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Wulfrik the Wanderer

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Posts posted by Wulfrik the Wanderer

  1. 5 hours ago, Choas Lord Mike said:



    I keep reading about Archaon attacking 2 and even 3 tie in combat how do you do this.  Lost and confused.  

    They are a bit confused. Unfortunately in Khorne, Archaon can only fight twice, because they are referring to the Slaughter Host: Reapers of Vengeance Command ability which activates at the start of the combat phase. It is an easy oversight, but the Chaos Lord on foot's command ability allows a Slaves to Darkness Unit wholly within 12" can fight a Second time in the combat phase. The issue in Khorne is, both are spent at the beginning of the Combat Phase and the Reapers of Vengeance command ability says "After fighting for the first time in the combat phase, this model may immediately fight again." Although paraphrasing, the important bit is "After fighting the first time". The Chaos Lord on foot's command ability allows a "Slaves to Darkness Unit to be chosen to fight a Second time" the important bit being "Second Time". They are unfortunately replacement effects and don't add up to 3 times attacking in combat. I would just bag the Reapers of Vengeance Slaughterhost and take a Chaos Lord if I were running him in Khorne. (Play Blood Lords, it is better and Archaon can use Command Points to heal himself). Bloodtithe ability to fight "a third time" is a waste of bloodtithe and is highly situational. It occurs in the Hero phase anyway. Best only used to fight and free himself up so he can then move, so he can charge and fight another target. However, I would just cast spells and use a Nurgle Head ability to kill the targets in that situation and then save the Bloodtithe for an Insensate Rage or Exploding 6's, or a 20 man drop of Bloodletters on an objective.

    If you are hell-bent on getting the big boy to fight 3 times, you are better off in Slaanesh, using the Chaos Lord (again) to make Archaon fight a Second time, then a Keeper of Secrets to allow him to fight a third time (Keeper of Secrets allows a unit to fight again, regardless of how many times it has fought in the combat phase, however can only be targeted once with this command ability). 

    So Archaon can fight 3 times, but I the problem becomes "do I have enough to kill within 3" of me?" because I can tell you through experience, Archaon, after fighting 2 times, leaves little remaining to pile in again. So best keeping to the fighting twice in Khorne and bringing a Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury to allow him to pile in 6". 

  2. 1 hour ago, Grimrock said:

    Marauder horsemen definitely have their place, but for grabbing objectives the screamers are far more dangerous. Don't underestimate speed 16 and flight. Tossing a command point at them for a 22" run that ignores intervening models and terrain is massive, and even if you never do it in a game your opponent has to keep it in mind. Just putting your screamers opposite an objective while still in your deployment zone still forces your opponent to dedicate a unit or concede that objective entirely, while the screamers are still perfectly safe from all but the fastest opponents. Plus with their speed they can threaten multiple objectives at once, potentially locking down multiple enemy units and giving you advantages elsewhere on the board. 

    I'm not saying they're amazing or anything, but for 80 points I think it's worth including one unit in a changehost just for the tactical flexibility they offer. 

    Along this lines, 16" of fly is amazing! Screamers are probably the chaff model I would take over Marauder horesmen, as they don't have that crappy bravery the horsemen do. Why I feel the Gaunt Summoner on Disk is way better then the one on foot and only 20 points more(?)! Give him the miasmic blade from Ulgu, the Illusionist Command Trait, and that sweet Tzeentch Locus! Watch him fly by and drop a unit of Pink Horrors on an objective and fly away! -3 to hit will keep him riding around the board with his Tzaangor Enlightened and Skyfire buddies!

  3. There has been a lot of errata to the text in the Battletome. All command traits and artefacts can be taken by all Khorne heroes, regardless of whether they are Daemon or Mortal. The only ones that are specific are Command Abilities for the various Hosts, but even then you need to read the text in the historium of the Errata. So yes, Blood Lords "Slaughterer's Thirst" and "Halo of Blood" can be taken with a Khorne Mortal unit, like the Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut.

  4. So the new errata changed the awesome Nurgle Daemon Prince's Nurgle Command Ability to be more fair (Heavy Nerf LoLz!) and now all models in a unit have to have the same weapons loadout (Chaos Warriors have to ALL have double hand weapons or greatblades or runeshields - no WYSIWYG).

