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Posts posted by Jonko

  1. 7 minutes ago, RUNCMD said:

    Hey all,

    Thinking of starting an S2D Army in the near future, but reading a lot of the posts here I don't see a lot of positivity with some of the Changes that are coming in GHB 2020 and from what I gather, everything seems to be Khorne orientated that is going to stand up in a competitive setting?

    Mostly I loved the new models, the chariots, and the Chaos Knights. I wanted to have an army to be able to stand up in both a casual and competitive setting, is that no longer the case for S2D?

    Hey man, i think STD is still a worthy candidate for competitive play. It'offers a big range of units but i feel like the most elite units need some point drops. If you just want a S Tier army that can cheese maybe you gotta look elsewhere tho, The biggest problem i'm having with STD is mortal wounds output, the only good way to get those is via a battalion forcing you into one IMO. 

    At the moment i'm realy hoping/waiting for a FAQ at the GW site to see the new armies point changes. (i'm hoping this is today) 

  2. Hey,

    What do you think of the new mindstealer sphiranx for competitive? I think its a great model with cool abilties BUT missing the mark of chaos keyword to choose from im not sure he fits in great, making it a easy shooting target in my nurgle aura lists. With a 5 save and no mortal wounds save to help him survive .

  3. On 1/5/2020 at 12:08 PM, Jonko said:

    I'm wondering how people who bought the new start collecting boxes deal with the equipment of the new chaos warrios and knights. I'm a little disappointed that the new units dont have any horn blowers and standard bearers that are like basic on 1 in every 5 units in the game. I've been thinking how to solve this, i don't know if the old bits from the old set will look nice and even fit the new models.

    Any thought's ? 

    Decided to make different bases to show what is what :)

  4. I'm wondering how people who bought the new start collecting boxes deal with the equipment of the new chaos warrios and knights. I'm a little disappointed that the new units dont have any horn blowers and standard bearers that are like basic on 1 in every 5 units in the game. I've been thinking how to solve this, i don't know if the old bits from the old set will look nice and even fit the new models.

    Any thought's ? 

  5. 35 minutes ago, Nevar said:

    How does this list look to everyone here?

    Arch-Warlock: Overseer of Destruction

    Warlock Bombardier

    Warlock Engineer

    x20 Clanrats

    x20 Clanrats

    x20 Clanrats

    Warp Lightning Cannon

    Warp Lightning Cannon

    Warp Lightning Cannon

    x6 Warplock Jezzails

    Warpfire Thrower

    Warpfire Thrower

    x3 Stormfiends (Globe Launcher, Ratling Guns, Doomflayers)


    Soulsnare Shackles


    2000 Points, have no idea what artifact yet.

    Nice idea indeed, maybe 1 more engineer (if he get's sniped no overcharged WLC) or instead of a bombadier and 1 WLC a verminlord warpseer?

  6. First of all: hello all,  this was my first game with skaven including the new battletome and rules.

    A quick overview of the battle: Skaven Skryre vs Tomb Kings.


    List: (1750pt)

    -Thanqoul and boneripper  - General - 2 warpfire/2 braziers - spell: wargale      
    -Warlock engineer - artifact vigordust injector - spell: more more warp power!
    -5 acolytes - battleline
    -5 acolytes - battleline
    -6 stormfiends - battleline - 2 rattlings/2 gascloud/2 doomflayer
    -1 Warplightning cannon
    -1 Doomwheel
    -1 Rattling team
    -1 Warpfire team
     endless spells:
    -soulsnare shackles
    -warp lightning vortex

    I started the battleround and failed to put down soulsnare shackles (dispelled entire game mehhh) but could get my WL vortex in the game. I just want to say how insane this spell is, i complety wrecked his movement and ability to get closer the first turns becouse he could not run/fly and got some nice mortal wounds going from it aswell. (shame death has so many negates tho) warplighting  cannon was able to shoot some mortals with 12 dice but got 3 damage in return for overcharging.  
    The tomb kings did not had allot to do this round couse of the vortex,  My engineer got some damage couse of an artifact but overal it was just shoots from my side.
    When he finaly came closer i had already taken 3 objectives (of the 4) with run 6 from thanquols command abilty , he got rid of acolytes as they are pretty weak anyway but just fillers for battleline but once i started to fire rattlings the game was overr pretty fast. The 2 damage char. on 2x rattling stormfiends +vigurdust and a rattling weapon team did realy big damage. He charged and removed my WL cannon before i could fire it the second time but all was good since i got rid of is arkhan pretty fast. Also when i charged in with thanqoul and stormfiends i had loads of damage to do with both (flayers /brazers realy got some nice dmg off).
    Warpfire team was asboluty insane doing 40 mortal wounds to his skeleton horde whiping it out in 1 turn , even with his negates. I think he needed to learn the hard way how the warpfire team works now.  The game practicly ended in turn 3 clipping him down and destroying both his big heroes arkhan and steed

    Losses i had sufferd in the end, 2 stormfiends (gascloud), WL cannon, 5 acolytes, Rattling team. I was lucky on the turn roll tho!


    So far what i think:

    -Gascloud stormfiends are absolute not worth there cost unless you buff them with +hit/+wound or rerolls
    -A block of 6 stormfiends is actualy realy good, flayers are realy good with charge +2/+3 , rattlings are insane if you buff them with a spark from a hero
    -Vortex + Shackles is gonna ''be a thing'' especially if you have allot of shooting
    -Warfire team is tricky but insane if you can get it in close range of hordes
    -Realy fun how everything works with luck, big shots but damage on yourself, so think twice if you can possibly lose unit or not
    -1 engineer was realy realy tricky, i got lucky he survived but that could make or break a game for you if you miss out buffs from sparks
    -Thankquol is realy badass now with his spells and negates, makes him realy desirable if you wanna get that warp lightning vortex off with 3 dices!
    -I used 1 gnawhole for +1casting in the  start (make sure you park your casters next to it in the start couse if you move there you got a chance to get mortal wounds!) 
    -Wondering if stacking the gnawholes for more casting works? if so that might be realy good.

    Working on 120 clanrats now to get painted to see what more i can do with other units of moulder and masterclan in a game.






    IMG-20190223-WA0020 (2).jpeg

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