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Posts posted by TreelordRecent

  1. My first reaction to these minis leaving the range was surprise as I was really not expecting them retiring the sacrosanct range which is less than 6 years old.

    On a second read it looks like they will update the sculpts in order to sell us more golden boys that we already have.

    This is basically what they did for 40K with Primaris.

    In response I think we should endorse the sequiberators as previously mentioned, and my dracoline certainly feels like it can identify as a Dracothian guard or a vanguard Pallador.

    From the AoS launch video, certainly a number of sculpts from Skaven will get updated, rats swarms, jezzails, clanrats, clawlord on giant rat which used to be forgeworld… So it looks a bit like a range refresh not a complete squatting.

    Bone splitters and BoC it is a lot harder to digest for people owning these armies. For my friends with those armies I will happily play their legend rules or the rules they had at the current battletome. But even if you don’t want to use the legend rules, a savage orc can be played with the same rules as an ardboy and I am sure most people won’t mind.

    As someone who plays MESBG, that game rose from the ashes due to a core of very dedicated fans. If you truly love your army and show it, it will come back! Look at the leagues of Votann.

    Lastly a word of hope, the old world came back a decade later and people are buying old sculpts. Keep your sequitors, evocators, they will re-release them like they updated the liberators.

  2. 30 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Let's play a game. Spot the 9 differences:



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    There’s actually more differences than I first thought!

    I think that the downside of having revamped liberators is a lot of people who are into stormcast already have a ton of them. People into skaven already have a lot of clan rats. It seems to reduce the appeal of having multiples of the starter box.

    • Thanks 1
  3. As someone who follows 40K as well, Valrak’s rumours tend to be very accurate. I can’t remember the last thing he predicted that has not come to pass. The odd thing changes over time but that may also be GW changing their schedule, which is a known fact by now.

    • Like 4
  4. In the kharadron overlords lore master episode released today it looks like we have a preview of the next ossiarch characters some sort of bone shaper type character with arms like a spider. Looks like he is raising some sort of crocodile type creature. Around minute 20 for those who want to check it out.

    • LOVE IT! 2
  5. Normally around the time of the year they reveal the Christmas battleforces. So we should get this in the next couple of weeks. They tend to be released towards the end of November so they can arrive in time for Christmas… rumours are skaven, nighthaunt, stormcast for AoS. Can’t remember the last one that was rumoured by Valrak.

  6. On 9/29/2022 at 7:37 PM, Skoll said:

    Don't know if anybody remembers it as it's a game that died 20 years ago. But the wolfen of Yllia from confrontation were basically the ideal of a destruction aligned army.


    They were a force of nature not a cohesive force with a specific goal. They were a people who lived in "harmony" with the land and were fiercely territorial . Despising other factions encroaching on their territory , and eschewing the trappings or civilization . The only exceptions they made was they traded for weapons with the dwarves of that universe .


    Something similar as a new destruction faction would honestly be ideal . Without the need to be gorkamorka aligned and perpetually having to go on "notawaaghweswear"

    Indeed, it looks like there are definitely a few parallels between confrontation andAoS. KO looks a lot like the dwarves of tyr na bor. Krulboyz like the orcs of bran o kor. Likewise conquest’s spires looks a lot like Dirz…


    confrontation had a phenomenal miniature line.

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    • Thanks 1
  7. 9 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Trogg Hag plastic sculpt would be a dream. Id love a wandering type Troggoth model or another perfect excuse to update the Mancrusher!!

    A Unicorn with an AOS twist could be absolutely terrifying!!

    It is the idoneth deepmare 

    • Like 2
  8. As much as I would love some more seraphon I wonder what the warband would be composed of. It seems like they already had quite a general medley in their last warband.

    The starter set had a good Ulgu theme. A witch hunter warband makes sense and seems to already have been previewed in the artwork. I am not quite sure apart from vampires/ FEC and more malarion aelves what else we have in the lore that is very shadowy. 


    Regarding warcry, if I remember correctly the map is close to a sylvaneth and an ogor site. Hence if there is any purpose to be in this area these should be explored. Otherwise it would feel like a bit of a missed opportunity. As an expansion you could see a twisted sylvaneth versus BoC as a throwback to the old days.

  9. 11 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    I agree with the Battletome list.

    That would also make for an awesome Battlebox as well, especially if it contains a lot of new STD and a new Ossiarch unit.

    After the wrath of the ever chosen book, Archaon and Karakros still have some unfinished business. 
    if I remember correctly OBR have some sort of ballistae that are mentioned. So hopefully we will get them at some point.

    • Like 1
  10. Do remember that getting close to these trees can make you vulnerable to the treelord ancient’s spell or to the effects of the woods themselves. That is normally right where a sylvaneth player wants you to be. It may be a case of damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

    • Like 2
  11. On 4/26/2022 at 5:46 PM, Nezzhil said:

    Yeah, you are right about the Warcry 2 box content is not sure buuuuuut I'm pretty sure we are gonna see Warcry 2 as a new iteration of the game. I'm very hyped.

    Warcry was originally previewed at warhammer fest and the new editions of games tend to be previewed there if I am correct.

  12. 2 hours ago, mojojojo101 said:

    I know these articles are just fluff but saying;

    'the spectral bolts of the Craventhrone Guard always hit their mark.'

    Right above a deeply mediocre prodfile that hits on a 4+ did make me laugh.

    50% of the time hits every time!

    • Like 3
    • Haha 5
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