    All in all, playing a Khorne Tyrants of Blood list with a block of "double hand weapon" Chaos Warriors in a block of 20 was amazing! I took this in a tournament prep for LVO this last week before the errata. Rerolling hits, then whip them with a Bloodstoker for rerolling wound rolls, and rerolling save rolls gave this giant unkillable block the movement they need to get into action! With the +1 to run and charge from the horn blower and the +3 to run and charge from the Bloodstoker, they get in most of the time. Buff them with a bloodsecrator and they become far more kill-y!

    Also a fun tidbit of discovery - in the new Disciples of Tzeentch book, the Gaunt Summoner on Disk is both mortal and daemon. If taken from Ulgu, you can get -1 to hit from the miasmic blade Artefact, -1 to hit from the Illusionist Command Trait for Tzeentch Mortals, and the innate -1 to hit from the Tzeentch Locus for Tzeentch Daemon units makes the Gaunt Summoner on Disk a safe bet for lots of spells and mortal wounds! Drop a unit of Pink Horrors on an objective and fly 16" to the next objective! Slaves to Darkness units have lots of great synergies in lots of other factions as well.

    Nurgle I have found to be the best mark to build around as it helps nerf the Big Waagh buffs to hit rolls and nerfs Shootcast lists. Combined with S2D movement with knights and chariots, and especially the beloved Marauders! it allows you have the speed to get to the objectives, the tankyness to hold them, and with rerolling wound rolls and daemonic power, combined with the incredible damage potential of your new Slaves to Darkness units, you really have the best of all worlds!

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Reisyo said:

    Are you sure that slaanesh mark is better than the Khorne Mark? even with the Marauders im not sure which one is better.  With Khorne you are also able to ally an Bloodsecrator for extra attacks. A Chaos lord on foot might be a good idea, too. Just for the Archaon double pile in

    Khorne is descent, but exploding 6s can add more attacks if the roll is spiked, and at worst, sures up attack rolls. It is as good as "rerolling hits". The volume of attacks allows the weight of the dice to allow more spiked rolls. Marauders, slaanesh mark for sure. The number of attacks is just too good to not bring slaanesh mark. Only issue with Khorne is you need to plan on bringing those pieces and build around it. Otherwise, it ends up being a points tax. A build with Khorne needs to comit to being Khorne. And Archaon double pile-in is great, three pile-ins in Slaanesh right now is even better. The problem with double pile-in, is you need to have models left to pile-in to. Since you spend the CP at the beginning of the combat phase with the Chaos Lord on foot, it might end up being a wast without a Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury giving Archaon a 6" pile in, Archaon might just (and often does) kill his way out of combat (might not be a bad thing, but if wasting a CP then I'd rather not). If I was fighting it, I would pull from the front of my units and pull him out of combat, allowing me to charge back with other units, possibly getting buffs and benefits.

    Khorne mark gives +1 to wound. Well most of Archaon's abilities hit on a 2+ anyways, and giving an aura effect for your Varanguard to get +1 to wound is still not as good as a 3+ rerolling. And you would be rerolling everything using Daemonic Power. Besides, in a critical review of the Hedonites Battletome, the only thing that breaks the exploding 6's rules is the lack of rerolling. Rerolling everything into exploding 6's often sees far more additional attacks than a Bloodsecrator would provide.  Example: rolling 18 dice on 3+ to hit 3+ to wound rerolling both, 6's generating additional hits allows me to get about 22 hits followed by 18 wounds at -1 rend 2 damage each. This compared to a 19 hits, 16 wounds -1 2 damage each. It just mathematically is better to mark slaanesh unless you specifically build for Khorne.

    Khorne isn't bad, it is actually very, very good. But with the list provided, I would do Slaanesh. If you change things up, Khorne might become more viable. (I main Khorne everything btw, so not just a biased HoS duche)

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 1/5/2020 at 8:22 AM, Tiberius501 said:

    Hey all, I was considering making an Everchosen list using nothing but Archaon and Varanguard. It seems potentially viable, since they can get insane quality of attacks due to aura buffs and the +1dmg Circle. Is it worth spending the points on their Battalion? I can also have a Khorne Lord on Jugg with the remaining points. Or is it worth just having a 4th unit of Varanguard? 

