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Ignatius "Nate" T

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Posts posted by Ignatius "Nate" T

  1. On 8/16/2020 at 6:08 PM, Honk said:

    And for me it is totally unclear, why such a „variety“ of rules exists. For FEC it is the general who can suicide rush into combat and habe ASF... for naked dwarves it’s just an ability 🤷🏿‍♀️

    I think if there is a standardization of the ability it would be easier to balance. You have multiple armies all having the same basic ability (ASF: FEC, Fyreslayers, Slaanesh, IDK), but they tried to make it different for each faction. So to change it you have to make 4 separate rule changes instead of just one. I think what compounds the issue is that 3/4 of those factions ALSO have the ability to go twice. So go first, then go again... first. Either of those on their own could be OK, but the abilities seem to like to be given together which is just crazy. 


    Anyone else here extremely excited to see what this weekend has to offer from GW? I for whatever reason have absolutely convinced myself that it's going to be the long awaited reveal of an updated Soulblight / Vampire faction. 

  2. 21 hours ago, Honk said:

    I secretly I was glad, when they took that away from my Ghoulking on terrorgheist... not for myself, but for the sake of an interesting and fun game.

    But there you go GDubs... fun and balancing is thrown out the window like Leopold von Drak in Vlads wedding night 🦇

    I think the FEC change is an indication that the rule can be done in such a way that both meets the original intent while also not being horrifically broken. FEC's rule is perfectly fine. There is a set up and  a reward that doesn't occur in the other players turn. Fyreslayers and even Slaanesh's have no set up required, and can be used even when it's not your turn. It's just a negative play experience bonanza. 

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  3. I knew what they could do, but it was just a matter of pretty much not having a choice. either I charge them and die on my turn but the few survivors get their D3 damage or he charges me and I die on their turn but only get 1 damage attacks. 

    You couldn't see it because of my poor photo taking skills but both games the reason the chainrasps seemed to always be thrown away and die in a turn is because I tried to have them touch one side of the berzerker blocks and my knights charge the other end to minimize how much damage they could do. In the end there's only so much I can do against it. Fyreslayers are just not a good matchup for this army the way it is. 

  4. On 8/10/2020 at 7:22 AM, Thamalys said:

    Yep - from experience, though: always assume it's going to take you another turn to get the resurrected wolves (or indeed anything else) where they need to be. Those 9" charges are hard to get... I am saying this as I used to wait until the very last moment to pull back units from the grave, only to find out that turn 5 was almost upon me. My current strategy is: unless you have a strong reason to wait, bring them back asap.


    Totally agree with bringing units back, and have had very similar experiences "waiting" and having it blow up in my face. 

    On 8/10/2020 at 7:22 AM, Thamalys said:

    It is KEY to get the charges off with the blood knights, and it is key to not get double turned with the two dragons in danger. 

    This is also a very obvious bit of advice, but surprisingly hard to accomplish particularly when your opponent knows the damage 4 Attack Blood Knights can do on the charge. 

    These are two solid pieces of advice with Legion of Blood, good shouts. 

  5. Okay so I finally have a second to post the results. The games were great - awesome to be able to play again even in a very small capacity. The below descriptions aren't going to be the best quality, and they probably will be hard to follow if you want to imagine the game, but I've added the most important parts I think. My thoughts I'll post at the bottom. I'll also say at the beginning here as a disclaimer, I may have done the battalion wrong. Baring any FAQ as worded it sounds like I have to either put the entire battalion into reserve, or deploy it. I can't do what I did every game and put only one unit in and deploy the rest. I won't be bringing it ever again so I'm not entirely concerned moving forward, though I acknowledge it may have given me an advantage in these games. I also didn't get great pictures, more just a smattering of things here and there when I remembered to. 

    So played 3 games with the 2020 handbook. Game 1 was against a 3 keeper of secrets slaanesh list, kind of the meta keeper list with Be'Lakor. We played knife to the heart,which if you're not familiar is the one with one objective each and if you control both after the start of the 3rd battle round you win. I deploy everything on the board except my units of 5 blood knights for my battalion. I give him first turn, and he moves his keepers and be'lakor up. He kind of underestimates the range on my blood knights (12", fly, and autocharge 6") and I get one unit of 10 into Be'Lakor who is on one side, and another 10 into one keeper on the left side. The keeper i charged locused me, so he got to attack first with it, and then did slaanesh stuff to attack twice. Kills like 7 blood knights who do nothing back while my 10 man on the other side murders be'lakor. His turn he charges another keeper into the remaining 3 knights, and the last keeper into the 10 man. Again does slaanesh stuff so he gets to go before me and twice with everything. End result is I have two blood knights left in one unit. Roll for turn, I get it, I retreat with my last two alive knights on the board, move the dragon up, bring on my unit of 5 from the board edge and charge a 10 man unit of daemonettes on the objective with everything easily killing them and taking the objective. So I win with like no units left while he has almost everything still alive and a ton of depravity points.

