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Posts posted by garmr

  1. I think you could get away with a two drop army with the tzeentch battalion as it's requirement is a Boc hero which garshrak fellhoof is. 


    Also wouldn't he count as a normal brayshamen because of his tags? Kinda like that nighthaunt named hero when it comes to battalions.

  2. On 8/6/2019 at 12:06 PM, Maddpainting said:

    All the one drops are amazing, 1 drop is no joke. Also +1CP and Relic makes them even better. I personally like Phantasm or Deprave depending what you want.

    Desolating IMO is only good if you want ambushing and or raiders, i never liked it anyways b.c you needed Gors or Chariots, and i dont think those are good enough inside a battalion.

    If you got some spare points like 10 or so I don't see why not upgrade a 10 man ungor squad to a 10 man gor squad

  3. 10 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    I just ran my Beasts as Beasts of Khorne with allied Shaggoth and Bray Shaman last Saturday.  Was very disappointed in the Shaggoth and Dragon Ogors, though the lasted a long time they couldn't remove even tiny units from objectives.  And of course I got very few spells off.  It's amazing how little a 6 happens on 2D6, and then there are unbindings, etc.  I think for the Endless Spells the Taurus is a no brainer for the Beasts at the 80 points level, but I'd probably put in my Tzaangor Shaman (newly assembled) next time for that instead.

    I had Brass Despoilers

    Doombull w 9 greataxe Bullgors

    3x10 Gors w shields

    3 Dragon Ogors w paired weapons

    then the Shaggoth/Bray Shaman allied w all 3 Beasts spells

    Bloodsecrator and 5 Wrathmongers

    It was really tough to keep up with the Bullgors and keep the Khorne dudes wholly within range for the extra attacks.  I think 3x3 Bullgors would have been much much better for that and the Brass Despoilers bonus too.  Certainly worth me trying again, but changing out those allies for the Tzaangor Shaman, and trading Dragon Ogors for 2 Tuskgor Chariots.

    For a pure Beasts army I think I'd trade out my meager Gors for Bestigors.  They're just SOOO much better.  Don't have the models yet though.


    If your going to put a dragon ogor shaggoth in a god army his really good in Slaanesh for the depravity points.  

    • Like 1
  4. 9 hours ago, Aden said:

    "This year’s General’s Handbook also contains allegiance abilities for several factions, with expanded rules for Ironjawz, Seraphon, Wanderers, Darkling Covens, Free Peoples, Slaves to Darkness and Dispossessed"
    - First Teaser

    I thought this meant new stuff but by and large it seems like reprinting stuff that's written elsewhere, Only 3/7 of those factions seem to have gotten significant changes. Ugh.

    Yeah but I bet at least some of those factions have a good chance of gaining books. Flesh eaters,Beast of chaos and Slaneesh were in last generals hand book. Also Slaves to Darkness is the last harbingers race so they have the best chance of getting one.


  5. 6 hours ago, The_Yellow_Sign said:

    Gors still ****** due to insignificant horde discount, Gargant still ******, Chariot still mediocre, Horn is still bad, Direflock is still so bad that I wouldn't cast it if it was free, and why the hell did the crappy Razorgors go up?

    No changes for all the terrible monsters of Chaos that aren't even worth summoning, no points drop for the Beastlord, no drop for Warherd. Bullgors are still worse in every way than Enlightened so why would you use them even if they're the same cost?

    Aaaaaah! So frustrating!

    If your using a god battalion that's not tzeentch or want to keep your army one drop in des I could see people using mino. Through I would use dragon ogres over that.

  6. 1 hour ago, SwampHeart said:

    Slaanesh is looking VERY different, sure you won't get artifacts or traits but you're getting access to a lot of their buffs because they say 'CHAOS SLAANESH'. The idea isn't ti run pure BoC as HoS but instead to cherry pick the best BoC options and take advantage of the Slaanesh buffs. 

    I think all the artifacts and traits are linked to the hosts judging by the examples shown.  There's nothing in the ruling that says That BOC  battalion  can't be part of a host. So they should get all the benefits. The only thing it looks like we miss out on is the spell lore. (not including endless spells.)

    • Like 3
  7. 5 hours ago, Maddpainting said:

    Why not do 2x30 and save points? Thats 120pts you wll save (600 vs 720) thats another hero or even another unit. 

    I heard that 10 or 20 was the optimal number to get them into combat. But I'm wondering is there a big difference between a 1 drop army and a 2 drop?

  8. Was thinking of this list
    Beast lord- general- unraveling aura,mutating gnarl blade
    Greatbray-VileTide ,Knowing eye
    Greatbray-Tendrils of Atrophy
    Dragon Ogre Shaggoth-hailstorm 

    Troop choice
    20 Bestigor-Battle line
    20 Bestigor-Battle line
    20 Bestigor-Battle line
    30 ungor Raiders
    30 ungor Raiders
    10 ungor-Battle line
    10 ungor-Battle line

    Formation- Phantasmagoria of fate

    Points -1990/2000

    What do you guys think?

  9. On 3/31/2019 at 2:47 AM, Myrdin said:

    I noticed this as well and was thinking whats the reason for it. If skin wolves get updated warscroll or at least a FAQ stating BoC keyword... yeah, were in business!

    A updated warscroll would be sweet.

  10. Made a account to ask this question.
    Skin wolves have shown up in the official online warscroll builder under the beast of chaos section. Do you think they did that because they took away the monsters of chaos section? If so does that officially a part of the beast of chaos army?

    They would be fun to chuck in a 1000 point game since there rules and stat line are pretty much a hybrid of minos and bestigor.

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