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Breaks-the-iron Mont

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Posts posted by Breaks-the-iron Mont

  1. Guys, i have a question regarding ironbreakers shield wall. It says we can choose to activate on our turn. Does that mean if my opponent goes first and alpha strikes, I can't reroll hits turn 1??

  2. I had a great game last night against a dear friend who ran a Khorne mortals list. 1250 point game, battle for the pass. (So sorry i have no photos). My list using new points:

    Runelord (pickaxe)   80

    Runelord    80

    10x longbeards    100

    30x ironbreakers   360

    20 irondrakes    360

    Ally: steamtank  240 (he agreed to let the 40 points over ally limit count).


    I took first turn, and charged up the board. Capped both central objectives with longbeards on left flank and ironbreakers on right. Irondrakes did some quick and furious tunnelling with a runelord.

    Steamtank lined up its sight... and pow! 30inch steam cannon into his slaughterpriest. D6 hit. 6 dmg. Bye bye priest. 

    Turn2, he charges into me with a few odds and ends, i was terrified. But i held firm with only 6 casualties across the board. Try as he might, the dwarves will not be moved.


    The irondrakes pop up behind my main line because he wisely spread a unit of reavers across his deep area to stop the pesky dawi. The leader said aim. Devistating. 


    We called the game start of round 3, 10 points to 2. He wasnt going to shift me and I was about to unload with anothet 40 shots from irondrakes. 


    People who say we are rubbish, bottom tier, useless. Im very confused. Not top tier, but no where near useless. 

    MVP was tied between steamtank and ironbreakers. Steamtank... my love and joy. And my favourite comment of the night "those damn ironbreakers JUST DONT DIE". 


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  3. 9 hours ago, Alaric83 said:

    This is my point : These units are not anymore the only battlelines.

    If you absolutely needed to have warriors, longbeards or quarrelers, yes, the battalion would be useful. As it is however, it forces us to play with these sub-par units.

    Right now both Ironbreakers and Hammerers are battleline, and these units are immensely more useful defensively and offensively (respectively) than the others, for a very reasonnable point increase.

    This is why, for me, the Grudgebound battalion is bad.

    100% agree

  4. Well done beardlings!!!

    The GW store is sold out of runelords, hammerers and ironbreakers/drakes here in Australia (at least my part anyway). 

    The more GW realise they will make increased revenue with dispossessed models, the more likely a battle tome and increased competativeness. Jolly good work all and sundry :)

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  5. 6 hours ago, eciu said:

    Nice as everyone can take nice duardin artillery (thanks merc companies) and still have their usual strengths (abilities, magic etc. itd). 


    You cannot stack rend. And dwarf heroes (but Runesmith) are still meh (not tanky, not special tricks, not killy (worse than a wet noodles)) etc.


    It seems that the amount of models will be almost the same. Hard to say how it transisions to "elite". 



    Being optimistic is fine as long there are actual reasons/factors to be so (and it's not "be positive for sake of being positive"). 

    Hey bud, in saying elite, im talking about with the lowered hammerers cost taking them over warriors. I agree with you 100% that hammerers aren't the best unit ever, but they are the best melee hitter we have. Putting 1 rend on hammers, 1 rend on irondrakes, and maybe a 6 up on the ironbreakers to really ruin someone's day is powerful if we position right and be tactically astute with our choices and allies. 

    We'll never faceroll but I'm hopeful we can give a good account of ourselves 

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  6. Guys, I've seen alot of negativity re: lack of allegiance ability changes to bring us up a tier. But this has given us a change for the better with overall points drops, including some ally options. So let me share some positivity!

    Positive point 1: heroes for days

    Our heroes are now priced as they should be. My 2k List will include 1 warden king, and 3, count them 3 runelords. This will give us 3x Increased rend, or 6up afters. And 3 attempted spell interuppts on a +2. Starting to look tastey no?? The unforged is also 80 points. Cared no one ever.


