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Posts posted by zamerion

  1. 3 minutes ago, zombiepiratexxx said:

    Considering that the Battletome isn't actually available generally until this weekend I wouldn't put much faith in a lot of the rumours that have been floating around. They do seem quite wishlisty as well. 

    There was a upload faq in italian lenguaje, that said exactly the same that a rumor about orruks. So maybe that are true. So maybe that changes points are ok. We Will seré un a couple of hours

  2. We’re off to hang our stockings and finish all of our last-minute preparations, but you won’t be without articles to read on Warhammer Community in the gap between Christmas and New Year. Tune in tomorrow for a huge reveal, followed by something special on Boxing Day. Throughout the week, there will be teases for what’s coming in 2024, as well as the result of this year’s Miniature of the Year vote.

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  3. Maybe the last army, will be darkoath?

    If dwabringers V will be chaos, maybe it comes with lady of ruin and some khorne heroes, but first, a box with new marauders and marauders horseman, some "heavy" infanty or small monsters, and other heroe for darkoaths.


    And what you are talking  about the next edition of warcry will be focused on cities, Is it speculation or are there rumors?

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