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Posts posted by Batch

  1. Well looks like I should try NH again. Poor guys have been in storage for too long. Going to give this list a crack soon. Should be able to properly utilise the teleporting shenanigans

    Allegiance: Nighthaunt
    - Procession: Emerald Host
    Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (120)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Lord of the Host
    - Artefact: Pendant of the Fell Wind
    Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (120)
    - Artefact: The Traitor Knight's Blade
    Dreadblade Harrow (90)
    Spirit Torment (120)
    Reikenor the Grimhailer (160)
    - Lore of the Underworlds: Soul Cage
    10 x Hexwraiths (260)
    10 x Hexwraiths (260)
    30 x Grimghast Reapers (420)
    Black Coach (220)
    Deathriders (130)
    Chronomantic Cogs (80)

    Total: 1980 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 111

    Basically the idea is buff bomb, with my experience with Tempest Eye, with the help of the Pendant, Hexwraiths moving 15" should be able to get mostly anywhere turn one, pump the Knight of Shrouds CA into each and drop the Spirit Torment behind them before they go in. Have Reikenor drop the Cogs and that's 17" of movement son, run past them first maybe? The list is 6 drop so potentially give the first turn away, but it depends on the list. The Dreadblade is there as Tax, but he can be an objective grabber, the second Knight will be Deepstriking out the back with the Reapers, hoping we can get a 7" charge. Toss the Coach out like a Bay blade and just see what happens.

    I'm playing this unlike any other death army, I'm basically going to ignore healing mechanics because that's where things usually fail. Deal with the small fry with the large amount of attacks first and hope to guard against the brunt of the high rend elites/heroes 

  2. Let's ask the real questions like what the hell are the base sizes for Hero Builder, its killing me.

    (Also I browse 4chan all the time for info, its usually pretty good, but if you think people are going to behave on an anonymous board you've got another thing coming, just move along and accept it)

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Frowny said:

    When I did similar math for myself hammerers won out as the killiest thing in the book. Unlike executioners their me continue as attacks, making them much stronger. And they are 20 pts cheaper than greatswords. The thing that pushed them way way over the top is a possible 3rd attack from the warden king. There is lots of +1 hit or wound in the book but once you get near maxing out at 2+/2+, things start to plateau for everything. They also have access to the only -1 rend buff, so their max is much higher. If you really wanted you could get 2+/2+ rr everything -5 rend or something for a guaranteed 3.5 damage for every model. Obviously absurd.

    I do feel that the speed of the dwarves makes them less appealing that I'd want, but they didnt match up too badly overall. 


    Speed isnt much of a problem when we have so much CP generation,  Living City and the Endless Spell Bridge.

    Get those Dorfs close!

  4. 14 minutes ago, MisterH said:

    I noticed a discrepancy. In the Battletome, in the Freeguild Guard description, it says this:

    "The unit is armed with one of the following weapon options: Freeguild Halberd; Freeguild Spear; or Freeguild Sword and Shield."

    However, in the Warscroll Builder, the options are:

    • Halberds and Shields
    • Spears and Shields
    • Swords and Shields
    • Militia Weapons

    Which is correct?

    Always go by the Warscroll, the builder has a habit of having a tonne of problems, don't know if they fixed it yet but you can't even select a weapon for your Gyrocopters yet either

  5. 21 minutes ago, Bladedwind said:

    Fair enough! I like the Volleyguns profile for sheer volume, and 27 inches is pretty scary. But I can see the point.

    Dropping the steam tank does free up points, but what else would I be dropping to make this list work points wise?

    It's hard to say, and it really depends on how you want to run the army, you've got a lot of Dwarves,  so do you want to run this as more combat heavy, or do you want to tank it out while your Artillery pummels the enemy.

    My first thought is maybe take out the Ironbreakers to free up some room for your speed. The most I can do is show you the list I'm building and you might get an idea.

