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Posts posted by SHHump

  1. Whoops, some of my points had already been looked at, sorry.  But the point about keywords still stands - FAQ does not say that each battalion has the keyword of their battletome, just that "the faction a warscroll battalion belongs to is shown on its warscroll, above the title of the battalion. In addition, the battalion is assumed to belong to the Grand Alliance that its faction is a part of."  Now, as the newer ones don't show a faction keyword, I assumed that they were easier to use and allowing you to include (for instance) a Nighthaunt battalion in a LoG or LoN army.  However, the LoN designer commentary mentioned by Kenshin620 above seems to counteract that...

  2. 3 hours ago, AverageBoss said:

    That is incorrect. The battalions keyword also matters. If the battalions keyword is not your allegiances keyword but a viable ally keyword, then it and all units within it count as allies (even if those units would normally not be allies). If the battalion lacks your allegiances keyword and any viable ally keyword, it can't be taken at all. This is why the mortal Everchosen battalions have stopped functioning in god armies in 2.0 and why the BoC battalions had to receive errata to function properly.

    As for Gravesites, yes there are 2 differences between the LoN and LoG text that I see. Firstly, the line stating that "Gravesites have the following abilities" is completely absent in LoG. And 2nd is a single word difference, LoN states ..."while within 9" of THIS gravesite...", while LoG states "...while within 9" of A gravesite...".

    The point is, battalions don't have faction keywords anymore - I'm looking at the Nighthaunt battalions as I type, no keywords.  And in the core book, all I can find is "If a player's army includes the units needed to field a warscroll battalion, then the player can include the battalion as part of their army by paying the points cost for it as shown on its Pitched Battle profile." I suppose its listed under the Nighthaunt pitched battle profile, but as far as I can tell the rules themselves seem to let you mix and match as you want.


    And yeah, that's the difference in the gravesite rules.  In LoN, each gravesite has that ability so you use it once per site, giving you up to 4D3 healed wounds.  In LoG, the rule reads "At the start of your turn, pick a friendly summonable unit within 9" of a gravesite" which you can then heal/resurrect for - no mention of being able to do this once per gravesite, it's just 'pick one unit at the start of your turn'.  Again, I'm hoping that's a mistake, but it seems odd when they could have just copy pasted the wording from the LoN book.

  3. On 5/26/2019 at 12:32 PM, ianob said:

    It really doesnt matter what the app says, the app can be wrong. Until there is a specific FAQ, battalions can't be used in LoG. Which might well be a good thing, as battalions being legal would make the NH *absolutely* pointless instead of just mostly pointless in the face of LoG :)

    Why can't battalions be used? As far as I can tell, in AoS 2 as long as you can field the units for a battalion, you can take the battalion. They don't even come with allegiance keywords anymore. 

    One other thing that I noticed is that the gravesite aren't as good for the LoG.  Unlike in Nagash's legions, you only get to resurrect models from one gravesite each turn - I'm hoping this is a mistake and will get faq'd...

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