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Posts posted by Thorstine

  1. Thoughts on this for 2k? Unsure on artifact choice and not sure if skrag is worth it if he's not the general:

    -could drop snufflers and skragg for arachnarok webspinner. 

    - could drop skrag for fungoid then have 130 points to play with (more fanatics?) 


    Allegiance: Gloomspite Gitz
    Mortal Realm: Aqshy

    Loonboss (70)
    - General
    - Trait: Dead Shouty
    - Artefact: Ignax's Scales
    Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)
    - Lore of the Moonclans: Vindictive Glare
    Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)
    - Lore of the Moonclans: Itchy Nuisance
    Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)
    - Lore of the Moonclans: The Great Green Spite
    Skragrott, The Loonking (220)
    - Lore of the Moonclans: The Hand of Gork
    Webspinner Shaman (80)
    - Lore of the Spiderfangs: Sneaky Distraction

    20 x Shootas (120)
    - 3x Barbed Nets
    - 1x Badmoon Icon Bearers
    60 x Stabbas (360)
    - Pokin Spears & Moon Shields
    - 9x Barbed Nets
    - 1x Moonclan Flag Bearers
    - 1x Badmoon Icon Bearers
    40 x Stabbas (260)
    - Stabbas & Moon Shields
    - 6x Barbed Nets
    - 1x Moonclan Flag Bearers
    - 1x Badmoon Icon Bearers
    20 x Shootas (120)
    - 3x Barbed Nets
    - 1x Moonclan Flag Bearers
    - 1x Badmoon Icon Bearers

    5 x Sporesplatta Fanatics (120)
    6 x Sneaky Snufflers (70)
    6 x Sneaky Snufflers (70)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Aethervoid Pendulum (50)
    Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (60)
    Malevolent Moon (40)
    Prismatic Palisade (30)
    Quicksilver Swords (30)
    Scuttletide (30)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 196

  2. 10 minutes ago, Malakree said:

    This is actually one of the more subtle rules which comes up occasionally and is done wrong by a lot of more casual gamers.

    All attacks from a single source resolve at the same time. This has a bunch of really weird interactions but in this case it means that even if the target "dies" all of his attacks are resolved, we just don't roll them for expediency. Thus even if everything dies to half his attacks the other half still happened and were resolved, so you then make the move afterwards.

    It does make the actual move easier though since the stuff he's engaged with is actually dead, so it's way easier to end the move 3" away from an enemy model.

    Thanks, great to know this for the future 👍

  3. How does fight another day work if the unit that is being attacked is killed before all of the Loonbosses attacks have been resolved? Is it then unable to use the 2 d6 move? Ie a Loonboss charges a single model and kills it and is now no longer in combat, does this mean he can now not make the move? 


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