    Top Turn 3, you can see my few knights and dragon on the objective in the back:


    Another angle:


    Second game was against Hermdar Fyreslayers in Lords of the Lodge, with a unit of 15 tunneling Aurics (anti monster shooting ones). Played shifting objectives, and left the 5 man unit in the back from the battalion again. I give him first turn and he moves everything foward putting one berzerker block on the right objective, one behind the center and a unit of Vulkites on the center objective and the aurics tunnel up to shoot the dragon. He does 11 damage to it. My turn I charge the aurics and vulkites with the center blood knights and dragon killing all but 3 models, and moved the left knights up to take the left objective. Roll for turn, I get it. Either I take the turn, charge everything, and hope to kill a lot. OR give it away and get charged anyways. So I take it. Left knights charge the back berzerkers. Chain rasp charge the right berzerkers to tie them up for my center units to finish off the aurics. If you didn't know, Fyreslayers also have the ability to fight first and fight twice. So they do. My left blood knights lose 8 of the 10 and the chainrasp lose 34 of 40 before I get to fight. I kill the 3 models in the center from the previous turn, but the left blood knights kill like 1 berzerker (they have a 4+ DPR with 2 wounds each). His turn he finishes off the left blood knights and the chainrasps but that's it. Roll for turn and I get it. I bring on my 5 blood knights on the right side, charging into the berzerkers there, along with the dragon and 10 center blood knights. Again, gets to fight first and fight twice. He kills 7 blood knights and almost the dragon. I attack with everything and kill all but 4 berzerkers. His turn he kills all my units. I lose pretty badly. Fyreslayers are a tough match up.\



    Top Turn 3:


    Bottom Turn 3:


    So of course game 3 I play almost an identical Fyreslayers list on the new battleplan forcing the hand. This guys 15 aurics are in 3 seperate units, and he has one of the 20 man berzerkers in the tunnel. Same game plan as before, everything but the 5 man blood knights on the table. I give him first turn. He moves up, and drops in his 20 man block right in front of me. I have almost no where to go. I reposition in my turn so he can't get at much of the meat of my army. The deployment zones are pretty small in this battleplan though. He wins priority, and gives it to me. I didn't deploy for a double turn, so I'm slightly further away than preferrable. But I am positioned in a way that if I don't charge he will get at me and I'll autolose. So I do what is just about all I can do, and charge stuff. I get everything but one of the 10 man units in. Again, Fyreslayers get to fight first and fight twice, so he kills all 40 chainrasps, does 12 of 14 wounds to the dragon, and kills 5 of the 10 blood knights before I get to go. I attack and do 0 damage from the dragon, and my 5 blood knights roll super hot and I do 46 damage into one of the berzerker blocks. He gets a 4+ DPR though, and makes 33/46 DPR saves. What should have killed the entire unit and then some kills 6 and a half berzerkers. He gets the double, and kills all the rest of the knights and dragon, then charges the last 5 knights in the back and the 10 man unit, both with charge rolls of 11. I am tabled top of turn 3.

    Game 3 end of top turn 2:


    -So the battalion... 15" is brutal. Get the unit in, and the reroll hits is fantastic (I misplayed this and thought it was only reroll 1's to hit game 1). But particularly in this list with only one hero that can take an artifact it is absolutely not worth 150 points. 

    -Prince Vhordrai I had very high hopes for, but without quickblood he's not as scary as I had hoped. It may be that I just didn't get it off enough (I think once?) but generally I throw him into a big scary unit, so if I don't get it off then I won't all game as he's probably going to die anyways. 

    -Blood knights are the reason I play this army, and I still love them. I've played Legion of Blood almost solely, and while the loss of an attack for fly and +2" move on paper seems kind of lackluster, I didn't feel it all that much. Obviously 25ish% more output on each model is amazing, but they do so much damage to things (that aren't Hermdar Hearthguard) with their base attacks I think the extra movement and fly is worth it. Fly was and always is amazing on Blood Knights. 