     Runelord (90)

    Lord Ordinator (140)
    Generals Adjutant
    Cogsmith (60)
    Trait: Seat on the Council
    Magnificent Macroscope

    Celestial Hurricanum w/ Battlemage (280)
    Steam Piston Plate mail
    Spell: choking fumes

    Irondrakes x 20 (300)
    Longbeard x 20 (220)
    Ancestral weapon w/ shield
    Freeguild Guard x 10 (80)
    Sword and shield

    Helstorm Rocket Battery (130)
    Helstorm Rocket Battery (130)
    Helstorm Rocket Battery (130)
    Helstorm Rocket Battery (130)

    Gyrocopter x 3 (180)
    Steam gun

    Greywater Artillery company (120)

    2 Extra CP
    116 Wounds
    1990 Points

    So here I've got three lines basically 

    1. Gunline where I've got my Cogsmith and Ordinator supporting my Artillery from afar. 

    2. The Dorfs going down the middle, Longbeards to Tarpit and support the Irondrakes as well as the Hurricanum. 

    3. Gyros to go sit on an objective,  and deal a decent punch to hordes before they definitely die.

    Also have a unit of Freeguild Guard to either Guard the artillery or hold a point in home territory should the play type call for it.

  6. 59 minutes ago, Bladedwind said:

    Quick list I put together and I want an opinion. Idea is to move 1 Runelord with the staff as a companion to the Steam Tank to buff it and keep it healed as well as on unit on the side. The other side is a steady dwarven advance of artillery with bulk of the army, doing my best to make the artillery the center of my line and shoot the living bejesus out of everything in between


    Greywater Fastness

    Realm of Ghyran

    Batallion: Greywater Artillery Battery 120 Points


    General: Warden King with Steam Piston Plate, Drillmaster Trait 110 points

    Runelord Adjutant with Wand of Restoration 90 Points

    Runelord 90 Points

    Lord-Ordinator 140

    Cogsmith 60


    Hammerersx20 280 Points

    Ironbreakersx20 260 Points

    Irondrakesx20 300 Points

    LongbeardsGW×10 110 points


    Helblaster Volleygun 120 Points

    Helblaster Volleygun 120 Points


    Steamtank 200

    Alright I find with Greywater you either invest in Artillery or Stanks, have both and you kind of lose direction.  If I can make a few suggestions for this list.

    Lose the Steam Tank and replace the Volleys for Rockets, I doubt at times the Volley could reach all targets. So that being said you can lose the second Runelord or dedicate him to the big beefy line of Dorfs. Now I wont take anything else but make some suggestions. 

    Hurricanum is really rather good to stick next to your Irondrakes, To get the most out of that battalion I suggest 4 Artillery pieces and finally you need some speed in this army so either Gyrocopters OR grab a wizard and take the Bridge endless spell, being CoS it's a 24" move and you can get your Hammers right up close.

  7. 31 minutes ago, valenswift said:

    Bit disappointed with the cities being so specific and you can't create your own.

    Anyways, my question is about the 1 in 4 rules. If i have a living city army can i have 1 in 4 Sylvaneth AND 1 in 4 SCE AND IDK as allies? 

    Okay so it works like this to my understanding

    1-4 units of Sylvaneth become living city, not allied

    1-4 units of SCE become living city, not allied 

     Both of these are separate so you can have up to 4 of each. Now IDK you can have as many units as you want as long as they dont go over the 400 point ally restriction.

    • Like 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, Melcavuk said:

    The Crew are all on the same base because thats mine. I also have seperately based crew. My militia unit has transitioned into the spare crew members for my artillery units.

    Kewl they look great by the way congrats, just not sure if suddenly we need to have models assembled differently because reasons....

    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, The Merchant Prince said:

    Separate bases is most correct - yes, they're all one unit for gameplay purposes, but even the celestar ballista has the crew on separate bases.

    Hmm, just decided to check the base recommendations and it shows the crew as separate,  curious GW show them all on the one base though.

    • Like 1
  10. 20 minutes ago, XReN said:

    It's kinda sad how much Hellstorm Battaries got nerfed, yesterday it kinda struck me - full 4 battaries in a battalion double shooting is equivalent to 40 man strong KO company with chemist, but more expensive, only once per game, less wounds, no added damage in form of pistols, can't shoot at close range. This is very dissapointing if we look at what benefits we get - almost twice the threat range, CP and Artefact. 

