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Posts posted by Raging_Moose

  1. 3 minutes ago, stato said:

    Yep, pretty disapointed Gitmob went from 'legitimate faction' to 'does not exist', not even a compendium swap!  And this is for models that were still for sale on GW site 6 months ago.    I bought 3 chariots!

    This really sucks, I got into the game in August and have tons of painted wolf riders and other things which I can't even shift over to Gloomspite as count as.. so I'm just ****** out of luck? I was enjoying the game but what am I supposed to do now? 

  2. 7 minutes ago, EMMachine said:

    They aren't in the Destruction section either. It's quite strange that they removed the Gitmob Grots from Pitched Battle while Greenskins are still playable (even though there models vanished from the shop basicly at the same time.

    This is what Im confused about. The are still some really old compendium units in there like 'Orcs and Goblins'

    For example Orukk bully which is used with gitmob war machines - but all the war machines are gone? 

    That really sucks I have tons of wolf riders and such..

    • Like 2
  3. Hey team, got a tournament coming up, curious to hear your feedback for 2k

    Troggoth Hero - general - Loonskin / Ghyrstrike (+1 to hit and wound)


    Gitmob shaman - Allied


    60x Gitmob archers - Allied

    1 wolf chariot - Allied

    60x stabbas (spears)

    5x loon smash fanatics

    6x sneaky snufflers

    20x shootas 

    3x fellwater troggoths

    6x fellwater troggoths 

    1 command point


    I know I'm light magic and heavy drops. Dont mind the latter as I like seeing how my opponent deploys.

    Gitmob shaman chills with the 60 gitmob archers in the middle for the sneaky stabbing spell. Probably will have 3 trolls hanging around in case

    Loonboss, 60 stabbas, snufflers, and fanatics move up. 'I'm the boss' firing with the snufflers for attacks and mortal wounds. Fanatics to screen

    Trogboss, 6x fellwater and 20 shoota as the screen move up as well.

    Chariot to camp on an objective .



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