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Posts posted by undeadheadz

  1. 3 hours ago, Paul Buckler said:

    Completely confused by the flaming weapons?  Only the champ is a wizard so only 1 of his weapons gets it.  1 bunch of lance attacks on 2 damage, not sure its worth it.

    The entire unit has the wizard keyword and is only a wizard when it contains so many models, in that regard it should effect the whole unit as the unit is the caster, at least that's how I'm reading it

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Maogrim said:

    Oh yeah, you're right about Lyrior's magic. I stand corrected. 

    I hope you'll be doing well. It's always nice to see more variety than just Syar Sentinel spam. :)

    Dawnriders are amazing models but an incredible amount of work. After my second rider is finished I'll do a few Stone Guard before switching back to them. 

    Had a thought would it be worth running the dawnriders as a unit of 10 to benefit more from the deadly furrows ability and the flaming weapons combo, for 30 attacks 3/3/-1/2 on the charge against 1 wound models for a heavy hitting chaff killer or better with 2 units of 5 for more board control and the ability to take speed of hysh?

  3. 7 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

    Oh yeah, you're right about Lyrior's magic. I stand corrected. 

    I hope you'll be doing well. It's always nice to see more variety than just Syar Sentinel spam. :)

    Dawnriders are amazing models but an incredible amount of work. After my second rider is finished I'll do a few Stone Guard before switching back to them. 

    Aye, it's gunna be painful to paint it, but will be nice to play them in a fairly different way.

    Will likely have to proxy them for  a few games first to see if it works before commiting to that many kangaroos though XD

  4. 6 hours ago, Aelfric said:

    I would just like to wish you luck painting 30 Windchargers and 10 Dawnriders.  I have painted 5 of each (almost finished my Roos) and that is enough for me for a while.

    It looks like a fun list, but I'm not the person to ask on competitiveness.

    Have done 5 dawnriders and it wasn't fun, and have 10 wind chargers so far unpainted, may paint them and proxy the list to see how it works before commiting

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Maogrim said:

    Looks certainly fun and like a nightmare for slower, melee-based armies. But you might have a problem against shooting and Mortal wounds, but then again: who doesn't?

    Keep in mind that Lyrior's lance won't get the additional shot since he's locked into Ymetrica and can't get the Helon keyword. Furthermore his spell is Greater Power of Hysh. You can't change it to Lambent Light, which also means that you don't have Lambent Light in your army except if you're willing to lose the Blessing on the Cathallar.

    Thank you for coming back to me, thought that would be the case on the lance, but it's still useful for the additional command point on a 2+.

    He should still be able to take a spell from the book without sacrificing anything, as book spells are taken in addition to the spells they know, he is a vanari wizard so can take a spell from the Lore of hysh in addition to the one on his warscroll.

    But I agree with you on ranged armies and high MW output am hoping the 63 shots per turn from the wind chargers helps with those threats XD

  6. Idea for a Helon list, anyone got any suggestions or tweaks they think it may need

    Allegiance: Lumineth Realm Lords
    - Great Nation: Helon
    - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
    - Triumphs:

    Hurakan Windmage (120)**
    - General
    - Command Trait: Skyrace Grand Champion
    - Artefact: Metalith Dust
    - Lore of the Winds: Transporting Vortex
    Scinari Cathallar (145)**
    - Lore of Hysh: Ethereal Blessing
    Lyrior Uthralle, Warden of Ymetrica (215)**
    - Lore of Hysh: Lambent Light

    10 x Hurakan Windchargers (310)*
    10 x Hurakan Windchargers (310)*
    10 x Hurakan Windchargers (310)*
    5 x Vanari Dawnriders (140)**
    - Spell1: Lore of Hysh: Speed of Hysh
    5 x Vanari Dawnriders (140)**
    - Spell1: Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon
    1 x Hurakan Spirit of the Wind (265)**

    Endless Spells & Invocations
    Chronomantic Cogs (45)
    Core Battalions
    *Hunters of the Heartlands

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 3 / 4
    Wounds: 106
    Drops: 9

  7. 4 hours ago, woolf said:

    if u have the models i wound consider dropping eltharion and twinstones and add in another 20 wardens so u have some more bodies and combat output

    Don't have the models unfortunately, think there's going to be quite a heavy gargant presence at the tourney aswell, so I'm hoping eltharion can tie a mega gargant up for a turn or two whilst I can whittle down the rest of the army

  8. Got a 2k point tournament tomorrow taking the following list

    Nation - zaitrec 

    Core battalion -battle regiment


    Teclis - 740pts

    Light of eltharion - 240pts

    Loreseeker (not in battalion) - 170 pts, spells - lambent light & solar flare

    Cathalar - 145pts - general, - CT = fast learner, artifact = gift of celennar, spells - ethereal blessing & speed of hysh 


    10 x vanari wardens x2 (290pts) spell - solar flare

    10 x vanari sentinels x 2 (300 pts) spell- speed of hysh

    Endless spells

    Twinstones (50)

    Cogs (45)

    Total pts 1990

    Total wounds 74

    2 drop list

    The plan is take out lone casters or ranged units using the loreseeker turn 1 and either lambent light a big monster or hero unit, or debuff casting in center of lines with solar flare, then cast twinstones on teclis and cogs on cathalar and stack buffs and debuffs (voice of mountain and Total eclipse) and push forward slightly with main forces, 

    Then let them come to me with eltharion protecting teclis and place vanari off to the sides but within protection of teclis and cathalars ability to absorb aetherquartzs 

    Later on blast with spells and abilities and hope 1 model survives in a unit when attacked so I can use emotional transference to add the lost models from my vanari to opponents units forcing them to burn 2 command points to keep models around or making it so entire units run.