    -The matchups were very tough, and I don't think this was enough of a look at them to be soured. Playing these enough times I think I can get the hang of when to attack and where down. I will not be discouraged. 

    -The list is not going to move forward in the same way. I'm going to double down on knights, dropping the battalion, the dragon, and potentially some of the chainrasp if not all to try and make a 45-50 Blood Knight list. It's basically only knights. The dragon is just not worth it to me, not for the cost of 2 and a half units of blood knights. That's the logic here. Blood Knights are good enough unbuffed in my opinion that they don't need these big costly support pieces. Just take more knights. To that end, I am working on building up more of them, most likely in an entirely new custom kit bash than what I have here. 

    Anyways, love the army. Love the Knights. 

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    • LOVE IT! 1
  6. Howdy all. Haven’t been part of the discussion much lately but I’ll be finally attending a very small ITC formatted one day event tomorrow and while I’ve had great success with my Legion of Blood running an almost identical list I’ve decided to give Soulblight another run to see how it goes. 

    I’ll be running this: 


    Allegiance: Soulblight
    - Bloodline: Swift Death

    Prince Vhordrai (460)
    - Lore of the Vampires: Vile Transference
    Vampire Lord (140)
    - General
    - Mount: Nightmare
    - Command Trait: Blood Fury  
    - Artefact: Sigil of the Sanguine Throne  
    - Lore of the Vampires: Vile Transference

    10 x Blood Knights (360)
    10 x Blood Knights (360)
    5 x Blood Knights (180)

    40 x Chainrasp Horde (280)
    - Allies

    Castellans of the Crimson Keep (150)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Purple Sun of Shyish (50)

    Total: 1980 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 280 / 400
    Wounds: 134

    I’ve actually never used the Castellans Battalion so I’m curious to see how useful it really is. I know I’m missing out on one of the relics for the battalion but seeing as how this is more practice for a Major anyways I don’t mind it not being 100% not optimized. The purple sun selection is there as an attempt to counter some of the meta armies, specifically with Fyreslayers Hearthguard in mind. 

    I’lll report back with how things go. 

    I also managed to find 3 more old empire fantasy knights lances while digging through my pile of stuff so I can convert another 5 blood knights with this find. Very excited about that. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, readercolin said:

    I fail to see a reason to take a block of 9 kitties.

    If you take a block of 6 and don't give it any buffs, it deals 18.8 damage to a 4+ save on the charge.  Give it buffs (re-roll 1's to hit from command point/vindicators, re-roll wounds from empower, pride leader for +1 to attack, and Celestial Blades for +1 to wound) and the block goes up to 40 damage to a 4+ save.

    This is already enough to delete whatever they run into.  Going up to a unit of 9 isn't usually going to get more models into combat (I already frequently have issues getting more than 5 into combat).  It also makes it even more difficult to get them into range for pride leader, meaning you will be losing your +1 to hit.  Lastly, you are concentrating so many points into one unit that you are going to struggle to screen and is going to be an easy target for your opponents to focus on.

    In your list, you have 9 kitties and the Celestant Prime as your only threats.  This is... probably not diversified enough for your threats.  Against some armies, this isn't going to be a big deal.  But send this up against say, Tzeentch, or Cities and they are going to make you miserable.

    Thanks for the thoughts. They were never going to be a 5-0 choice, and I think playing for that is only going to lead to disappointment. I don't think that means that you shouldn't play to strengths of the army and follow good general rules when it comes to listbuilding. 

    That said-my experience with them so far has not been the same as yours it seems. I don't find it too difficult to get most of them into combat. I also find that you don't kill everything you hit on the charge. Phoenixes and phoenix guard, mortek guard, even Hag Narr daughters will not die to a charge of 6 Dracolines. Whether that means taking 9 is or isn't the right call I don't know, but it is why I'm trying. 

    The general wisdom is 6 Dracolines, LAoCD with Pride Leader, Celestial Vindicators, and a couple buff pieces. When I was buying the models for the army this is what I ran, and understand that it's very efficient and understand the math behind it. But I'm not utterly convinced it's 100% the only way to make it work. Hence the effort with 9. I've played against Cities a couple times already, and I have a game tomorrow against Tzeentch. I'll let everyone know how it goes. 

    You're probably all right 6 is the best way, but I've got time until Lumineth drop so I'm going to have a serious go at it.

