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Posts posted by STWLAM

  1. 17 hours ago, SHHump said:

    The point is, battalions don't have faction keywords anymore - I'm looking at the Nighthaunt battalions as I type, no keywords.  And in the core book, all I can find is "If a player's army includes the units needed to field a warscroll battalion, then the player can include the battalion as part of their army by paying the points cost for it as shown on its Pitched Battle profile." I suppose its listed under the Nighthaunt pitched battle profile, but as far as I can tell the rules themselves seem to let you mix and match as you want.

    This is also addressed in the FAQ:


    Q: Some warscroll battalions included in battletomes do not have a faction listed above their title. How do I determine which faction they belong to for the purposes of allegiance abilities?
    A: The battalion belongs to the battletome’s faction. For example, the warscroll battalions in Battletome: Stormcast Eternals are part of the Stormcast Eternals faction.


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