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Posts posted by GammaMage

  1. So played a 2000pt game against Ironjaws yesterday.I decided to change up my list a bit and play warlocks instead of a second cauldron, and Blood Sisters instead of Canary Heartrenders. My opponent

    Allegiance: Daughters Of Khaine
    - Temple: Hagg Nar
    Mortal Realm: Aqshy
    Bloodwrack Shrine (220)
    - General
    - Trait: Devoted Desciples 
    - Lore of Shadows: Mindrazor
    Hag Queen on Cauldron Of Blood (300)
    - Artefact: Thermalrider Cloak 
    - Prayer: Crimson Rejuvenation
    Hag Queen (60)
    - Prayer: Catechism of Murder
    Hag Queen (60)
    - Prayer: Sacrament of Blood
    Bloodwrack Medusa (140)
    - Lore of Shadows: Pit of Shades
    10 x Witch Aelves (100)
    - Sacrificial Knives and Blade Bucklers
    10 x Witch Aelves (100)
    - Sacrificial Knives and Blade Bucklers
    5 x Blood Sisters (140)
    10 x Doomfire Warlocks (320)
    - Lore of Shadows: The Withering
    5 x Blood Stalkers (160)
    Avatar of Khaine (180)
    Avatar of Khaine (180)
    Balewind Vortex (40)


    We played the  Focus Points battleplan. The game started really badly with me failing my spells and a bunch of charges, and on turn two my opponent spent four command points to activate Mighty Waaagh  four times, giving his entire army.  By the end of that turn I had lost my Shrine, Cauldron, Blood Sisters and Blood Stalkers, and only killed 2 enemy models (both Brutes). I thought the game was over. However, I did still hold the centre, bottom, and right objectives, and I still had two Avatars, a Medusa with Pit of Shades, and 10 Warlocks still on full health, One avatar managed to solo-kill kill his squad of 3 Goregrunters, taking the left objective, while the other intercepted brutes sent to capture my right objective, and the spellcasters  held the bottom and centre, dealing over 20 mortal wounds between them.. Somehow, the fight for the centre ended with a hag queen on 1 wound facing down a Megaboss on Maw-Krusher - who only counts as one model, meaning, I still controlled that objective (I think that is how the rules work). She deserves to be given some sort of title. End of the fourth turn, I did lose the right objective, but I was already far ahead in points, and we had to end the game there as it was closing time in 15 minutes. So basically, the game came down to the big stuff absorbing enough attacks that my glass cannon wizards and girls were able to dish out lots of damage in the late game by virtue of not being dead.

    Also, Avatars are amazing.

    It was fun to play the warlocks and have them actually do what they are supposed to do, but I'm still not convinced they are worth their points. Blood Stalkers were meh as usual, and I really missed the ability to deep strike in some Canaries late game to mess with my opponent's objectives. I do think I need to get a third lot of Witch Aelves so I don't have to use my Shrine as a general to make the Blood Sisters battleline. The new version of the Vortex is still very good, but I forgot to summon it on the first turn, which may have let me hit something with Pit of Shades before things went bad. I'm really considering getting the rumoured Daughter's battleforce, even though I don't really need a 4th Cauldron/Shrine model.

  2. What do you guys think of Lifetakers? I'm wanting to add a battallion to my army, and thinking of going for Cauldron Guard, as I'm not really a fan of the Sisters of Slaughter aesthetic, but I see most people prefer Heartreanders to Lifetakers. Are the Lifetakers good enough? And is it better to play them in squads of 5 or 10?

  3. The story is a great start - remember, battletomes are about more than just the mechanics, they're about the army's look and history and lore too. To get people excited about an army it needs good hooks on multiple levels, because people play AoS for very different reasons to each other. But this Battletone is growing on me more and more as I'm thinking about it.

    I have panther lancers from Mantic's Kings of War game  and the models are...pretty bad actually, but with a bit of greenstuff patching and some good painting they could make decent female lions. I tossed the riders and saddles though, they were awful.

