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Posts posted by CrashQuest

  1. 39 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    I myself am converting a High Warden to a Amber mage on Griffin (with a gryph hound with wings), not a Phoenix. I mainly wanted to know what other players thought about conversions.

    I never considered using it as a Battlemage on Griffon 🤔 I might think about that

    1 hour ago, Not-not-kenny said:

    @CrashQuest I say go for it! And paint him however the hell you want, a cohesive army look is more important than clumsily justifying your counts-as, if it's obvious you're not playing him as a freeguild griffon or black dragon then that's good enough in my book (of course, as pointed out earlier the ones you should ask are the poeple you play with since our opinions don't count for jack if your opponents disagree).

    I'm mostly just trying to find a use for my now redundant Swifthawks. Planning to use my Spireguard as Eternal Guard and Reavers as Dark Riders. I would use Skywardens as Anointed on Phoenix as they look more analogous but I don't have any 😅

  2. 29 minutes ago, GM_Monkey said:

    This would be a better question to ask your opponent, or if you're at an event the event organisers.

    The issue is the High Warden is still a model in it's own right (squatted but they still exist), so most people would say yeah go for it, but some might say no.

    Also the base sizes are different.

    I have a spare 120mm oval base that I plan to transfer the High Warden to.  Really just looking for ways to proxie my IoB Aelves

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