    • Like 1
  8. Has anyone seriously tried a unit of greater than 6 at a time? I've been playing with 9 in a unit for the past few months trying to dial in how to make a unit that large work. So far the Stormhost pick and hero combination have been mostly eluding me.

     Hallowed Knights,  their CA is pretty great- eliminating the need for the Heraldor for the first turn. I see it as saving 100 points in essence. I've tried Hallowed Knights a few times and have only missed the "retreat and charge" ability once. Generally speaking I can screen out enough the first turn and get the Dracos where I want them instead of being charged myself. The rest of the Stormhost isn't great, so you're just taking this one for the savings from not needing a Heraldor. 

     Astral Templars, their free move is huge. It essentially means that your Dracos get an 18" move on the first turn. Which like above could be a reason to not take a Heraldor and save that 100 points. Or you could take him and get a 24" move on the first turn. More often than not though the move is better for the battleline to get better screening positions. With the few new books that have come out with first turn teleports and shooting, this one is even more important. The CA / Battle Trait can also be pretty useful against armies like Nagash, Katakros, or Archaon too. With this stormhost it's not so much what negatives there are with it as much as the opportunity costs to taking this over others. 

    Celestial Vindicators, is obviously a favorite, as it helps making your Dracos even more killy on the charge. The CA is also just a better version of the LA's own CA as it gives it to the riders as well. You'll want to try to hoard CPs until the Dracos make it into combat, then spam this one two three or four times. I haven't played much with it, as I know everyone else has been and I want to try out other hosts to see if there's anything there for it. 

    Hammer of Sigmar, unlocks the various special characters. The only significant thing that I've found here is Gavriel Sureheart. Vandus Hammerhand is decent with his big range of additional attacks, but he's way overcosted at the moment for that. With Gav the play is similar to the old Gav bomb, where he and the Dracos would be dropped in together and he'd spam his CA for guarenteed charges. You'lll need to use 2 CP here to make sure it works, so either buy one, get a battalion, or wait to turn 2. Only thing with this one is start only Gav in Azyr. The Dracos on the board at the back of your zone to protect them and make them the target of your hero phase buffs, Then take a Knight Vexillor (instead of a Heraldor) and use his once per game ability to teleport your now buffed Dracos while you also bring in Gav from Azyr. Obviously still prone to issues with your opponent effectively screening, but it works great when your Dracos are getting 2D6 + 6-9" re-rolling. You can even move completely around most screens unless your opponent is spot on with them. Which generally means they aren't projecting power to the rest of the board like they need to be. 


    I was planning to bring this to Adepticon, but this is what I've been running as of late:

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
    - Stormhost: Hammers of Sigmar

    Celestant-Prime (340)
    Gavriel Sureheart (120)
    Lord-Arcanum on Celestial Dracoline (220)
    - General
    - Command Trait: We Cannot Fail
    - Artefact: God-forged Blade
    - Spell: Celestial Blades
    - Mount Trait: Pride Leader
    Knight-Vexillor (120)
    - Pennant of the Stormbringer

    5 x Sequitors (130)
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
    - 2x Stormsmite Greatmaces
    5 x Sequitors (130)
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
    - 2x Stormsmite Greatmaces
    5 x Sequitors (130)
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
    - 2x Stormsmite Greatmaces

    9 x Evocators on Dracolines (780)
    - 6x Grandstaves
    - Lore of Invigoration: Speed of Lightning

    Total: 1970 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 100


  9. I've already been using Gav with a Celestant Prime. There's no limit on the distance you can go with a charge, you just have to be eligible to charge when you declare it (aka 12" for most units). So drop him down 9" from the enemy, auto roll your 12" charge distance, pop Gav three or four times, and now your prime is charging 21-24". Guarantees he get where he wants to be.  


    So far just a joke strat but it is what I was going to be tossing around at Adepticon this year just to see what happens. Kroak would help with that for sure. Lot of points at that point though. 


    I wonder if he's better suited in an army with Vandus instead. The +1 attack CA is insane, and having Kroak giving extra attacks essentially for a big beefy unit of Evos or whatever else could get pretty absurd quickly. 

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  10. 55 minutes ago, Koradrel of Chrace said:

    What would be more interesting is seeing how long it takes them to redesign the current Phoenix Guard.  It seems that they've put a descent effort into really entwining the Phoenix Temples into the background, so I feel they're here to stay, if only as a bridge between the humans and aelves.   The models themselves, however, still bear a very Old World vibe.  If they include both the Guard and the Phoenix riders in the Lumineth book, that will probably ensure their longevity, as well as garuantee new models with a more AOS spin on them at some point.   And to be fair, linking elves with phoenixes is GW's most unique thing they ever did with the race in the Old World setting, so it's definitely something worth preserving.