  4. 12 hours ago, Double Misfire said:

    All of me wanted their story to have a definitive ending at the end of first War of the Vampire Counts. Where it did.

    Their inclusion the End Times was completely unnecessary  as they were about as definitively "dead" as undead characters can get without any loose ends left to tie up. Vlad's bizarro nice guy characterisation didn't help.


    Nagash is why we can't have nice things. ?

  5. I mean, death is grim and dark by nature. I suspect Portents will mainly involve Nagash taking back Shyish (which currently is still controlled by Chaos afaik after Nagash promised to help the Stormcast take back the Allgate, and then didn't show up). He might invade other realms like Aqshy and Chamon, but I wager that would end with mixed success at best. Losing Shyish does put Chaos on the back foot though, it leaves them with control of only Chamon, while Order still holds Aqshy and Ghyran.

  6. 17 hours ago, bsharitt said:

    Outside of new armies, have their been any rumors of "Battleforce" boxes or something similar for the holiday season? Or are the Firestorm great cities boxes this years big boxes?

    GW sent us a survey near the beginning of the year asking how well the Battleforce boxes did and if we thought they should do something similar this year. But aside from that, there's been nothing on that front.

  7. I'm not sure I'm actually using the Knights for what most people would actually call a defensive strategy. I don't use them to hold objectives, though they can do that in a pinch. I mostly use them for ranging in front of my army, and engaging enemy forces long enough to for my slower foot troops (Black Guard and Executoners) to move up and charge. So they do often get in a first charge (though sometimes things don't work out and they get charged instead). Now maybe that's what Dark Riders are supposed to be doing, but so far in my games they die too quickly to actually keep the enemy in place long enough to get my elite foot units into charging distance. (The speed boost from Decanter of Egos might change this, will have to test it, but that is a DC artifact, so not relevant to Anvilgard.)

    On a slightly different tack, we have spoken a lot about druchii, and mentioned Stormcast, but there are other Anvilgard options we haven't really spoken about, like the Devoted of Sigmar. The Excelsior Warpriest is only 80 points for a 3+ prayer that heals D3 wounds, or deals D3 mortal wounds to a Chaos unit. I played one of these alongside my Treelord for a while and he did quite well. Good support for Dragons/Hydras/Dracothian Guard. I've also used a Witch Hunter to terrorise the local daemon players. They can put out a lot of wounds against daemons or wizards, but their saves are pretty low, and anyone sensible will target them early, so I'm not sure how viable they are. The Warrior Priest is interesting. His attacks are not particually great, but he can be mounted, and if you give him a shield, he has a 3+ save, so if you want a mounted hero that's not on a behemoth, he is something to consider. His prayers only work on Devoted units, but he can always drop them on himself.

    We also have access to Dispossesed units, but I don't know much about them. Irondrakes look like they might be useful due to their ranged attacks having rend, but we already have access to Judicators who have that and longer range...though the Irondrakes can put significantly more shots if they don't move.

  8. I find that, unless I retreat, it's unlikely I'll get to charge more than once anyway. By the time I kill the unit I charged, other stuff has charged into the knights. I dunno if maybe I should use them more as a flanking unit, keep them back till my Bleakswords are engaged and then charge in from the side?

  9. You have to charge with them if you want them to actually hurt stuff, but I find they're fast enough to grab objectives, and, barring lots of mortal wounds or high rend, tanky enough to hold them.

    It would be nice if they got dropped in points. They are a little expensive. Shadowblade Dark Riders are cheaper and faster, but tend to die horribly and don't deal more damage. I don't have much experience with the Freeguilds or Stormcast cavalry so can't speak to their effectiveness.

  10. Are the Corsairs useful if you take the melee weapons and play them in a big block to activate their +1 to hit rolls? I am thinking about buying the Anvilgard box set, but I dunno if it's worth it. If the Corsairs were battleline outside of Scourge allegiance, I'd probably get the box, but as it stands the box has no generic battlelines in it...

