3 evocators and 1 lord arcanum on gryph charger buildt but not painted but they seem weak compare to his very beefy guys.

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