    They just released the Seraphon book without updating any of those models. Granted they seem "AoS-y" already being dinosaurs and lizards but they didn't change them even with the outdated models they are already running. So personally any update to the pheonix guard seems like a ways off to me. 

  11. On 1/29/2020 at 4:59 AM, Lightbox said:

    I'm definitely eyeing up the newer push fit chaos knights for making some blood knights. Definitely will look like big heavy chargers! Though my death is in a weird place with some bits (such as one of my coven thrones) converted into wraith fleet pirate style. Anyone got suggestions on cavalry that could be used to convert some more pirate looking bloodknights? Or should I just go heck it and go all in on the big heavy armoured knights. Would fit my armoured vampire lord on dragon a bit more than all pirates. Bonus points if I have some heavy armoured knights and some pirate looking ones to represent a story of perhaps 2 different vampire forces coming together to fight (can be a nice theme to differentiate two dragon lords)

    Though alternatively I could see the ossiarch horses being an interested shout for those who want a more skeletal death theme! (could still paint them up like shadowy bone horses) I've been away from soulblight for too long though, my vampires need to taste blood again soon ;) 


    EDIT: Just seen some pics of freeguild outriders being used to make blood knights. I actually really like the look of this idea! 

    Always happy to see new ideas for knights (and I'm totally gonna have to make that saurus dragon conversion!!)

    I think you're talking about mine? If so I'm flattered. 


    Also more than willing to give you more pictures or answer any questions you may have!

    • Like 1
  12. Hey all, 


    Recently participated in a quick 1 day (3 game) event where I took my Legion of Blood.  We played LVO rules and mission sets, as many of the players were using it as practice for LVO. I didn't go to LVO myself, but still went to this event. 


    I managed to go 3-0, and got 25/25, 24/25, 25/25 possible points each match. EDIT: And come in first if that wasn't obvious enough. 


    I used the same list as always:

    Allegiance: Legion of Blood
    Mortal Realm: Shyish

    Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (440)
    - General
    - Deathlance & Shield & Chalice
    - Trait: Aristocracy of Blood
    - Artefact: Ethereal Amulet
    - Lore of the Vampires: Amethystine Pinions
    Vampire Lord (140)
    - Mount: Nightmare
    - Lore of the Vampires: Vile Transference

    40 x Chainrasp Horde (280)
    5 x Dire Wolves (70)
    5 x Dire Wolves (70)

    10 x Blood Knights (400)
    10 x Blood Knights (400)
    5 x Blood Knights (200)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 154


    I don't remember exactly the missions used every game, but I do remember the jist of what I played against and how the game went. 


    Game 1 was against FEC with 1 GKoTG, 1 zombie dragon, 2 Terrorgheists, a foot Ghoul King, and an archregent. He took first turn and crashed his GKoTG into my chainrasp screen, along with a zombie dragon. He summoned 20 ghouls, and 6 vargheists behind me. Though he killed all my chainrasps, it was about all that happened. My turn I bring my chainrasp unit back with my Command Point. I charge his GKoTG and zombie dragon with my own dragon and a unit of 10 blood knights. My other 10 blood knights make a long charge and I get 5 into each Terrorgheist (they were right next to each other). My unit of 5 blood knights charge into the vargheists and my dogs charge the ghouls. Essentially everything is in combat. I go with my 10 blood knights into his GKoTG and they kill him. He attacks with his Zombie Dragon into mine, and does a couple wounds. I attack with my other 10 blood knights into his terrorgheists and manage to kill both. I then go with my dragon and kill his. Basically at the end of the turn the only things left on the board are his foot heroes. He conceeds bottom of turn 1. 


