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Posts posted by Yamarahj34

  1. Everyone talks about the bravery bomb as a method for removing models via battleshock, and therefore give it no value versus armies with immunity. I went with a different use for the bravery bomb and have found it to be quite usefull.  Bravery debuffs can be be a great way to inflict mortal wounds in an aoe, which makes it very hard for your opponent to recover as you create pressure on multiple units at once. With multiple units at -4 bravery the mortis engines/olynder are a great source of consistent damage, and the banshee can focus on heroes/special units.

    This list may not be ultra competitive in the tournament scene but I have faced serveral armies that have a tough time with it. The zombies/chainwrasps are hard the chew through and the skeletons can punch back pretty hard with van hels. Hide your heavy hitters just behind your front line and deal consistent aoe pressure. I usually pop both of the mortis engine once per game abilities on round 2-3 when the most enemies are in range, and the healing helps to counter act any shooting at your engines.

    In more casual games its not at all hard to table your opponents.


  2. This is what i usually run for meeting engagements, which are 1k but also  have those specific limitations. Mortis engine when properly protected can be overwhelming when everything is debuffed and you get the +1 to cast.



  3. Having a lot of heroes is ok,  just know what purpose they are serving. Like xren said you have a lot of bravery debuff but no way to use it. The harridans will live a little longer i suppose? You wont kill much with your units and your heroes arent really beatsticks so you wont be forcing many bravery checks to begin with.

    If you want to make the bravery bomb work either get some heavy hitters to force a rout (grimghasts can do some work and are decently tough) or convert the debuff into mortal wounds with mortis engine/banshees.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Actually the bloodsecrators buff works on any khorne unit.

    So taking a unit bullgors with him would grand you that 1needed attack per model.

    You can still get the +1 attack from the gavespawn ability, the ally warshrine was more for the 6+ additonal save.

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  5. Probably not a super strong list for tournaments but using the models I have and sort of "rule of cool." I'm also assuming that Khorne marked BoC units are still conisdered "Khorne mortals" so they can get the buffs from the warshrine. 

    Allegiance: Beasts of Chaos
    - Greatfray: Gavespawn

    Doombull (120)
    - General
    - Trait: Unravelling Aura 
    - Artefact: Mutating Gnarlblade 
    Great Bray Shaman (100)
    - Artefact: The Knowing Eye 
    Great Bray Shaman (100)

    3 x Bullgors (160)
    - Great Axes
    3 x Bullgors (160)
    - Pairs of Axes
    10 x Gors (80)
    - Gor-Blades & Beastshields

    20 x Bestigors (240)
    20 x Ungor Raiders (160)
    3 x Chaos Spawn (150)
    1 x Chaos Warshrine (160)
    - Allies

    Ghorgon (200)
    Cygor (180)

    Brass Despoilers (190)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 160 / 400
    Wounds: 147

    The idea is to give the minotaurs a bit of staying power with the 6+ feel no pain from the shrine, and use the Khorne mark buff (reroll failed hits) for whichever heavy hitter needs it to get some work done.  Stock up some primordial call points early and summon whats needed for the scenario (or just drop a second cygor/ghorgon on turn 3ish) and try to rack up CP so you can stack Salughterer's call and the gavespawn buff. Doombull should be able to do some work with 3+ attacks  3/3/-2/5 and rerolling hits/wounds on the once a game Despoilers buff. 

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