    Positive point 2: the transition from horde to elite and grumbly

    Before the change, im sure most of us were rocking a big ball of warriors. I mean 40 for 280 points, fantastic. But now the dreaded points hike. 320 points for the same 40 blob, no longer as scrumptious. For me, this has aided in my natural transition into a more elite, solid army.. albeit with slightly less bodies. And for that we are looking to the humble grumble, the old farts of fantasy, the longbeards themselves. 10 for 100 points, with a bubble buff to reroll 1 to wound within 8 inches. As a screen, these guys are a dwarven wet dream and always bring a happy ending. I'll be taking 2 units of 10 as great screens and all around nice dwarves. Because who doesn't want to hear that grots are weedier these days? I thought so.

    Continuing point 2 (point 2.5 if you will) we have the shiny pink  hammer in the room. I just want to let the old cost of a full unit of 30 hammerers sink in for a minute. 420. 420!!! Those hammers must have been infused with boutique microbrewery produce and wrapped in silken love-me-nots. What an overpriced stack of limp steel swingers. But no more. Rejoice my grumbling brethren, for the hammers have been newly acquired in a Costco bulk buy special, complete with wooden hafts and half finished rivetting. We are now talking about 30 hammerers for 360 points. This saving is massive, not just for the points, but the opportunity cost involved! Let me put it another way. Rather than have 40 dwarven warriors choke up an objective for 320 points... i can now choose to throw 30 hammerers for 360 points instead. Less bodies, more cost, but 3 Times as good. Its a no brainer in my grudgebook, and I'll be taking a block of 30 to charge hammer first into the shins of whoever I want to annoy. Fully buffed with +1 rend runelord and warden king +1 wound roll, we are talking 2 attacks each, 3s hit (rerolling 1s Because you chose the right grudge didnt you you bearded beauty!) 2s Wound (rerolling 1s as we have the AMAZING longbeards rather than warriors) with -2 rend and 1 damage. Due to our small base profile, we are going to be getting a dwarven diaper full of hits. If synergised correctly, this WILL be effective, and it WILL kill some tough overconfident witch elves who can't afford pants. 


    Point 3: lower priced allied artillery makes this dwarf go giddy in my 2 inch knees. 

    Cannons, 140 points down from 160. Every bit helps, and a 32inch ranged annoyance is great to force a reaction. But everyone already used cannons. I wonder if anyone used the mother of all dwarven artillery, the steamiest rom com battering ram, the giant metallic dash of 'nope' that will make your enemies wail in pent up frustration and jealousy!! Yes, ladies and dwarfleman, we are talking about the steam tank. Imagine if sigmar and a big block of dwarven iron had one hot, regretful night of passionate steelmaking, and then Sigmar got a bit of an inferiority complex and put a giant wang i mean cannon in the front. This thing is awesome. And its now only 240 points. 

    I'll be running a dispossessed list at the Runic Axe team event in Brisbane, Australia in November. By dwarf I'll make them wish they brought some wet wipes.

    Thank you!!!

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  7. Changes in GHB Dispossessed For the Dispossessed, Warriors have had a small increase in points, and are now 90 points for 10. However, the Runelord, Unforged and Warden King have all been discounted! The former is a very solid allied pick in an Order force, with his Rune of Spellbreaking ability working as an excellent counter to key enemy Wizards.

  8. Id love if we got some updated love for our allegiance ability with the updates in GHB2019.

    My other wishlist is reduction in points cost for hammerers down to 140/280/360, same as ironbreakers. Its hard to justify hammerers in my list with ironbreakers and irondrakes. And im never giving up my bearded dwarf flamethrowers!!

  9. Dwarven brains trust! I have a burning question and i find myself singing... "when I find myself in times of trouble, father grungni comes to me, grumbling words of wisdom, grungni be. And when i need to know the appropriate citadel base size for my cannon, grungni grumbles patiently, there will be an answer, grungni be"

  10. Hello my dwarven friends!

    I am but a lurking beardling, thought I'd jump in and raise a mug to you all. New player, just bought a stack of second hand warriors with artillery, and I got excited and pulled the trigger on 4x Boxes of ironbreakers.

    This is the start of something special!!

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