    Cheers :)

    Competitively or just as a casual list? Battalion is super situational, I would not take it in Everchosen as it becomes redundant.  I would use it as a way to get Circles outside of playing Everchosen lists. That being said, if you are looking for competitive lists with Archaon and some Varanguard you might have even better luck in Despoilers or Ravagers. That said, Everchosen would still work! Archaon's 18" aura in Everchosen is large, but you would want to cover the rest of the battlefield as your Varanguard are going to need to run in different directions depending on the scenarios. It is a very viable list, but I would augment it with a few things:

    Slaves to Darkness : Everchosen, Realm Aqshy (2000pts)


    Archaon (800pts)- General, Slaanesh Mark, Spell - Spite-tongue Curse

    Chaos Sorcerer Lord (110)- Artefact - Ignax's Scales, Slaanesh Mark, Spell - Mask of Darkness


    Varanguard (300pts)- Battleline, Slaanesh Mark

    Varanguard (300pts)- Battleline, Slaanesh Mark

    Varanguard (300pts)- Battleline, Slaanesh Mark

    Chaos Warshrine (170pts)- Slaanesh Mark

    Endless Spells: 

    Suffocating Gravetide (20pts)

    82 wounds

    Having another hero besides Archaon gives you flexibility with the aura effects. You don't need to stay under the auras, but exploding 6's on the Varanguard's 18 attacks 3+ 3+ -1 2 (obviously take 6th circle, just do it) is sure to free them up for another charge which you need to keep up the killing power of your army. Having a Chaos Lord to give rerolls to everything to a unit of Varanguard (or Archaon) to get in will pay dividends, and the Warshrine's aura will give your Varanguard a much needed Mortal Wound shrug. Also, your Warshrine can simulate Daemonic power by doing the Unmarked Prayer on a 3+ to another unit of Varanguard (or Archaon). You will have 2 command points a turn with Archaon on the field so one for you to By My Will a unit of Varanguard just incase they take a nasty crack-back swing or to reroll a charge, and one to see who is going next. I would recommend doing the later first. Most important thing about Varanguard I tell people is to almost always do the once per battle double pile in if they didn't quite finish off the unit. Getting them to charge again is going to be the goal of the army and eventually how you will win. I do recomment dropping a unit of Varanguard if you are looking at a tournament, and bringing 40 marauders in Slaanesh Mark. The ignoring battleshock with Everchosen will make it an even more deadly unit moving up the field.

    • Like 1
  7. On 1/7/2020 at 8:27 AM, LeSwordfish said:

    Is there anything in the Slaves book that reduces enemy charge distances other than the Daemon Prince of Khorne? In a test game the other day, an enemy charged through Entangling terrain, and we realised that because of +/- modifiers before multiplication/division, that -2 effectively became -4 and caused a roll of 8 to fail a 3" charge. Is there anything I can use to set this up more reliably?

    Reduction to charges is nice, but without shooting units that are reliable, I would rather get in combat by any means than keep units out (exluding knights with lances of course). Best thing in my opinion is let the opponent charge and just make your dudes super tanky, which you have a myriad of ways to do. You could be Unmarked with a Chaos Warshrine. If you have CP to spend bring a Harbinger of Decay and a Chaos Warshrine. You could try my favorite strategy of increasing the threshold of what your enemy needs to even make their first dice roll by bringing the Lord of Blights -2 to hit in shooting and -1 to hit in melee if you have over 10 models. I bring Ravagers and take the Master of Deception command trait and the Miasmic Blade from Ulgu. Nurgle mark everything and bring a Lord of Blights and your opponent's "Top Tier Faction" goes back to bottom tier as he struggles with a -3 to hit your general and -2 to shoot your units (-1 in melee). Also the Nurgle Daemon Prince has a great deterring ability for that friend of yours who always rolls hot, spend a CP and watch those Grots and Daemonettes die with 6's doing d3 MWs back at them! Combined with the minus's to hit, 6's are what they'll need to even do damage to you, and with the punish, it becomes a lose-lose scenario.