    Game 2  was against Bonereapers with a leige, boneshaper, some other support hero, 2 mortek crawlers, 30 mortek guard, and two units of 10 deathriders. We played battle for the pass, so long table edges. Importantly we are playing in Ulgu, with the realm ability to teleport a unit from one table edge to another. He took first turn and shoots a couple chainrasp as that's all that is in range and moves the two deathrider units on the objectives. In my turn I get pinions double casted, so the dragon is going 24".  I teleport one unit of 10 blood knights 9" from his crawlers. The dragon charges one unit of deathriders, and chainrasps the other unit. The bloodknights make their charge into the crawler. The dragon wiffs and kills 1 single deathrider, and the chainrasps kill none. The bloodknights manage to kill the first crawler.  His turn sees him move his mortek guard and charge my 10 blood knights threatening his other crawler. He kills a few more chainrasp and puts some wounds on the dragon. His mortek guard only kill two blood knights. My turn I retreat my dragon and my blood knights in combat with his mortek guard. My unit of 5 blood knights charge the unit of deathriders in combat with my chainrasps and my other 10 man unit of blood knights charge the deathriders that my dragon retreated out of. Both units of deathriders and wiped out. I roll and get priority, meaning my dragon and bloodknights can charge into his heroes and I kill the other crawler. He conceeds top of turn 3. 


    Game 3 was against FEC again, with two GKoTG, an archregent, crpyt ghast, 30 ghouls, 10 ghouls, 10 ghouls on starsrtike. This game was clearly a match of "get the charge and win", with the first turn not being relevant for scoring. Knowing that, he gives me first turn knowing I couldn't get things into charge range. I try to pinions my dragon hoping for a 9+*, but he unbinds it. I cast mystic shield on the chainrasp screen and end my turn. His turn he does mostly the same, shimmying units around and ends his turn. We haven't really moved at all. Turn 2 the first objectives come down, and I win the roll, but give him the turn. He tries to get my objective by summoning units, but doesn't succeed with his charges. He throws one GKoTG into one unit of 10 blood knights I had on my flank, but only manages to kill 2. I countercharge with the 5 man unit, with the 8 already there which is enough to kill the GKoTG. I kill all his summoned units with my dragon and other unit of 10 blood knights. I moved my chainrasps up and charge into basically his entire army because of the short distances between units. Which then pile in in such a way that pulls the screen off one side of his other GKoTG. I win priority, and get my unit of 10 blood knights into his GKoTG, my unit of 8 into the 30 man ghoul block , the unit of 5 into the archregent. The turn ends with everything he has dead top of turn 3. 

    *I really enjoy getting pinions off and YOLOing the dragon into the biggest thing in the opponents army even if it's not the smartest play to make. 


    In the end it was a great event. Blood Knights are absolutely bonkers on the charge. I find that while I'm playing the objective game, I know my army can kill things very well. I play objectives JUST enough to go down too badly in points for those first couple turns, but focus on killing everything I can. If I can do it fast enough, I can then retroactively go back and grab points if I need to. Though as shown in these games I didn't even need to do that. 

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  13. 2 hours ago, Zaerion said:

    How is that only general can resurect? can you point me to where in the battle tome/ rules?  Are we talking about the hability Deathly Invocation?

    because i see that necromancers, and vampire lords have this hability so i dont understand the thing that only general can resurect thank you!

    I think you are probably talking about endless legions , then it makes sense ok! thx

    Right. Resurrect a unit- not just models. Which if you use your dragon as your general and it inevitably dies to the entire opponents army attacking it because they have no real choice, you lose out on bringing back full units. 

  14. So I picked the non dragon lord because up to the point of submitting lists I didn’t have a ton of games in yet. I come from Soulblight where there’s no gravesites or restoring full units. I expected it to be hugely significant to the game and used often. 

    So I figured the games would look like me launching the dragon up to die, and recycling units of chainrasp. 

    After playing games I’ve come to the realization that recycling units really doesn’t happen as often as I thought. 

    I have since changed to using the dragon as my general, with aristocracy of blood to give me a better chance at my big blood knight units getting a long charge off turn 1 or 2, and my dragon always getting a reroll for it. Saving the CPs id normally use on rerolling hits. It’s working great. 

  15. Hey all just a couple quick updates to my recent experiences. I’ve been trying to cram as many games as possible with my Legion of Blood as possible. 

    Biggest event I went to recently was Da Boyz in upstate NY with about 65-70 players. 

    Managed to go 3-2, winning against 

    Dual Stardrake Cities of Sigmar

    Typical Slaanesh 6 hero list

    Big Waagh Mawcrusha and mass ardboyz

    Lost to

    Dual Gheist FEC 

    Typical Hagg Nar Daughters

    Great event, and felt pretty outmatched in terms of army and rules most of the way. So a 3-2 is great in my mind considering what I was up against. The FEC game I think I could have pulled off, but he managed a Double turn going to turn 2 and charged my blood knights before I could do the same. Daughters I had no answer. There’s no conceivable way I win that game. I play against Daughters A LOT and have only managed to even sniff a win a handful of times. Oh well. 