    Can anyone think of any last min tweaks to a list like this or should be good to go?

  9. 21 minutes ago, Maddpainting said:

    Just the normal "thanks for your input" i wrote about 3 pages for IDK tho. I went into heavy details on averages of other armies for points and how the rules effect us, etc.. i didn't just say "I think this so please do this" b.c they ask not to do that. I gave very good reasons with examples, i gave pros and cons, etc...

    My main points tho was

    Shark, -20pts, remove monster keyword
    Eidolons -60pts each
    Morrsarr +10pts
    Turtle -80pts
    Lotan/Soulrender -20pts
    Thralls/Reavers -10pts
    Royal Council cheaper or free ability 

    You managed to get a few of them though which is pretty good

  10. 20 minutes ago, Maddpainting said:

    Yep, idk why it has it, completely ruins it for me as i always play with the turtle and some spells only effect monsters, and b.c some many of the good units are monsters some players takes those spells (mostly to counter HoS and Fec). And like i said, you cant get cover (monster 8 wounds).

    I asked GW (when they made that announcement to email them ideas for points/rules changes a year ago) to make the Shark 120pts and remove the Monster keyword.

    Did you get any reply to email?

  11. 5 minutes ago, Maddpainting said:

    Thats my point, there is no rules that says what is a mount and what isnt, the turtle has 5 guys on it, how is that not a mount? The shark is also a monster, why is that a mount then?

    On another note, the Shark being a monster is one of the main reasons i dont like it, it cant get 

    Dunno never noticed the monster keyword on the shark 😕

    its a bit small compared to most monsters so i never thought to look for it

  12. 1 hour ago, Maddpainting said:

    I was trying to look at the rules for it in the BRB and it doesnt go into much detail (never know till you look) i also looked into the battletome too, there isn't any clear rules on if hey can or can not, i would email the faq team.

    But also that got me thinking (as its next to the mount rules) the Mount rules are also not clear at all, i have been using the Eels and the Turtle themselves (not the riders) as a mount, no one has questioned it, but going by RAW there is no rules for our units having "mounts" as they dont have the keyword, but just like the command group dont have any rules either (besides they have weapons also).

    Some of the rules are very RAI it seems.

    Ive been classing the turtle as a monster and not a mount but eels and sharks have been used as mounts with fuethan because i dont see how anyone could argue that they arent mounts.

    With the banner bearer and musician ill ping an email over as its not like they have  banner in one hand and horn in the other so i dont see why it cant be the same model ill let ye know if i get an answer



  13. 1 minute ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    I painted around 200clanrats.

    Never made it to 300+ Clanrats, although beeing the owner of arounf 500of them.


    is the one issue i have with skaven is the sheer amount of small throwaway models you need to paint up, but i suppose thats what you get when you pick a horde army

  14. 33 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Yeah and now you know why nobody bothered to deep-strike there stuff,

    although the chance never was there at the beginning anyway

    painting all that up must have been pretty soul destroying, got to 100 clanrats and then swapped to moulder for 18 rat ogres  

  15. 17 hours ago, Num said:

    Hi,  I have sone questions about clan Moulder please:

    - does the master moulder ability restore the unit as it was at the beginning (e.g. 40 giant rats) or as it was when destroyed (e.g. 10 giant rats were left in the unit when they got destroyed)?

    - do you think that the battalion is worth the 160pts for the single drop and the 4+ instead of 5+ ability?

    - has anybody played moulder lists with some success?

    I think I'll try a core with a screaming bell, chronomantic cogs, master moulders, 80 giant rats and 6 rat ogors (I don't have any hellpit abomination yet)


    i play a moulder list that im having a fair amount of success with providing the dice gods are in my favour and im not against ironjawz (bloodtooth battalion)

    current list looks like this and it seems to be alright ( would likely have more success if i remembered to use my rabid crown artefact)



    220 - grey seer on screaming bell - verminous valour (command trait)  - death frenzy (spell) - skavenbrew (artefact)

    100 - master moulder (battalion with whip) - rabid crown (artefact)

    100 - master moulder (things catcher)


    300 - rat ogors x 6  (battalion)

    300 - rat ogors x 6  (battalion)

    300 - rat ogors x 6  (battalion)

    180 - Giant Rats x 30 (battalion)


    240 - Hell pit abomination (battalion)


    160 - Fleshmeld menagerie


    60 - packmasters (battalion)


    40 - Vermintide (endless spell )



    i would say the 4+ is worth it from the battalion as it gives you a 50% chance of a revive on a full squad of ogres rather then a 33% chance, 

    • Thanks 1
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