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Posts posted by CareBear

  1. Hey, I am a pretty fresh stormcast player (my first year). And I would really appreciate any help on coming up with a good 750 pts list for a campaign. It is possible to add to the warband later too. I have listed what I own down below. Any advice on a list, and possibly what I could add to that list later would be highly appreciated. 

    Heroes: Lord-Celestant (both on foot, dracoth and stardrake), Knight Azyros,  Lord Ordinator, Knight Vexiollor, Lord Castellant, two Lord Relictors, Lord Arcanum on GC, two knight incantors, two Lord Excorsists, Celestant Prime, Gavriel Sureheart and a Lord Aquilor.


    Battleline: 30 liberators,  10 judicators, 5 vanguard hunters and 25 sequitors.

    Units: 20 evocators, 3 vanguard palladors, 6 of each type of prosecutors, 3 vanguard raptors, 5 castigators, 5 protectors (2 starsoul), 3 aetherwings, 5 gryph hound, 5 retributors (2 starsoul). 

    Warmachines: 3 ballistas

    Endless spells: Comet, Celestian Vortex and the disc.

    As you may have guessed, I am pretty broke now. So I am kind of limited on the buying front.

    I am grateful for any advice 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Nos said:

    Then without a Heraldor to boost your combat movement you can look forward to enjoying walking half an army’s worth of points around doing nothing for most of the game.

    Well, if I only deepstrike the 10 evocators with Gavriel, they would still be able to kill anything, and it wouldn't be such a big deal. What do you think?

  3. 17 minutes ago, Karragon said:

    Over reliance on him means that no one wants to consider any other kind of list that may in fact be better, in a sort of "why would I try something else when I know Gavriel works" kind of way

    Do you know any better listsor list ideas? (I would appreciate tips about 1k lists too, although 2k is my priority right now)

  4. 15 minutes ago, HammerOfSigmar said:

    Actually, if you play graviel bomb, you will find out that the 60 points from using LA will let you have 2 CP(plus the one from cleansing phalanx and subtract one to autopass battleshock since SCE will have more drops than your opponents) at the beginning of first turn, which almost guarantee a successful 9" charge(except double 1), which is great.

    What do you mean plus one from cleansing phalanx?

    How would I be able to fit that into my list?

  5. 7 minutes ago, Karragon said:

    When running 10 evocators I usually run 5 with tempest blade & stormstave in the front and 5 with grandstaves in the back. I think math wise the grandstaves are fractionally better in most circumstances. The 2" range lets them attack from the back row but I do like to keep some rend around. Spell wise it doesn't really matter what you give them as in almost all circumstances they will be casting empower.

    Personally I hate Gavriel and I think relying on him hurts people far more often than he helps but if you do want to take him 1 CP from your turn is not enough, you need 2 at a minimum.

    Mount trait wise I like the +1" move, generally though you'll see a lot of the +1 die for Ride the Winds Aetheric.

    LA vs LAoGC. The LA is probably only better if you desperately need the points, his CA is frankly...garbage compared to the LAoGCs though his spell is interesting, it's also a shame to lose the massive movement potential of the LAoGC in an army that is otherwise pretty slow.

    Tactics wise, I'm no expert and I'm sure better skilled player will correct me, but it's a bit unsure of what it wants to be. If you're going Gavriel you want to be deep striking him and 10 evocators probably + 20 sequitors and deleting all your opponents important stuff near the back of their army. You probably also want to be deep striking the Azyros to get him into position for his buff and also the Ordinator + Ballista nest...which is a problem because that's  more than 1/2 your army that wants to be deep striking.

    I'd probably go Ordinator + Ballista + Gavriel + Evocators in the sky. Rush the Azyros forward , drop the ballista nest to take out the screen, drop Gavriel and the Evocators and sure charge whatever "elite" unit was behind the screen. Sequitors can sit on objectives and generally refuse to die (20 Sequitors + Castellant lantern will take some shifting, especially with the LA/LAoGC nearby to give them a 6+ ignore wounds and MWs)

    Why do you think Gavriel hurts more then he helps?

    The plan currently is to deepstrike Gavriel+10 evocators to delete important targets, deepstrike ballistas+ordinator on an objective, keep the sequitors and the castellant on a point (defend it) and use the azyros to support the ballistas and the mortal wound bomb.

  6. I'm pretty new to this hobby (my first year), and I wondered what you think of this 2000 points competetive list?  (I apologize if the english isn't on point, I'm norwegian and thus english is not my main language)


    Stormhost: Hammers of Sigmar

    Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger (General, 240 pts)    Having a hard time picking a mount trait. Any advice?

    Lord Ordinator  (140)

    Knight Azyros (100)

    Lord Castellant (100)

    Gavriel Sureheart (100)

    20  sequitors (400, 9 greatmaces)

    5  sequitors (120,  3 greatmaces)

    5 Liberators (200, 1  grandhammers)

    10 Evocators (400, would appreciate any tips on loadout)

    3 Celestar Ballistas (300


    139 wounds    2000/2000 points


    I would really appreciate any help. 


