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Posts posted by elescapo

  1. 7 minutes ago, EnumaEilish said:

    The vertical coherency is mostly for terrain. If some models are on a cliff, they're still in coherency with models on the ground as long as the cliff is less than 6 inches.

    Right. Think of coherency as a box, 1" wide and 6" tall.  If any part of the neighboring model's base is anywhere inside that box, it is in coherency.

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  2. 2 hours ago, PJetski said:

    Assuming wound allocation rules don't change, you can keep doing this as many times as you have Lord-Arcanums. Die > Blazing Glory + Martyrs Strength > Cycle > Allocate a wound > Die > etc.

    ...then heal up with Heroic Actions and Lifeswarm

    Lord-Arcanum's warscroll may have changed--it's too early to know if these interactions will even exist.

  3. 23 minutes ago, Liquidsteel said:

    This was my initial understanding, but it doesn't seem to be clear and obvious. Unless addressed in an FAQ I think you can look to bring back the original unit again and again.

    I agree that it could use some clarification (probably in the form of a core rules section about "replacement units"), but honestly you have to consider the alternative.  You definitely can bring back the replacement unit if it dies, so if you can bring back every unit that died every turn, plus the new units you bring back, plus the replacement units for those if they die, you could have 100's of extra models on the table by the end of the game. That is so clearly not the intent for this rule.  It's meant to be a diminishing return on your slain units, not a way to multiply them.

  4. 2 hours ago, Zaerion said:

    The rule endless legions , triggers each turn? so if a unit of 40 zombies , dies in turn 1 in turn 2 i can do a +5 check and put replacement unit of 20 zombies , and in turn 3 i can throw the dice again and i could have another unit of 20 zombies? even if only the initial unit of 40 zombies died?



    I believe no.  The new unit is a "replacement unit", which seems to indicate that you no longer count the original unit as a destroyed unit in future rolls.  However, if the new replacement unit is itself destroyed, I believe you can bring it back at half of that strength, which would be 1/4 of the original strength. This could carry on for the whole game--1/2, 1/4, 1/8, etc., etc.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Grotruk said:

    I think the main issue from the beginning is the DD wording "unmodified roll" have a lot more consequences than intended.

    If they had instead worded it:

    "In addition, any rolls that have been replaced count as unmodified rolls and (with the exception of save rolls and battleshock tests) cannot be re-rolled or modified further."

    ...it would work as I think they intend it, and there would be little or no debate.  All I've done is move the parenthetical clause about saves and battleshock from before "unmodified rolls" to after.

  6. 7 minutes ago, EnixLHQ said:

    But that being said, yeah I am disappointed. I don't honestly understand. What does GW know about NH that we don't that don't think we need much of a boost?

    From the relatively light touch they have taken with both of this year's rounds of changes, these seem like a phase 2 of GHB 2019, rather than a fresh attempt to address the balance of factions as a whole.  I would guess that they identified Kurdoss, Olynder, and the Coach as warscrolls that needed more radical drops, but they were uncomfortable with making those changes all at once.

    Notice that most of the changes across the board are not to key battleline units.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Platypus said:

    Old points:

    30x = 600 p

    10x = 240 p

    10x = 240 P

    Total = 1080 p


    New points and size restriction:

    20x = 400 p

    20x = 400 p

    10x = 240 p

    Total = 1040 p

    Ah, yes.   <clears throat>.  That's what I meant to say. ^_^;

    (math is hard.)

  8. 2 minutes ago, angrycontra said:

    What kind of math is that? 2x20 hgb costs 800p. 1x30 costs 600 and 2x10 costs 240p. That is 40p discount, not 160. The nerf is that there is longer super 120w deadball that piles in twice and always holds the objective. I do somewhat agree that their mass bonus ought to be much smaller than that.

    It's not even a discount, because you're only getting 40 HGB for 800 points, instead of 50 for 840.  Their points cost went up, full stop.

  9. 6 hours ago, Warbossironteef said:

    How does everyone here rate Huskard on Thundertusk in  Boulderhead with Alvagr Ancient? It seems like a decent support piece for your FLOSH. It's prayer isn't super reliable but on turns where you roll decent with your Ice and prayer + Vulture it splashes a decent amount of mortal wounds. It also brings some strike last support.

    In my last few matches, I've been running Thundertusks because those are the models I have until the Stonehorns make it to the painting table.  They've performed much better than my expectations.  In both of my last 2 games, my Huskard on TT has been a champ.  Those mortal wounds add up, and the +1 to wound prayer has helped the Frostlord push through.

    Alvagr Ancient was an all-star.  I was running it on my FLoTT, and it helped to compensate for his shortcomings relative to a FLoSH.  It created an unsolvable problem for my opponent, who had no shooting and no way to push my monsters off the objective, other than to just push in and give me the advantage.

    However, Alvagr Ancient always needs support.  It obviously doesn't do much if it's on a HoTT with nothing but fists and tusks to strike first.  In my case, I at least had the Frostlord on top and the Brand of the Svard to get some work done before priority came back around.  In the ideal case, I'm not running my combat hero on a TT, so I would always need to make sure that I have other hard-hitting assets around to punish opponents for pushing in to my Huskard.

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