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Posts posted by Kenvs

  1. Your list will be functional, it is definitely on the softer side of things by Slaanesh standards.  If you are looking to optimize invaders please see my list below, its fairly cookie cutter competitive (you could swap the mirror for a CP), the main differences are Trait: Glory Hog, this guarantees so many DP (one in each players turn basically).  Epicurean is actually a terrible battalion, you only really start to increase damage if your opponent has a 3+ save, you already have rend -1 which does plenty of damage against 4+ saves or worse.  You wont need cogs, you are a 2 drop list which means give your opponent 1st turn and they will come to you.  Finally flying keepers are funny and terrifying, grab thermal rider.

    Allegiance: Slaanesh
    - Host: Invaders Host
    Mortal Realm: Aqshy
    Keeper of Secrets (360)
    - General
    - Sinistrous Hand
    - Trait: Glory Hog
    - Artefact: The Rod of Misrule
    - Spell: Progeny of Damnation
    Keeper of Secrets (360)
    - Sinistrous Hand
    - Artefact: Thermalrider Cloak
    - Host Option: General (Invaders Host)
    - Spell: Born of Damnation
    Bladebringer, Herald on Exalted Chariot (220)
    - Host Option: General (Invaders Host)
    - Lore of Slaanesh: Born of Damnation
    Bladebringer, Herald on Exalted Chariot (220)
    - Lore of Slaanesh: Hysterical Frenzy
    30 x Daemonettes (300)
    20 x Daemonettes (220)
    5 x Hellstriders with Claw-spears (100)
    Supreme Sybarites (120)
    Wheels of Excruciation (40)
    Mesmerising Mirror (60)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 108  

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  2. Grab some "Flow Improver" over thinner, it will avoid the specaling.  Then go find Next Level Painting on Youtube for some very easy to follow "HowTo" type video's.

    Strangely enough, cleaning  between paints is not important, just having enough pressure and ~1:2 or 1:3 flow improver to paint at ~25psi does the job.  The video's make it clear.

  3. I travel with a small case from Modifx (See link below).  It fits the small redgrass games wet pallet, a very small container for water, about 20 paints and some brushes.  For light I have a hiking style headlamp, or USB powered desklamp.  Models travel in a small metal tin with some tissues.



    I fly alot and the kit has traveled just fine.

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  4. Build either eidolon and call it what you want, nobody knows the difference. The storm is good for harassing little characters and has cover, it retreats and charges with fly, so it can hit whatever you want dead.  

    The sea has a nice spell but the range is very short, I find it lacklustre as it doesn’t really fill a role the army needs.

  5. They are used a fair bit in my local meta (Sydney, Australia) and can be scary, they have some bad match ups but are more interesting than mono morsarr as they can shoot and do more than just charge appropriate targets.

    I am currently running Slaanesh so they don't worry me (Havent tried under new rules), as I move to my beasts of slaanesh I am alot more scared, they will shoot up my screens and then eat the tasties behind them.

  6. Agreed on the tide caster, it’s 1 dispel however the list is 2k on the nose so hard to swap in the Soulscryer without dropping a shark. If you do you’ll have 70pts spare which could be a command pt.  As for enclave, Fuethan, reroll 1s to wound on all the mount attacks, 1s to hit on T2/4

  7. Im just going to put it out there that 100 pt sharks are potentially broken good, they were already relatively scary at 120.  The main bonus sharks have over Morsarr is the fact they have Rend even if they don't charge.  I played alot of deepkin over 2018 running reverse tide 3x6 Morsarr and they are great until they charge a unit they can't kill, like all our new bonereaper friends.  Once that happens they lose all of their damage and slowly get whittled away.

    Running a list as per the below gives you 9 Ishlaen eels for turn 1 and 2 screening, turn 3 you dump up to 12 sharks with a bonus 3 attacks (per profile) each, that will ruin 3 units.  You also have enough sharks to sacrifice in 1 unit early if needed and enough shooting to scare 5w characters hiding out the back.  If you want more heroes drop a shark or 2, they are very easy to swap in and out at 100pts each.

    Volturnos, High King of the Deep (280) - General
    Isharann Tidecaster (100)

    4 x Akhelian Allopexes (400)
    4 x Akhelian Allopexes (400)
    4 x Akhelian Allopexes (400)
    3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140)
    3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140)
    3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140)

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  8. Pressure from the deep is a fantastic spell, situational, but can really break a unit if they deploy badly.  Very nice threat against eels or other high wound models.  


    Feel free to scare your opponent about it even if it’s low probably, exactly the same as Arkhan the blacks spell, curse of years, control the board with fear.

  9. Hi Everbody

    I was just part of a fairly long Deepkin interview with Ben Spinetti and Anthony Magro talking all things Deepkin.  It should be well worth a listen for new players and the more experienced players should gain something too.


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