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Posts posted by Patriarch

  1. Hi, I have a question about rules.

    Crawlers have a 6" minimal range.  Deepkin have an ability that I must target the closest unit.  If that unit is within the 6", like 5.99", since i can't target anything within 6", what happen?  My guess is that i must target the closest targetable unit.  Why would i try to target someone that i can't target?


    Any faq about that?

  2. 16 hours ago, Gibs said:

    I have been wrong before and probably will be again haha. 

    That said, I have re-read this three times now and have not spotted the part that says a unit must be 'Everchosen' to be part of 'The Host of the Everchosen'....if you can point that out that would be really helpful as that is quite a significant restriction?

    On the warscroll entry for Varanguard it says if all units are from the 'Host of the Everchosen' then they become battleline.

    The only  restriction I am seeing is that you cannot bring in allied units if you want your Varanguard to still be battleline.  Any unit listed in the Slaves to Darkness book is viable to be part of the list without restriction. Chas Warriors being batteline means you can meet the 3 unit restriction. 

    The lists I am considering (assuming the above) has 3 batteline units.

    Host of the Everchosen

    • Archaon
    • Chaos Sorcerer Lord / Chaos Lord / Gaunt Summoner
    • Varanguard x3
    • Varanguard x3
    • Chaos Warriors (20)

    Leaving 90 points to play around with. You can drop the Sorcerer and slide in a Gaunt Summoner (2000pts ) or go more aggressive and take a Chaos Lord for the command ability that lets a unit attack twice! You could even drop the Warriors for a unit of 10 Knights but I am not sure how much better that is than running another unit of Varanguard and taking the Battalion with the second circle though?

    The Chaos Warriors are giving the list 40 wounds with a 4+ re-roll save and if Archaon is Nurgle everyone is getting -1 to hit against shooting and a little extra damage from rolling 6's. The Chaos Sorcerer Lord can give Archaon a re-rollable 3+ save in the early rounds against shooting combined with the -1 from Nurgle and can support the Chaos Warriors by buffing their hit and wound rolls and making sure they can re-roll saves even when below 10 models. The second threat is  having a unit of 20 Warriors or Varanguard that can be teleported making our opponent re-think their deployment. 


    If you are going less than 15 Chaos Warriors I would be taking Marauders instead. Chaos Warriors without their re-roll-able save are not worth the points IMO. Also teleported Marauders are more reliable when it comes time to charge.  With Warriors you take the minimum number of shields required to get the 5+ Mortal Wound save for the unit and then you mix and match the rest of the weapons so the unit can put a dent in anything it ends up in combat with. Halberds are great for ensuring everyone gets to fight. Great weapons are awesome as the -1 rend makes them threatening against 3/4+ saves and the Sorcerer can buff the unit with +1 to hit and wound. Finally duel weapons mulch low save models! While the unit will go down  it isn't likely to take all 40 wounds in one or even two rounds of combat in most scenarios and with immunity to battle-shock its probably going down to the last man. Therefore, it becomes the anvil Varanguard and Archaon can play around and its a big enough unit that it cannot be ignored forever. 



    I looked at the book and i was wrong.  Varanguards are battlelines for host of the everchosen.  You were right.  I see many possibilities now!

  3. 28 minutes ago, Gibs said:

    Host of the Everchosen is the faction you pick for the army just like Despoilers, Ravagers or Cabalists. That is how I am reading it anyway.

    You can take anything in that army unless I am missing something and provided it’s all ‘Host of the Everchosen’ then Varanguard are Battleline as are Warriors etc.  you only start getting into trouble if you take allies that cannot be part of the ‘Host of the Everchosen’.

    A big block of unmovable warriors anchoring the middle seems worth dropping one set of Varanguard? Also gives the place for the Sorc to hide after turn 1. 

    That's not how I saw it.  I tought the battleline restriction for varanguards was about the everchosen keyword on warscroll.  I will look again un the book.  But if you are right, it's better that way! Haha!  

    So Archaon, 2x3 varanguards, 1 gaunt summoner and 10 warriors would be 1600 pts for a Solid base.

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  4. 29 minutes ago, Gibs said:

    Have been playing around with Archaon and I keep thinking a block of Warriors and a Chaos Sorcerer Lord might also be nice?

    Sorcerer giving re-rolls for Saves is very powerful in an elite army where every wound lost is a big deal. It’s very flexible and the baseline spells are very strong with the threat of teleportation impacting how your opponents sets up their deployment. 

    Once warriors get passed 10 they re-roll saves and with immunity to battle shock from Archaon they are self sufficient even if teleported behind enemy lines.

    Even if the Warriors don’t workout I feel the Sorcerer is too powerful to leave at home. 



    I didn't fully analysed the book yet.  But the varanguards are battlelines if you only have everchosen units in your list.  If you have warriors, you will need at least 3 teams as battlelines.

    I tryed that and i could get archaon, 2x3 varanguards, 3x5 chaos warriors for 1700 pts.  Which left 300 pts to play with.

  5. 27 minutes ago, W33daxe said:

    I´m almost cerntainly going to get some Varanguard and a Gaunt Summoner to play with my Archaon.


    Gaunt Summoner

    Varanguard (Fellspears)

    Varanguard (Ensorcelled Weapons)

    Varanguard (Daemonforged Blades)

    The last 50 points might just be endless spells like Palisade + Gravetide, or a Purple Sun.

    I´ve been wanting to do this army since aos dropped, but couldn´t really spend all the money on Varanguard. 
    I still can´t,  but I feel like I sort of have to :)
    Anyone else tempted for such an elite army?

    I'm making 1.  All i need is 3 more varanguards

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