    How would you load the evocators (spell and weapons)? Any tactical advice on how to play it,? Should I swap the LAoGC for a LA on foot and an extra command point? Or should i keep the gryph charger?



  7. 1 minute ago, HammerOfSigmar said:

    I would say one extra command point at the beginning of first turn is pretty important for graviel  bomb.

    In this list, the main job of sequitors is to hold objectives, so I would make them more defensive. Then the ballistas and LO, you can just drop them on one objectives or near one objectives, if they sits on a terrain, they are pretty durable.

    For targets, definitely kill enemy's key unit, which depends on your enemy's list and usually those doing a lot of damage or able to buff other units. Such as evocators and castellent in your enemy's unit if your opponent play SCE.

    I really appreciate all the advice. Regrettebly I will have to be going now (it's really late here). It was nice talking to you, I think this website needs more people like you. Thanks for all the tips.


  8. 10 minutes ago, HammerOfSigmar said:

    drop the endless spells and aetherwing(your list don't really need screen unit  to protect anything),  add a graviel and change one unit of liberators into sequitor combine two units of evocators. Or further change LAoGC to LA on foot, which saves you 60 points, so you have a extra command point at the beginning of the battle. Then DS 1 unit of 10 evocators along with graviel into the battlefield, a +6" to charging to the charge of big evocators units almost guarantees a successful charge(except double ones).a big unit of sequitors just stay with the castellent to hold objectives. 

    Is one extra command point more worth then having a LAoGC instead of LA on foot?

    Tactics vise, you think the sequitors should be used defensive?  Should I use the ballistas and LO offensive with deep strike, or should I also consider them a defensive measure?

    Finally, what would be suitable targets for the Gavriel DS? And for the optional ballista DS?


    Edit: Every advice is highly appreciated. The community I associate with, as well as my friend, is highly competetive and losing every time (almost) kind of ruins the fun. Besides, I've never participated in a tournament before, and i want to start of strong. In addition, any tips when it comes to participating in a tournament would be nice, how to prepare, what to expect and so on.

  9. 6 minutes ago, nine7six said:

    Playing with idea of glyph feather charm, ethereal amulet, mirror shield.. he will be used up in front lines for those rerolls of 1.

    Ethereal amulet seems like a solid choice. Considering that the Azyros already has a 3+ save, this will probably be a huge help in keeping him alive on the frontlines. Keep in mind that mortal wounds still isa big weakness.

  10. 24 minutes ago, HammerOfSigmar said:

    Then for your list. What's your point of bring the aetherwings without bringing raptors? If it is because you like the models, that's fine. If not, you might consider changing it into something else, such as 1 blob of 10 skinks(seraphon ally). 

    For the endless spell, I don't recommend bringing the clestian vortex. It is pretty useless in my point of view when you are not facing against chaos army.

    evocators can only cast empower and three other spell on the bottom of the Stormcast battletome spell page. Actually, evocators do more damage than sequitors in model number....so they are more than just magic support units.

    I currently don't own any skinks, so the best cheap screening unit I had was the aetherwings. Maybe i can buysome of my friends skinks, if you think it's worth it?

    What about the soulsnare shackles?

    Would you say an unit of 10 evocators is better than 2of 5? What do you think about loadout? My friend says rend is better than extra damage.


    PS: Really appreciate the reply.

  11. I'm pretty new to this hobby (my first year), and I wondered what you think of this 2000 points competetive list?  (I apologize if the english isn't on point, I'm norwegian and thus english is not my main language)


    Stormhost: Hammers of Sigmar

    Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger (General, 240 pts)    Having a hard time picking a mount trait. Any advice?

    Lord Ordinator  (140)

    Knight Azyros (100)

    Lord Castellant (100)

    20  sequitors (400, 9 greatmaces)

    2x5 Liberators (200, 2  grandhammers)

    2x5 Evocators (400, would appreciate any tips on loadout)

    3 Aetherwings (50) 

    3 Celestar Ballistas (300)

    Endless spells:

    Soulsnare shackles (20)

    Celestian vortex (40) 


    140 wounds    1990/2000 points


    I would really appreciate any help. 

    I would love to hear your thoughts. Should I stick with Hammers of Sigmar? Or is there other stormhosts worth checking out? Is there anything i should change? What's your thoughts on loadouts ? Any allies that's worth taking? Is it worth spending points on endless spells, and in that case which?


    I made the list with a friend. The idea is to have the sequitors and the ballistas with the ordinator function as two big threats. The ballistas could also function as an objective holder. Lord Arcanum is there to make the sequitors battleline, Castellant to buff their save and the Azyros to help with shooting. Evocators for magic support and in case the presence of wizards is requiered for a scenario. The soulsnare shackles are to hinder big threats from performing and the celestian vortex hinders shooting while doing damage.

    What do you think?


    PS: Can evocators cast endless spells?

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