  8. On 12/14/2019 at 9:24 AM, JackStreicher said:

    First! :D

    alright, did anyone have any success with the Mammoth yet? :)

    Mammoth with Slaanesh Mark and Daemonic Power and Oracular Visions is a beast. I took down a fully buffed unit of 30 witchelves and a cauldron before he went down. He is great with Archaon and the horror ghast endless spell in all Bravery Bomb lists (don't take BB lists vs DoK fyi). I love using him because he has great wound output and lots of wounds to soak up the damage. Play him in Despoilers for greatest effect as all Monsters on a 4+ in your hero phase heal d3 wounds. Combined with the Despoilers Command Trait "Radiance of Dark Glory" on a 3+ he can heal another wound. I like to play Archaon because he gets the Monster heal, doesn't need to be the general so you can get the Radiance of Dark Glory heal, and you can pick the Khorne Head to possibly heal 3d3 wounds in your hero phase! Bring a mammoth and a ton of marauders for flavor! Make unmarked if you want more tanky-ness and bring along a Warshrine, You'll be surprised how hard those big tankers are to remove!

  9. I find in my CoS lists, I use lots of Stormcast to fill my holes. A Lord Celestant on Star Drake with Iron Oak Artisan in Living City is a tanky-killy hammer of a unit that helps deliver solid distraction and is useful to fight other large units on the board. I couple this with ranged Irondrakes and a Runelord painted in a scheme that complements my Stormcast. Sometimes, if I feel particularly shooty, I bring in a unit of 9 Vanguard Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows. My battleline consist of Longbeards, sometimes Pheonix Guard with a Emerald Lifeswarm if I feel like it. The amount of wounds brought to the board are high, and there is no points limit to the size of units of Stormcast you can bring, but rather a unit count limitation. 

    You see, you can play your "Dispossessed" or your "Pheonix Guard" and might not have all the units you need to make it wholly a "Darkling Covens" list, but you can supplement Stormcast, or Kharadron Overlords and Sylvaneth respectively. It just seems to be that the right tools for the job are simply not being taken in people's lists. A Darkling Covens army might not have enough Darkshards, but might be heavy in Drakespawn knights. I say just ally in some Vanguard-Raptors which are about $30 a box and not expensive. If they lack cavalry, bring in some Fulminators. A unit of 2 for $50 will do nicely. If you need solid monsters/biguns, Hydra's in a Living City army are especially tanky and can deliver quite a punch! But if you need more, bring the Celestant-Prime to deliver an incredible amount of damage. 

    I have found CoS to be highly competitive with solid choices of 1 wound battleline for relatively cheap (both money wise and points wise) that can easily be brought back with an Emerald Lifeswarm. Use these to screen your amazingly overpowered ranged options and watch you play 40k with your melee based opponent! If a CoS player wants to be competative, they most certainly can be, $30-80 is more than enough to send any army into the right direction, it all comes down to correctly diagnosing what your army lacks and filling the holes.

    Example: A CoS Greywater Fastness list I made to Alpha Strike at my local tournament.

    Runelord (90) - General; Command Trait - Ghoul Mere Ranger

    Runelord (90) - City Role : General's Adjutant

    Cogsmith (60) - Artefact: Mastro Vivetti's Magnificent Macroscope

    Celestant-Prime (340)

    Knight-Incantor (140) - Artefact: Ghyrstrike; Spell - Choking Fumes


    10 x Longbeards (110) - Ancestral Weapons & Shields; City Role : Honoured Retinue

    10 x Longbeards (110) - Ancestral Weapons & Shields

    10 x Irondrakes (150)

    10 x Irondrakes (150)

    5 x Sisters of the Thorn (130)

    5 x Sisters of the Thorn (130)

    Helstorm Rocket Battery (130)

    Helstorm Rocket Battery (130)


    Battalions : Greywater Artillery Company (120)

    Endless Spells : Emerald Lifeswarm (50)

    Extra Command Point (50)


    Irondrakes are the bane of Keepers of Secrets, which seem to be a popular choice in my local meta. Bump those Grudgehammers up to Rend 3 and they have no save. Not only that, but your first turn (assuming they play for the double turn as with most CoS you have a ton of drops!) you hit hard. This list on average delivers about 35 unsaved wounds during its' first turn of combat against an army of a 4+ save. With Slaanesh (again local meta) it is even better since most of their roster have a 5+ save. This army sacrifices units like the Sisters of Thorn as a bit of a "Chaff" unit to keep your irondrakes safe, but the good news is if they don't die, you can easily bring them back with the Emerald Lifeswarm! The Celestant-Prime can be swapped for some more units and a group of fulminators, but in my tournament, I found it better to bring the assassin/shooting powerhouse he is. This army was built with the armies I had and got me pretty far in the tournament I played in. 