    Why it lost an ability to shoot without LOS? Why it doesn't get better damage at least against hordes?

    I agree for the most part but are KO able to shoot as far as 39"?

    And I think it depends how crazy your groups are with terrain, I dont think Line of sight will be that big of an issue.


  11. Alright been doing a bit more list building for a Greywater Army...I think I need to let go of my love of Steam Tanks

    Runelord (90)
    Trait: Seat on the Council

    Lord Ordinator (140)
    Cogsmith (60)
    Magnificent Macroscope
    Celestial Hurricanum w/ Battlemage (280)
    Steam Piston Plate mail
    Spell: choking fumes

    Irondrakes x 20 (300)
    Longbeard x 20 (220)
    Ancestral weapon w/ shield
    Ironbreakers x 10 (130)

    Helstorm Rocket Battery (130)
    Helstorm Rocket Battery (130)
    Helstorm Rocket Battery (130)
    Helstorm Rocket Battery (130)

    Gyrocopter x 2 (140)
    Steam gun

    Greywater Artillery company (120)

    2 Extra CP
    116 Wounds
    2000 Points

    That double shot from the Artillery just looks damn Tasty. So a bit of explanation.  The Artillery line has the Cogsmith and Lord Ordinator behind them, so of course with the Rockets you aim them all at the one unit for +1 and an additional +1 for the Ordinator and rerolling 1s with the Cog Smith. Now depending on how the map is placed I could even sit the Hurricanum next to them for the first turn for an extra +1, so potentially 24 shots hitting at 39" (an extra 3" if you wanna move em forward a bit) hitting on 2s rerolling 1s and wounding on 3s. Take out their big centerpiece with -2 rend and D3 damage each. Could be devastating. 

    Send off two Gyros to nap an objective while the opponent decides how to deal with the rain of rockets.

    Down the middle we've got 20 Longbeards blocking way and letting out Irondrakes rain fire, if we get in a good position with a few things. The Hurricanum will follow them as will the Runelord. So provided if we get our Irondrakes in position a turn prior we get 40 shots at 16" hitting on 1s, ( +1 from the Hurricanum and +1 from the Greywater Command Ability) wounding on 3s rerolling 1s (Thankyou Longbeards) rend -2 (If the Runelord gets his prayer off) for only one damage a pop, but if we get 40 damage straight through then again. Devastating. 

    10 unit Squad of Ironbreakers for whatever the game requires, send them out the front, protect a point, or depending on the opponent they could protect the Artillery line.

    • Like 1
    • LOVE IT! 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, stratigo said:

    Tempest's eye also adds company. And arkanaut company with tempest eye buffs and a khemist is probably the deadliest shooting unit in the game.

    Kind of sad that Runelords didnt use the Duardin keyword in their Prayers to give the Overlords some extra rend, could you imagine

  13. Just having some thoughts with these points for a Greywater Army, no idea what will be competitive but

    Steamtank Commander (250)
    Cogsmith (60)
    Cogsmith (60)
    Runelord (90)

    Hurricanum (no Wiz) (220)
    Gyrocopter x 2 (140)
    Irondrake x 10 (150)
    Irondrake x 10 (150)
    Steamtank (200)
    Steamtank (200)
    Hellblaster Volley Gun (120)
    Hellblaster Volley Gun (120)
    Hellblaster Volley Gun (120)

    Greywater Artillery Company (120)

    Thats 2000 on the nose with a whole lot of shooty, still need to go through the tome properly to see what artefacts and so on youd give. But it looks fun.

  14. 5 minutes ago, robotnik_taco said:

    So at first glance, ironjawz got nerfed across the board and bonesplitterz got a bunch of little buffs. Hope them allegiance abilities are stellar. Poor gordrak, poor weirdnob

    I bought a Mawcrusha last week in anticipation for this book. I thought theyd keep his one unique trait and make some slight changes, not utterly butcher him. I got burnt...

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