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Posts posted by Seanwise23

  1. Well, the tournament I went to this weekend was a blast. Went 3-2, #25 out of 115, #3 destruction, top Gitz, and 8430 kill points.

    My main strategy was to keep the troggs in close groups for buff bubbles and to take the charge that forced the opponents to pull in more troggs. 3 games I took 1st turn charges that did some damage but then pretty much I dissolved their lines. Sylvaneth, Bonesplinters (all pigs), and Beastclaws (Piggy Battalion). One game I got to charge in first to lizards (heavy summoning ) I was able to take out a bigger chunk than what my opponent was expecting, but a turn 3 double turn in his favor allowed the needed summons and the extra points to tick up. My 2nd game was against meta Iron Jaws, turn 1 charges 11 attacks each for everyone. As a consolation, my boss did crush an ard boy so his 30 man coherency broke in the middle and I was able to destroy the unit for some kill points.

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Knight Scáthach of Fimm said:

    I know the intention was not to, but in a tournament, I can't help but think 20 grots will come in handy since Trolls are too expensive to have camping home objectives. If anything, I'd say drop Mollog and get 20 grots to play it safe and Scrapskuttles to make your magic phase stronger.

    I ran a similar list and held my own at Adepticon.  I really haven't had any issues with objectives. A unit or two of fel waters or a couple of fungoids do well at holding objectives. Most of the time my opponent has to fight a wall of troggs to get to my objectives. Also, if I dont need my troggs on gaurd duty I just Hand of Gorked them somewhere else. My magic is just fine with the two fungoids and they are not big enough bodies for scrapskuttlers. I don't want to feed wounds to troggs from the cauldron and if I can pass it to enemies that means my shaman is in a bad spot. Taking out mollog means I'm going into hero senarios with a dankhold and two fungoids, which means 8 wounds later I have only one hero to hold an objective, plus if I'm spread out about half of my army is missing out on a +1 bravery buff which troggs need. I like playing by unconventional means, thus 29 troggs. Also, the main point for AoS to me is to roll some dice and drink some beer,  if I wanted to really play to win I can play DoK, Nagash, ect. Last I don't feel like painting 20 grots less than two weeks out haha.

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  3. I have big summer 2k in 2 weeks  and this is the list I'm running. I kept it as troggy as possible. 

    Troggboss: Went with a tank build, too many games of "if I had one extra wound", plus with two fungoids I have a decent CP generation.

    2x Fungoids: no explanation, amazing budget casters.

    Mollog: I have had some trouble with hero base senarios, so after the points dropped I was able to add him without changing my pre FAQ list at all. With him, he will be another tough hero to knock off of objectives and now I can keep most of my Troggs in a +1 bravery bubble.

    Fel and Rockguts: the main meat a potatoes.  The 3x3 and 3x6 is nice, I can run 6 rockguts with a 3 man felwater support, plus I have a very versatile setup with these guys.

    Mushroom: Trogg's answer to hordes, especially if you get one to stick at the end of a turn two, that is two pops before your opponent can answer it. 



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  4. He did his job definitely, but you have to be careful with him. Despite 12 wounds and +4/+4 saves he can turn into a glass cannon, especially once you roll a 1 on his artifact save he tends to melt away fast. So, I kept him more in the back and only took him in if he had an A) a screen or others sharing combat with him. B) small units that have no rend and low attacks or C) It is your turn and you know you can kill or cripple your target first. Plus, sitting in the back and not running him in first did not feel wasted since his bravery buff and reroll bubble paid for him in the long run.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Malakree said:

    Would you have them the other way round with smaller units of Rockguts and big units of Fellwaters? 

    I prefer small felwater and large rockgut units. The felwater are more independent since they have high amount of attacks and their vomits are just normal range attacks. The rockguts kind of need the numbers since their rock throw is based on their unit size and with only 2 attacks a 3 man has a better chance of whiffing, especially outside a boss re-roll bubble. On the other hand a block felwaters would be fun too.

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  6. Yes, I did not use the battalion. The main reason was since I was going all Troggs I would be lacking on boots on the ground so I did not take the battalion or hag since that would mean less bodies on the battlefield. Also, the drops  worked just fine for me and lacking a 2nd artifact did not hurt. Plus, for the points for the battalion to deal an extra wound on a 6+ I could get another 3 man felwaters that could deal more damage in 1 turn than the battalion would get me in a game.

    The 9 rockguts was my death star unit, it was there to hold the line or punch a massive  hole into an army. Two games I hand of gorked them behind enemy lines, which left the opponent hard pressed to answer them and force them to defend and not attack. The 6 rockguts were my second punch/ backup line holder. The 4x 3 man felwaters were my utility by holding objectives, and supporting the rockguts on the flank. I tested a 6 man, but I was spread too thin during games. As a result, when I split them into 3 man groups I can put two near each other for the same effect, but spilt them up if I needed support in other places.

    2 games were 4 corner objective senarios that were against hordes ( Skaven meat shield with guns and Beasts of Chaos gor hordes). Both games I thinned their numbers with the mushroom and I sent the 6 man rockguts, boss, and a unit of felwaters to take their strong side objective and I hand of gorked the 9 man rockguts to the open corners on their side and started cleaning house. My weak flank had 2 units of felwaters that eventually fell, but by then I had 3 objectives to their 1 with most of their army tabled.

    The other 2 was againt fast elite armies (Nurgle Affliction cyst with two guo's and FEC with 5 terrorgeists) with singular objectives for both sides. I castled my army and let them come to me. I took many hits, but between the 5 up on the rockguts and the -1 to hit on the felwaters there was not enough damage to weaken my counter attack with all my troggs.  So, by turn 3 most of their armies were tabled and I was able to take their objectives with no resistance.

    My one defeat was to kunnin rukk savage orks. Between the hit and speed buffs they decimated my army and for the fact that he got the double turn he was able to clean house. One note: the first 30 boys got smashed by the trolls when he charged with them, so if I could of gone first for the second turn there was a chance to hit the last 30 man archer unit, but it's a dice game. Also, I could not get the mushroom to go off on the first turn to thin them out.

    Other notes:

    Rockguts are great as 6 plus units for the resilience and the auto rocks to start, I sniped a ton stuff with great effect with them.

    Felwater were the mvps. For teams, one unit of 3 killed 40 plus witch elves (2 units) and a hag, plus the 4 attacks and vomit kept up with the rock guts with damage.

    The two fungoids are worth their weight in gold for command point generation  and support spells.

    Also, I understand that there were other Gloomspite unit options that could helped this army, but I wanted to field as many Troggs as I could with only a sprinkle magic support.

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  7. I just went 4-1 at Adepticon 2k champs and placed #23 overall, 2 points under for Best Destruction with my Trogg army.

    Troggboss: Mighty blow, Glowy Howzit

    Fungoid Shaman: Itchy Nuisance

    Fungoid Shaman: Hand of Gork

    9x Rockguts

    6x Rockguts

    3x Felwater

    3x Felwater

    3x Felwater

    3x Felwater

    Mork's Mighty Musroom 



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