    Ethereal Zombie Dragon Lord

    VLord on Nightmare-General 

    10 Blood Knights

    10 Blood Knights

    5 Blood Knights

    40 Chainrasp

    5 Doggos

    5 Doggos


    Blood Knights just don’t do it. I want them to be able to delete units but D3 damage and -1 rend just doesn’t get it done too often. Sure they kill a unit of battleline (except daughters) but I need them to be able to take out things like stardrakes, maw crushas, and nagash and they just don’t. 

    The Ethereal Dragon is so much fun to play with. Cast Mystic shield on it, and shove it down their throats turn 1. Works fantastically. 


    Anyways I like the list, If I’m still going 50%+ in today’s meta in every event I’ve been to something is working. 

    Also this is what did to bypass the $99/5 resin models issue. 







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  16. 3 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    Is there anything that improves your ordinary troops directly via Auras, magic etc. ? No. -> no synergies. No Corsairs getting better due to AG, no required buffs, nada.

    the only synergy is the awful battallion.

    seriously. 🙂 

    i wish it wasn’t this way but I won‘t bend facts so I can justify to play my (lore and style-wise) favorite army.


    edit: in what world are units (Corsairs and fleetmasters) that do nothing at all worth their points if you can‘t even buff them in a meaningful way (you could burn valuable CP to give them +1 Attack which won‘t fix their horrible to hit and to wound values and which does not compensate for it)!? By Sigmar...

    The immune to battleshock CA is a huge bonus for them that you can't get in other cities. Do you disagree?


    Do you have another unit that would benefit from the Vitriolic spray spell better point for point?

  17. On 10/11/2019 at 11:11 AM, Raffonerd said:

    Yes, I think option 1 is the best one. But yes, depend on situations.

    I agree most of the time that is going to be the best bet. The point is that there are options- which is awesome. 


    Off the top of my head Stormcast Fulminators will be amazing here- similar in theory to Wild Riders, with the potential for some insane damage if they get the charge off. They are much harder to kill, so if this is going to be implemented here its got to be into a unit you know will be able to deal with 10 3+ save wounds.

    Another less competitive choice for me at least is going to be a Celestant Prime. Strike down and guaranteed charge into a GKOT/Durthu/whatever your opponent is relying on and you'll probably be able to get it after two activations. 



    After some quick math it appears wild riders would be a better choice here if you’re going from just a damage perspective. With a CA spent on Idols one unit of 5 Wildriders with no other buffs and assuming they attack and then are killed to fight again do:

    3+ save: 11.4 damage 

    4+ save: 14.7 damage 

    5+ save: 18 damage 

    6+ save:  18.8 damage 



    3+: 10.6

    4+: 14.2

    5+: 17.7

    6+: 21.3

    Should be noted this is on the charge, and doesn’t take into account the Intolerable Damage special rule for the Dracoths though I believe you can add .58 to all the fulminators damages and that’ll get you at least close. 

  18. 1 hour ago, CB42 said:

    Taking a step back from all the anger, I think writing off Anvilgard the city as uncompetitive after using a very, very uncompetitive list is probably wrong - you can make an uncompetitive Slaanesh list or an uncompetitive Skaven or Daughters of khaine list, and that wouldn’t mean that the factions are bad - it means your list doesn’t utilize the strengths of those factions.


    The two main power points we get out of Anvilgard are Vitriolic Spray through spell portal and Scourgerunner Chariots in the battalion. The posted list had neither of those. There are other things that are good to have, but those two things are what you build around when you want to take down a tournament.



    And I do think Anvilgard has the potential to build tournament winning lists. I’m planning on switching from slaanesh to anvilgard once my Chariots, Hurricanum, Corsairs, and heroes are assembled because I believe in the strength of Anvilgard.


    Agreed entirely. Though I will add that I think that the Command Ability is also super important, particularly with horde style lists. You can essentially sit and tank wherever you'd like, forcing the opponent to kill every last model before they are out of combat. Not hard to do with some units, but a unit of 40 Corsairs is 280 points. Even if it holds your opponent for 1.5-2 turns, that's tremendous value.  


    Not to mention 40 Corsairs with Vitriolic Spray and a nearby fleetmaster will murder pretty much anything in the game in 1-2 turns.