  11. It is worrying that they are errataing rules in books that just got released. I'm really glad I didn't buy it now (was holding off till Christmas), as I doubt that it is better than me taking Darkling Coven allegiance. I still like the lore, so my Darklings will come from Anvilgard. I understand why they changed it, but I'm sad I can't use both now. It was fun.

  12. So this is what we played (1400 points, max 300 pts of allies):


    Allegiance: Darkling Covens / Anvilgard

    Sorceress (80)
    - General
    - Trait: Master of the Sorcerous Arts
    - Artefact: Decanter of Egos
    Sorceress (80)
    Assassin (80)
    Knight-Azyros (80)

    10 x Bleakswords (100)
    10 x Darkshards (100)
    10 x Darkshards (100)
    10 x Black Guard (160)
    10 x Executioners (180)

    5 x Dark Riders (120)

    Thrall Warhost (180)

    Balewind Vortex (100)



    Allegiance: Ironjawz

    Orruk Megaboss (140)
    - General
    - Trait: Live to Fight
    - Artefact: Destroyer
    Orruk Warchanter (80)
    Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)

    10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)
    10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)

    Weirdfist (200)

    He had less drops than me and made me go first. I set up my Dark Riders, Black Guard and non-general sorceress on the left side (with Assassin hiding in the Dark Riders), and everything else on the right. First turn I used the decanter,  and tried to get my Bleakswords in for a first strike, but they failed the charge. The Knight-Azyros grabbed the right objective however.  On the other side, the Sorceress summoned a Balewind (I decided not to do the whole summon Balewind next to objective so you can't get rid of me). The Dark Knights moved to screen off that objective. I forgot to shoot with them. Might have been able to deal a wound or two to the gore-gruntas. On his turn he charged gore-gruntas into my dark riders and Ardboys into my Bleakswords. Worried that my Riders might die, and with his heroes too far away, I dropped the Assassin behind the Dark Riders so she could at least grab the objective. He wiped out the Bleakswords immediately, and then using the Ironjaws allegiance thing, hit my Riders and killed three with the Gore-Gruntas. He then got the double turn,  and continued by hurting my Darkshards, Bleakswords, and killing the rest of my Dark Riders. The Ironjaws keep attacking thing is really annoying, by the way. Fortunately his Weirdnob kept failing casting rolls, and my Knight-Azyros with mystic shield and the healing from the objective held on despite him killing large numbers of my units. By the end of turn 3 I had nothing left on the left objective, but my general, Knight and Executioners had managed to survive and give a good accounting of themselves. I was on 7 points by then, and he worked out that even if he killed my whole army (which he probably could have done), he couldn't catch up on victory points, so called the game. So yay, a win for me. :D Sadly, I never succeeded on the Anvilgard allegiance trait (partly because he kept wiping out entire units at once).

  13. It's still Wed morning here! Will let you know how it went this eve. We are playing Duality of Death, which I suspect is gonna be difficult to pull off. I am playing a Knight-Azyros, so he should be good for holding a point especially with the healing stuff, but the rest of my heroes are squishy dark elves. I'm gonna try drop a Shadowblades Assassin on one of his heroes. I spent last night converting one of the witch elves from the Cauldron into a cool-looking female assassin. We'll see how she does!

  14. I suspect we are maybe getting Deathrattle early next year, wasn't expecting it this year. But this is just my guessing, and it could turn out that the Sepulchrul Guard are just an isolated release for Shadespire and they are only giving them AoS rules because the other Shadespire stuff already has.

  15. Yeah, I'm assuming I can't ally in Daughters of Khaine until I'm told otherwise. Fortunately for me, Witch Aelves with bladed shields make really awesome dynamic-looking Bleaksword proxies, and people here will be cool with me using them as such. Now to wait for Drakespawn Knights to be back in stock...

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