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  10. 1 minute ago, ccconner777 said:

    I didnt realize archaon had all the keywords on his warscroll baseline, I assumed he was just marked like everyone else. Thanks for pointing that out! So archaon could have every aura buff (except only one of the general aura upgrades of course) if you had a hero of each mark in your army? Interesting

    Yes this is what would happen. This is only possible due to his "Slaves to Darkness"  and each individual keyword on his warscroll. Since Aura's only look for keywords, and none are removed due to the Aura of Chaos allegiance ability, then you can benefit so long as you have an appropriately marked slaves to darkness hero nearby. Difficulty comes with 1. keeping up with Archaon and 2. getting that Phat Base wholly within 12".

  11. 9 minutes ago, annarborhawk said:

    I think you're missing the import of the above-quoted part of the rule.  For a particular battle, Arachaon can only be given one Mark Keyword.

    But you are forgetting that this little excerpt is under the "Aura of Chaos" part. Also, you are not removing Keywords from a Warscroll anywhere with the Allegiance ability, which is the point I was making. And the Aura's only care about if a Slaves to Darkness <god keyword> unit is wholly within 12". The way to think of this little tid-bit on the allegiance ability is that it limits Archaon's ability if you made him the General, so that you would not have all the General "Buffs" or exude multiple marks onto his lonesome self. This states nothing against his ability to get buffs from his buddies as separate units.

  12. 2 hours ago, ccconner777 said:

    A unit can only be buffed by the aura corresponding to their mark. So archaon gets his own buff all the time and cannot get another aura buff because he can only be assigned one mark

    Incorrect, but close. Actually the Aura's specifically are "emanating" from the heroes. A hero with multiple Marks of Chaos (ie. Archaon) can exude only one for the remainder of the Battlefield. So Archaon would get his buff 100% of the time, however,  under the text for each of the Auras state there after,  each aura looks for Slaves to Darkness <Khorne, Slaanesh, Nurgle, Tzeentch> is wholly within 12" of the hero emanating the Aura, then they get the effect. This is to keep any one hero from exuding multiple auras, not from benefiting from multiple auras. 

    Aura of Chaos: Each Slaves To Darkness Hero in a Slaves to Darkness army has one of the following Aura of Chaos abilities. The Aura of Chaos a Hero has is determined by its Mark of Chaos keyword. Khorne Heroes have the Aura of Khorne. Tzeentch Heroes have the Aura of Tzeentch. Nurgle Heroes have the Aura of Nurgle. Slaanesh Heroes have the Aura of Slaanesh, and Undivided Heroes have the Aura of Chaos Undevided.

    If you select a unit with more than one Mark of Chaos keyword to be part of your army, you must pick which one will apply to that unit for the duration of the battle.

    If we look at the Aura of Khorne for example we can infer that the units benefiting from the aura of chaos simply benefit and are not "looking" for the hero. The Aura simply states that any "Slaves to Darkness Khorne" unit "wholly within 12"" gets "x" effect. Since Archaon picks which Aura he exudes and does NOT remove any of the keywords on his warscroll, then he benefits from the effect.

    Aura of Khorne: You can re roll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made with melee weapons by friendly Slaves to Darkness Khrone units wholly within 12" of this model. In addition, if this model is a general, add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by friendly Slaves to Darkness Khorne units wholly within 12" of this model.

    So we can see that logically, if Archaon had a Khorne Slaves to Darkness Hero, a Nurgle Slaves to Darkness Hero, and a Tzeentch Slaves to Darkness Hero near by him (assuming we take him with the Slaanesh Aura, I mean... come on?!) then Archaon would get the base benefit from each of their emanated Aura's of Chaos whilst only emanating one himself (Slaanesh). 

    The text for the auras were written carefully by screen-shotting the book and duplicating it verbatim.

    • Like 6
  13. New to SCE.

    My store is doing a Necroquake event to celebrate the new Forbidden Power that has hit the shelves. They also want to break in the new terrain they have received. However the rest of my friends are planning on bringing competitive lists to play in these battles (Skaven, BoK, DoK, SCE, and LoN). The format is 2000pt with battle line requirements, the catch is that your army can change if wanted through the matches, but your general stays the same.

