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OCD Nightmare

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Posts posted by OCD Nightmare

  1. 4 hours ago, j0lt said:

    So I was lucky enough to win a Start Collecting Box for KO in a local raffle, so my question would be....are there any units in the battletome (which I'm currently reading) that are absolutely dreadful and should be avoided?

    Otherwise I need to pickup some battleline units and go from there! :)

    Hey there.

    Your mileage may vary, and we could get into the Mathhammer weeds if you really would like, but as a general rule of thumb I'd avoid the following:

    Grundstok Gunhaulers: The Warscroll needs some work for sure. They do okay, but for their points cost are just not very cost effective at all. If they could be BL, or involved in better Battalion choices, maybe. But until then I'd avoid in any competitive list.

    Aether-Navigators: They need to be given some sort of support/prayer-like ability - or a dispell scroll like option. Until then, 80 points for essentially a dispel roll in the hero phase? Meh. Avoid.

    Endrinmaster: He is okay. But for his point cost you could grab more Arkanauts with 3 more Skyhooks.

    Skywardens: They are solid, but it remains to be seen why anyone would really take them over Endrinriggers. That being said, they do come in the SC box, and Battleforce. So, they are totally viable and readily available. 

    Ironclad: We all LOVE the model, I know. And the Warscroll is pretty good. The problem? 420 points is just silly for only a 4+ Save (even with 18 Wounds). Explain to me again why a flying metal fortress has a 4+ and the Dragon Turtle has a 3+? I expect these will be looked at hard for GHB2019 revision.  All said, still not a terrible choice, just not optimal.




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  2. Long time lurker, first time poster.

    As a fellow Kharadron Admiral I'd like to just to provide words of hope to those just beginning their tour of duty in the glorious Aether-Fleets.

    As a long time player of GW games, in pretty competitive environments, I was, at first, very skeptical of this armies competitive viability. After some substantial theorycraft, and playtesting, let me assure new KO players that this Faction is indeed viable. Very much so. This army *currently* has the tools it needs to win 4 games, even 5 games (with the right match up luck) in top tourneys.

    However, this army is not very beginner friendly, in fact quite the opposite. It has only a couple really solid builds, and each requires thoughtful placement, movement, and target prioritization. As opposed to say netlisty DoK, Khorne, and LoN lists. 

    So in short, do not listen to the doubters, continue to plug away at our awesome ships and Balloon Boys, take your lumps - and you will absolutely take your lumps until you get a good grasp of what you need to be doing. 

    CanCon was just the tip of the iceberg, and GHB2019 is likely to only inprove our lot. You will be mowing armies down in no time. 


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