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  19. 3 hours ago, Raffonerd said:

    You got the point.

    That's why i've in wild rider. If they charge they go rend -2 2 damage and if they die they attack again plus they buff others.

    The best would be Bmage/Fleetmaster general with no bshock aura and 20 guards to cover it. Corsairs have ts 4 against shooting and with 2 melee weapon plus the command they have 4 aa each. So if they die, they attack and they don't test.

    Good to hear I’m not the only one who’s shifted to trying to make the most out of the command ability. Units like wild riders that are great for 1 turn and lose effectiveness are prime targets, especially considering they are going to die anyways. Sure you can use it on Phoenix guard but it’s not entirely necessary. 


    Something like wild riders are a freaking awesome unit to use this on. One of two things is going to happen here. 1)you chose the wild riders first and you get to attack twice at -2 2 damage which is awesome 


    2) you purposefully don’t choose the wild riders first and pick some other unit (hopefully some little dude like an anointed, fleetmaster, etc.), essentially tempting your opponent to kill off your wild riders. They do so, and while you won’t be attacking twice, you’ll still get an activation AND proc the hit / wound bonus for any other units you have. 


    I don’t think the battle trait is so pointless that we should ignore it, but I don’t think it’s something super reliable. In cases like this though I think it’s possible to essentially force it. 

  20. 24 minutes ago, CrashQuest said:

    Guessing Phoenix's are too mandatory for Phoenicium 😂

    Well you’re just missing out on one of the three battle traits for the city entirely without at least 1. 


    I’ve also entertained fleetmaster + corsairs. I think they could get nasty with the bonus to hit and wound proccing. Of course you have to get it, and I’m trying to come up with ways to make it more guaranteed. 


    But honestly the hit and wound bonus seems like a last few turns bonus to give your guys a little more hitting power in the late game. The real full time benefit to the city is the Living Idols command ability. 

  21. 13 minutes ago, CB42 said:

    I’ve decided to convert most of mine. I’m normally a Chaos player and I want to keep that theme. I’m picking up:

    * Tzaangor Skyfire and Black Guard as the driver / passenger

    * 3 Seeker Chariots of Slaanesh (replacing the demons with the Tzaangor and Black Guard)

    * 3 Khorne Bloodthrones (replacing, etc, etc, you get it)

    * 3 Burning Chariots

    * 3 Tuskgor Chariots

    * And 3 start collecting Anvilgard will give me 3 regular Chariots.

    My Hurricanum with Battlemage will be a Nighthaunt Black Coach with the ghost driver replaced by a Gaunt summoner, and on top of the carriage will be a Vortex from a Mutalith Vortex Beast.

    By doing them in groups of 3, it’ll be easy to identify which unit of 3 is which. I figure with a similar paint scheme tying them all together and maybe airbrushing some Anvilgard symbols on everything, it’ll come together as a cohesive chaos anvilgard scheme.

    All I’ll say is you better post pictures. 

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  22. 1 minute ago, CB42 said:



    6 Scourgerunner Chariots, for 300 points, have 8 shots at 3/3/-1/D3, 4 shots at 2/3/-1/D3, 16 shots at 5/4/-/1 and 8 shots at 4/4/-/1. That’s comparable to 24 Freeguild Handgunners standing still plus 9 Freeguild Crossbowmen standing still, and you can do that while moving. So you’re already comparable to or better than other shooting. And you can do that while moving 12”!

    But wait, there’s more!

    Against monsters while in the battalion, you get +1 to wound, and also 6s to hit deal D3 mortal wounds! This is designed to take down monsters, and on average, 6 Chariots in the battalion shoot down a Keeper of a Secrets in one turn.

    But wait, there’s more!

    You also get 36 wounds for 300 points - better than the 30 wounds for 300 points that Handgunners get.

    But wait, there’s more!

    You get 36 melee attacks at 4/4 or 4/5, much better than, say, Freeguild crossbowmen - who get 30 melee attacks at 5/5.

    Scourgerunner Chariots are so much better at shooting, melee, tanking, and mobility than most other Free Cities shooting - and we get a battalion that buffs them even more! Please, guys, get excited over this! I’m obviously super pumped already.

    I retract my previous statement. I’ve since given it more thought and I couldn’t agree more. They are fantastic shooters. They are fast. They are large models for area denial. And they are cheap. 


    Scourgerunners will be featured heavily in not only anvilguard but also many other cities I imagine. 

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