    I wanted to run a Stormcast list rather than doing my normal go to - Blades of Khorne.

    Here is the list I am thinking:

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

    - Stormhost: Hammers of Sigmar


    Lord-Celestant on Stardrake (560) - General - Command Trait : We Cannot Fail - Stormbound Blade - Artefact : God-forged Blade - Mount Trait : Star-branded

    Lord-Castellant (100)

    Gavriel Sureheart (100)

    Loremaster (140) - Allies

    Excelsior Warpriest (80) - Allies


    3 x Aetherwings (50)

    3 x Aetherwings (50)

    6 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (360)

    5 x Liberators (100) - Warhammer & Shield - 1 x Grandhammers

    5 x Liberators (100) - Warhammer & Shield - 1 x Grandhammers

    5 x Liberators (100) - Warhammer & Shield - 1 x Grandhammers

    2 x Concussors (260)
    TOTAL: 2000/2000


    WOUNDS: 101

    LEADERS: 5/6

    BATTLELINES: 3 (3+)

    BEHEMOTHS: 1/4

    ARTILLERY: 0/4

    ARTEFACTS: 1/1

    ALLIES: 140/400

    Idea of the list is to buff the dragon to reroll everything and send it in after a series of continuous fire from the Vanguard-Raptors at 30". Casting Hand of Glory with the Loremaster on a 5 to reroll Hit rolls and Wound rolls for the model. The Lord-Castellant to give the dragon a +1 to save and heal on 6's (become 7's). Gavriel Sureheart is my backup to reinforce or hammer any position that needs more "umph" with a unit of Concussors in deepstrike (they land, shoot MWs, then charge and most likely get MWs and keep enemy units from piling in). Aetherwings intercept charging units keen on stopping my Vanguard-Raptors, and the free (1 model) Gryph Hound from the Castellant gives off warning calls for any deep striking or teleporting units getting near them. Liberators are there to grab and hold objectives amid the chaos. 

    Question: Should I drop the Stardrake and Excelsior Warpriest and Aetherwings to bring in a Lord-Celestant on Dracoth General with Vandus Hammerhand and 4x Fulminators? Would the Mortal Wound output of the Fulminator's shooting attacks in combo with LC on Dracoth with Vandus be more consistent then a LC on Stardrake? And the magic does seem low, but is it too low to be viable?


    Any tips would be great and appreciated! 

    **note: not concerned with picking who goes first, hence the many drops and no battalions.

  14. Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage (280)

    - Halo of Blood : Artefact

    - Slaughterer's Thirst

    Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury (300)

    - Crimson Crown

    Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster (320)


    - Killing Frenzy

    Bloodmaster Herald of Khorne (80)


    10x Bloodletters (110)

    10x Bloodletters (110)

    10xBloodletters (110)

    Chaos Warshrine (160)

    - Blood Sacrifice

    Garrek's Reavers (60)

    Skull Alter (0)

    Wrath-Axe (Khorne Judgment) (60)

    Tyrants of Blood (140)

    Murder Host (160)



    I know bloodletters in units of 10 seem like nothing, but the main killing power will be in the Bloodthirsters, Warshrine helps some staying power, but if you are too attached to your units you are playing Khorne wrong, as the blood tithe is important for winning. 

    Things will be Dying from the Tyrants of Blood Wrecking ball and the Bloodletters are primarily meant to hold objectives or tie down units. I always bring Garrek's Reavers as a filler since they are a bit of a wall in front of my slaughterpriest or Chaos Warshrine and you can more often than not get 3 bloodtithe from them through Blood Sacrifice and 1 for them dying. 60pts for 4 bloodtithe is actually a steal. 

    Taking most of your units in 2 Battalions more often than not guarantees you the 1st Turn, which you want to get in there and start swinging. If you aren't in combat with Khorne, you are most likely not winning. Adding 2 inches to run and charge rolls for your bloodletters helps them get into position faster and claim those objectives. A lot of games I play are won or lost by a matter of inches. Bloodmaster is an option for Command Points when you are not needing to heal your Bloodthirsters a lot (probably will need to though so save some) and allows a tied up unit of Bloodletters to swing, doubling up on your activations.

