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Posts posted by umpac

  1. 14 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    yeah really looks terrible, but hmmmm, with so many different targets, eventually getting rend-2, seems nice and chaotic, no?  I think worth a proxy test or two.

    Yeah spawn just has terrible terrible output, even with rend -2. The avarage spawn forces 1.75 saves, even good rend thats like 1-2 wounds inflicted. If your opponent reaches the objectives first you will never get him off. They're also made of glass, don't play objectives well and dies terribly to any aoe damage. Random move also makes it a nightamare to keep the army together.

    A less spawny but more viable version would be shaggoth, bray sham, 2x10 ungors, 6 drogors, 2x6 disks and 11 spawn. Ungors and spawns just move out and clog the board/buff stuff, disks goes laser guided cruise missle and takes out high prio targets or get stuff off objectives, drogors for some staying power and decent output. 

    If you really want to keep the all-spawn theme I'd do some heavily converted counts-as proxies, either kit bashed or 3d printed. Like a giant gross super-mutated spawn counting as a megagargant or incarnate. Or tzeentch spawns with wings to count as disks. With just regular spawns I think you'll end up with a wicked cool but completely unplayable army.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Dolomedes said:

    Did the tourney list have an incarnate in?     

    No standard mix with shaggoth, shaman, 20 tzaangor, 6 dragon ogors, 12 enlightened and a bunch of screens. The odd pick was tzaangor shaman + direflock.


    2 hours ago, The Red King said:

    The problem with the direflock is that on your opponents turn they can easily move something near it and send it away

    True but you can just unbind it in their hero phase. And even if that fails a single important IP block (or rally, plenty of scary 4+ rallies around now) is easily worth 30pts. When I play horrorghast in SCE it rarely has use more than 1 turn anyway.

  3. On 10/9/2022 at 12:34 PM, Dolomedes said:

    Kind of janky imo - I'd rather take the horn, or another chaff unit.

    Maybe. I havent played it, or BoC at all yet, but I played plenty of horrorghast games and that spell has won me so many games. The direflock is 10pts less to have infinite range, much larger radius (within vs wholly within) and also stop rally.

    You lose the +d3 flee but only matters in a few match ups. Saw a recent big tourney being won by BoC using one and wondered why I never seen it in lists before. For 30pts it seems like a steal if you can squeeze it in.

  4. 1 hour ago, lordmeaty said:

    Your Opinions?

    You can only take BH once, so the first need some tweaks.

    I like your 2nd Oops-all-hammers list the best but I'd drop the relictor since translocation isn't great for melee. Id drop the celesant too as well as the endless spell and uppgrade the annihilators to grandhammers and add more hammers or some chaff/screens. Or keep the relictor, drop the celestant and endless spell to add 3 longstrikes and take Volley (though its a pretty hefty investment fot pretty mediocre shooting).

  5. 1 hour ago, Malakree said:

    Not to mention that lumineth sentinals still ignore it since they don't need line of sight.

    True, same goes for stormfiend windlaunchers and a few others. But few factions, if any, can build lists with no counters or weaknesses. And with mid and low tier armies you're often better off playing to your strenght and have a few dead match ups than trying to not have any weaknesses and instead end up with no strenghts. 

    1 hour ago, NauticalSoup said:

    I think it's an exaggeration to say they wreck melee armies.

    I guess wreck by Kruleboyz standards. My big yellers lists hace always done far better against melee than against shooting/magic/hybrid lists.

  6. 17 hours ago, Derek said:

    No batreps or any new opinions on list building since we’ve been seeing tournaments with deepkin taking first place?  Anyone think the incarnate has a place in a deepkin list?  

    Haven't played it but should work well on paper at least. It will completely nullify at least 2 turns of shooting, which becomes 3 turns total with the ritual. As discussed a few pages back, it does very well into SCE dragons which are a big problem for IDK. +1 cast is really good for the Eidolon, the small aura on a combat piece doesn't matter since the Eidolon has short range spells anyway. +1 hit aura is nice since a lot of stuff is hitting on 3s, but you probably want to send thins thing off alone to do its thing (or at least always be 3" away from friendlies) so not sure how useful that will be. Re-rolls on charges is also pretty juicy, especially as all IDK units that used to have it gained +1 charge instead in the new book.

    It has pretty pathetic output for 400pts and the auras are a bit of an anti-combo with the wild form, but IDK has plenty of damage and not a lot of staying power, so I can certainly see some people picking it up instead of a turtle. Would be interesting so hear from someone who has a few games under their belt with one.

  7. 1 hour ago, woolf said:

    btw what was the change to Namarti Savages rule?

    They changed the wording on the retreat part of the rule from "pick 3 units" to "use it 3 times". Before you had to use a single hero to give (up to) 3 different Namarti units the redeploy command, which was kind of awkward since they all needed to be within 9" of an enemy finishing its move. Now you can use it  in multiple locations and activating it from different heroes in the same phase, making it easier to use effectively.

