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Posts posted by Baudelaire

  1. 45 minutes ago, Mutter said:

    Did you play any games against lists that had hard alpha strikes? To me, the list seems to lack 'meat', and might crumble pretty fast if hit hard.

    I haven't. 
    I could get more "meat" in the list by taking out the Morghasts. They're most in there for modeling purposes (I think they look cool), and they bring another source of -1 Bravery, but they're not the most durable unit in the world. Taking them out would let me do some more "meatier" things: increase the skeletons to 40? Increase the Black Knights to 10? Second Mortis Engine? What would you suggest? 

  2. Quote

    Pg. 70 under the Lores of the Dead.

    Thanks for that. I missed it. It appears I owe some playtesters a minor apology... 😆
    That's unfortunate. Lore of the Vampires sucks. Maybe Amaranthyne Orb then? Maybe Vile Transference? Bleh. 


    Are you aware of the fact that every spell can only be cast once per turn? Just asking, because there really is not much use in having all your casters taking the same spell (apart from the aforementioned fact that the vamp can't take OD). Some redundancy might be okay, if it is a really powerful spell, but the choice just seems odd.

    I am. 
    This army relies on that spell being successful every turn. There is some strategy to casting order that can be employed (go ahead and block it, and I'll cast Van Hels instead, and won't THAT be fun?) and also the redundancy is important in case a necromancer falls unexpectedly. I can't afford to have that spell become unavailable at all. In the specific context of my list, that is a really powerful spell. My army can regularly stack up to -4 Bravery for 5 or more Mortal Wound screams. Against most non-daemonic armies, that is devastating. 
    Having it on both necros and the VLord was successful because at the very least, that VLord is super hard to kill. But since that's no longer an option, having had that rule pointed out to me, it's even more important that the redundancy be there. 

    At any rate, what do people think of the non-hero choices? I've tried to balance out the things that scream with things that can fight, and one large-ish block to hold really important objectives. I think it's pretty balanced, but again, I've only played three games with it. 

  3. Quote

    Except for the VloZd he can’t take the dread spell! Has to choose from the Lore of vamps... maybe vile transference to heal morghast or himself

    "All WIZARDS in a LEGION OF BLOOD army know an additional spell from one of the Lores of the Dead." 
    "A Vampire Lord on a Zombie Dragon is a WIZARD." 

    I can't see where it specifiies which Lore of the Dead a Vampire Lord has to be. Is this in a FAQ somewhere? (Sidenote: I should probably go read the FAQ for this book...) Can you give me a page number or a reference? 

  4. Long time lurker, first time poster. 😊

    After playtesting this list out for a few weeks, I think I have found what I want to build for my initial 2000 point list. So far, I'm 3-0, but I've only played against Stormcast and a weird Idoneth list. I'm curious as to your thoughts for how it may fare against a wider variety of lists. 


    Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (Aura of Dark Majesty, Soulbound Garments, Overwhelming Dread)

    Necromancer (Overwhelming Dread)
    Necromancer (Overwhelming Dread)

    Tomb Banshee
    Tomb Banshee
    Tomb Banshee


    20 Skeletons, full command
    5 Dire Wolves w/ Doom Wolf
    5 Dire Wolves w/ Doom Wolf


    5 Black Knights, full command
    2 Morghast Harbingers w/ Halberds


    Mortis Engine

    Exactly 2000 points on the nose. 

    Like I said, I've been pretty successful so far, albeit in a pretty controlled environment. So far, this army has been the Zombie Lord, the Terrorgheist, and their backup dancers. 😆 It also requires me to be very disciplined - my army has to stay together,  so they move at a slightly slower pace for the first turn or two before striking. If I'm within 15ish inches at the start of any turn, this army is BRUTAL pretty quickly. It's the first turn that has made me nervous in all three of my games... 

    Anyway, thoughts? I have only bought the skeletons and the dire wolves, so other things could theoretically still be adjusted while I begin assembly...


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