    There are lots of great things in this Battle Tome! and I know some gripe about the nerfs, but all in all, we have a ton more options!

    • Like 1
  15. A lot of work being done with Reapers of Vengeance. Blood Lords has some cool tricks as well. 

    Tyrants of Blood with Blood Lords, although not piling in twice in a turn, you are exchanging this for the ability to heal your blood thirsters 1 Wound (this effect can be activated more than once), while getting to pile in and attack with all three or more blood thirsters every combat before the enemy - even on there turn (before priority). 

    What this means is that Halo of Blood triggers every combat phase, not only your own. And Tyrants of Blood states that if a member of the battalion attacks, all others that are within 3" of an enemy unit can pile in and attack as well.

    **Potentially, should your opponent charge with a unit, you can swing and drop some Bloodthirster wounds on them prior to their attacks, thus nerfing or possibly stunting their charge entirely. **

    Best part of this is that you can take the Crimson Crown as your additional artefact to give to one of your Bloodthirsters to give them a free command ability so you can bank your command points to activate your Slaughterer's Thirst multiple times, taking all of your Bloodthirsters out of brackets potentially. I would recommend giving the Crimson Crown to your WoK Bloodthirster to gain advantage of rerolling hit rolls for your Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage. Although, the Pile in at 6" ability for the Unfettered Fury is tempting.

    Supplement this list with a few daemons to bog down units or "bubble wrap" your Tyrants of Blood ( rerolling 1s to Hit cause they are daemons, and wounds on heroes and monsters as a bonus from Blood Lords). I would also add one or two Slaughterpriests or a Chaos Warshrine to bring in some judgements and buffing rerollable prayers, and this list is pretty broken. (yes, Chaos warshrine can take Judgements and a Bloodblessing, and Favoured of Khorne Prayer. All while delivering a 6+ ignore mortal wound bubble).

    BloodThirster of Insensate Rage


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  16. 8 minutes ago, Impa said:

    Isn't it any model in the battalion? so you attack with first blood thirster that has the halo of blood, then the next thirster in the battalion and then the third. 

    I just reread the battletome and I do believe you are right! Perhaps you are correct with the Reapers of Vengeance being the better battalion for this due to their new command ability to allow them to pile in a second time. 

    More list building is needed to be sure. But I also like the Blood Lords with bloodthirsters because their Command Ability allows you to heal a bit to get them out of brackets. Also the Command Trait to move another 4" is just amazing! BT of Insensate Rage moves 10" even when fully bracketed. Love to give the Blood Halo to another hero and then give him Argath, King of Blades to dive the backline and go hero hunting with a 2+/2+/-2/d6 and sonic boom 4 mortal wounds. I bring along a bloodstoker just for this purpose. 

  17. I think my favorite combo in the new battletome is Tyrants of Blood with the Blood Lords.

    Assuming you get them all in combat, which you should as Khorne, the Halo of Blood artefact you have to take allows your Bloodthirster to go before either player picks a unit to pile in, so before priority.

    Tyrants of Blood allows another Bloodthirster in the same battalion to activate immediately before either player picks again. Must be in range mind you, but fully able to be pulled off.

    If this is done on your turn where you would have priority, you could have 3 bloodthirsters pile in and activate before the other player. 2 of your bloodthirsters on there turn when they have priority. 

    I like to do a Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage along with a Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury as I thinj they combo well together with their 8" effects!

    This was devastating against a Skaven army as well as a Seraphon army I played on Saturday with 2000 pts.

  18. Not sure if it was highlighted, but the Bloodwarriors' leader no longer adds 1 to the attack characteristic of any weapon other than Goreaxe(s) which devalues Goreglaive slightly. Still useful, but no more extra attack from being the leader.


    Also thought it interesting to point out that Judgement rolls are not Prayer rolls, and say any "Khorne Priest" can attempt tp cast them. A Chaps Warshrine dedicated to Khorne has both the "Khorne" and "Priest" keywords, and can therefore roll a Judegement to bring it on the field.

    The Skull Alter also affects this, by allowing the Chaos Warshrine to reroll failed Prayers and Judgement rolls for "Khorne" "Priests". This prayer can also be the prayer the warscroll prayer to reroll failed hit rolls that goes off on a 3+. 

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