  8. 23 minutes ago, Liquidsteel said:

     - King Lord of Tides confirmed once per game, period

     - Tsunami of Terror confirmed to be stackable

     - Aspect of Sea gets TOTEM keyword, same as the Storm

     - Lotann's once per game Ritual confirmed to not require the corresponding Tide to be in effect

     - Rune of Surging Gloomtide confirms you can still choose 1 big or 2 small boats to place

    Wow, really didnt expect to have the Tsunami and Lotann ruled that way. Thats BIG.

  9. So IDK had a good showing at the Grand Clash CanadaGT, a 120+ people event, getting two 5-0s and taking 1s and 2nd. The lists were (don't know the subfactions):

    1st: 30 thralls, 3x10 reavers, leviadon, lotann, eidolon, soulrender

    2nd: Soulrender, Lotann, 10+10 reavers, 10+10 thralls, leviadon, turtle, 2+2 sharks

    An IDK-player also won Sidney GT with: Blender king with flaming weapon, thrallmaster, tidecaster (gloomtide), 6 eels, 20 reavers, 10+10 thralls, Leviadon in Nautilar. He went for hunters and warlord so its an 8 drop.

    Interesting to see that they all went for a turtle and 20-30 reavers. Also interesting to see 3 lists that all look VERY different all go 5-0. Namarti heavy, eels, sharks, all seem to work very well. Really says a lot about the internal balance of the book.

  10. 3 hours ago, DocKeule said:

    Not sure if the battlepack for pitched battles overwrites this rule saying you can have up to 400 points in a 2000 point game.

    Those are seperate limitations. Its no more than 1/4 units and no more than 400pts. Made the same mistake a few times in 2.0. They didnt seem to do much in your games anyway though.

  11. 2 hours ago, Homura said:

    Would anyone be willing to help me put a 2000 point list together. I've largely just collected for years, but am going to finally start playing with some people I met at a LGS. I have the following toolkit to play with:

    Akhelian King


    Eidolon of the Sea

    Isharann Soulrender, Soulscryer, Tidecaster 


    Ishlaen Guard x2

    Morrsarr Guard x4

    Namarti Reaver x2

    Namarti Thralls x6


    Allopexes x2

    Thanks so much! Trying to both learn to play AoS and this army after collecting for years.

    Edit: Those are units, not models

    Russ from Facehammer recently went 4-1 with Eidolon of the Sea, soulrender, thrallmaster, 10+10 thralls, 10 reavers, 3 sharks and a leviadon. You could just drop a shark and the thrallmaster in favor of Lotann and another unit of reavers and you have a solid Morphann list.

    There was a Ionrach list mentioned on last page that went 4-1 with King, Volturnos, tidecaster (reverse tides), 20 Thralls, 10 Thralls, 10 Reavers, 6 Morrsarr, 2 Sharks. 

    Either "net deck" one of those lists and make adaptations as you go along, or build something you like from scratch. You honestly can't make a "wrong" list with the current book.

  12. 3 hours ago, vinnyt said:

    Incarnate charges, eats an arbitrary number of MW from unleash hell. Kills a dragon, now level 3. Goes to level 2 during BS phase. Dragons can't retreat out of combat. Incarnate eats an arbitrary number of wounds, kills a dragon, goes to level 3. Goes to level 2 during BS phase. 

    Right! Forgot they had the monster key word. Still has to catch the dragons but yeah it will eat some dragons for sure.

  13. 1 hour ago, vinnyt said:

    Incarnate is excellent in deepkin, imo. It almost single-handedly solves our problem with the oops-all-dragons army lists you see everywhere. Chuck it into a unit of 4 and watch as it never dies and kills the unit over a couple phases. Or chuck it into characters. Or chuck it into any big beasty. 

    How would that work? The UH alone is like 7 MWs, then the incarnate kills maybe 1 dragon and the 3 remaining deals enough to level it down to lvl 1, then shoot and fight it in their turn to level it down to 0. It would get 2 combat phases off, probably killing 2 dragons, but its still a net loss. The dragons are also way faster so the problem with them just swooshing 24" forward and killing everything before you can react still remains.

    The incarnate seems pretty good though, not overwhelmingly so but enough to maybe see some play. 

  14. 15 minutes ago, Derek said:

    @umpac  you would fight first on your second charge in turn 3.  Since asf is active the entire round.  I’m excited to get my army to the table.  Just waiting on the rest of it to get built by the local commission guy.  Soon very soon lol

    Yeah, that's what I said (though maybe a bit clumsily written), and that's part of the problem. Without ASF you risk charging a new target just to get your butt kicked, so you need to get buffed by a king or be on turn 3 to properly use the ability. If you don't have priority turn 3 you miss your window.

  15. 40 minutes ago, Derek said:

    So you guys think dom-hain thrall spam is a gimmick?  I think there’s some play there.  I’m going to be giving it a try probably in may.  

    Probably going to be fun to play and I could easily see thralls seeing some play, but the dom-hain thrall all-in is probably not the strongest. You have stupid damage but they are still fairly slow and very fragile unless its turn 3 or you're camping a ship. Foot slogging glass cannons usually don't fare well in this game, but there are exceptions so maybe thralls is another one. My main issue with them is that there are so many things that needs to go right:

    1. Succeed with the charge roll 

    2. Kill their first target (which to be fair is going to be easy)

    3. Have a second kill target in range, that you want the thralls to go into

    4. Succeed with another charge roll. The chances of making one 7" charge is 60%, the chance of making two is 36%. Rerolling the charge ups the chances a bit but you can only re-roll the actual charge and not the combat charge.

    5. Kill the 2nd target while most likely being out of thrall/lotann/etc buff ranges (which they will do no problem if most of the unit is intact by this point).

    6. You need to either be in turn 3 or close to a king to give you ASF or you might get walloped by the 2nd target activating first.

    7. All of this is mute if you don't have the priority.

    Thankfully Thralls are good now so even if you don't get the big wombo combo and double smash half your opponents army off the board in one turn they can still do work. I think one of the best parts about them is not having to go all in on them, you can just take 2x20 and a thrall in dom-hain and fill the rest with sharks, reavers and eels. That way you have a solid army regardless and every few games the thralls just goes nuts and insta-wins. 

    • Like 2
  16. 35 minutes ago, That Guy said:

    The new crossbow unit of the nighthaunt counters our ebb tide. even with ritual.

    Do you mean low tide? They're 12" range anyway so not like they would care about the ritual. 2 Attacks a piece on 4+/4+/-1/1 is pretty terrible shooting, way worse than Reavers. Forgotten nightmares still apply as well. Unless they are dirt cheap or have crazy synergy with something else in the book I wouldn't be too worried about them...

  17. 12 hours ago, AHexInScarletRed said:

    Does the aura of Mannfred's CA move with him, or does it only affect the units that are within 12" when issued and stays with them even when Mannfred moves away? 

    So: Mannfred is next to a unit of Blood Knights, issues the Command, flies away to a unit of Zombies, which of the units now benefits from the buff? 

    Didn't find anything on that, please enlighten me and, if possible, I'd appreciate a source I can show to my gaming group x) 

    I think its pretty straight forward. If you look at his sword ability it says that they get +1A as long as they are within 12". The CA doesnt say anything like that so he simply pumps them up in the hero phase and they stay buffed until you next hero phase regardless of where Mannfred is.

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  18. On 2/13/2022 at 4:31 AM, LeonBox said:

    Quick question regarding Spoor Trackers: whilst this is a great trait for getting surprisingly fast zombies/faster Dire Wolves, it is also very short-ranged (wholly within 9"). I was tempted to put it on a Necro but, given his small base and its limited range, I feel I won't get too much out of it. The other target is a VLoZD, but that might hamstring his being where you need him if he's babysitting zombies/wolves. Who would you put it on and why? 

    I tried it a few times with 2x40 zombies in 2.0 and didnt feel like I got much out of it. You basically only have use for it turn 1 and its hard to get 2 units in range without feeling super restricted with your deployments. Might improve early board control slightly but Pack Alpha is too good and I always ended  up regretting not picking it instead. 

    I feel like you definitely need to put it on a large base if you really want to run it for the reasons you mention.

    • Like 1
  19. On 1/18/2022 at 4:32 PM, Smash said:

    Looking for tips, especially if you think it would be reliable to get sludgeraker and rogue idol into combat t1, and as my previous post. If my gutrippaz would manage to get the buff. 

    Sludgeraker would have 16" before charge and rogue idol 20" so i hope that is enough to charge some juicy targets.

    Interesting and innovative list but you'd be better off just playing IJ if you want a T1 alpha combat army. There are a few issues with these kinds of KB lists. First off you won't get a raker into combat and still applying the 12" range buff to thirty 32mm guys who preferably are spread out in 2 ranks. To get this to work you also need a lot of pieces to fall into place. You need to:

    - Succeed a 6CV casting roll with no +cast (~67% chance)

    - Make 3 different charge rolls that can be made much harder with redeploy. Just making three 5" charges has a 60% chance of success (rerolls and redeploy skews this of course)

    - Make at least one 4+ with 3 dice, hopefully 2, followed by a 2+ or 3+ depending on the screen.

    On top of all that you also have really spiky rolls in combat. Sometimes the sludgeraker goes in and goes mental, sometimes you roll no sixes and he does kind of nothing. The idol also doesn't have the strongest profile, averaging 7-12 wounds depending on save. Its gonna feel great when you pull it off but a lot of games will probably end up with something not going your way and the whole thing crumbling. Id try it out with proxies or over TTS a couple of games before buying into it.

    • Thanks 1
  20. 8 minutes ago, Rotbinger said:

    Anyone got any thoughts on this? 


    Standards and musicians are exempted from the WYSIWYG rule, they are assumed to be armed with the same weapons as the rest of the unit. You don't need to convert them with spears to be legal for matched play.

    Edit: from the core rules:

    "Command models must be represented by the appropriate Citadel Miniatures. They are assumed to be armed with the same weapons as the other models in the unit unless noted otherwise, even if they are not shown on the model itself."

    • Thanks 1
  21. 5 hours ago, Arzalyn said:

    Really cool model, but I wish it was something else than unit champion.

    Yeah when I first saw it I was pumped for a gutrippa support hero, something that gives them run and charge or pile in on death or something. Still an awesome model, bodes well for future kruleboyz models :).

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